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Sunday, July 17, 2005

My Weekend in a nutshell

Friday: Got drunk.
saturday: Got Drunk in the afternoon, went home, got drunk in the evening.
Sunday: rented out constantine, wont be getting drunk ;_;

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Wednesday, July 13, 2005


Ive been So bored today, Ive been through every FF i own as well as ToS just to quell the boredom, now im just gonna settle down with the internet *hugs* yay ^^

Good thing through, my dad rung me up and said he pretty much has a full time job for me, which is good, i need money and since im always bored anyway it gives me something to do, bu I'll have to say good bye to late nights and sleeping-in ;_; 'Cos I'll probably have to get up at like 6am every day -_-'

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Monday, July 11, 2005

God im in such a bad mood, not only that but i was woken up when i didnt want to be and had to go on the net. SO excuse me while a rant a bit.

Do any of you use forums? Well I do, and at the moment most members are just getting under my skin and im itching to say something to them. First you have the members that go round 'unofficially' closing threads, thats what MODs are for, jerks! And second there are those that just announce stuff which is bollocks and say its true, frickin' morons.

|Edit| Mood change ^^
Anyway, snatched this from Pyro, just fill in the gaps:

I _______ Steve
_______ Steve thinks a lot about
________ When I think of Steve I think of
_______ If I were alone in a room with Steve I would
_____ I think Steve should
______ Steve needs
_______: If I could describe Steve in a word
______ Steve will never
_______ Steve can ______ my
_____ I hope Steve never
_______ I _____ Steve because
Steve ______ rabbits
Steve eats _______ for breakfast
______ Steve has no
_______ Steve likes to dance the
_______ Steve can't stop buying
I would ________ in Steve's face
________ I would lure Steve into a trap with
_______ I would feed Steve to
_______ I think Steve's closest relative in the animal world is the
_______ I would hit Steve with a

?Now werent that fun

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Sunday, July 10, 2005

Well, I didnt get to sleep last night, just as I was about to go to bed at about 2-ish, Josie came out of her room and wanted to play computer, so we ended up playing Halo til about 5 -_-'

Well at around 6:30 i just went downstairs and carried on with Dungeon Siege, completed it as it goes ^^ last boss is cool, was a fun fight.

might install the original Unreal and play that but i should really finish Half-Life first, in anycase Im off, ta ta.

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Saturday, July 9, 2005

Completed Area 51 about 5 minuted ago, ending was a bit....naff to put it bluntly but the game, overall, was really fun to play. Edgar (Brian Warner) was a little different than expected but ws pretty cool none the less, the last two levels have some damn hard parts to 'em but persistence always pays off, since Ive got to take it back tomorrow I doubt I'll try to find all the database stuff and secrets but i might try a quick run through of the game...I doubt it though.

Josie went out today so Im all alone ;_; might install Dungeon Siege and continue on with that or just get back to Half-Life. In any case, Im bored poopies.

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Friday, July 8, 2005

Probably wont be online over the weekend, Josies over and we rented out Timesplitters Future Perfect again.

Also, I rented out Area 51 for the Xbox. Its been great thus far, Ethen Cole (main character) is voiced by David Duchovny, agent Maulder from X-Files, and Brian Warner plays Edgar (the semi-bad guy), lead singer of Marilyn Manson.

Check out The Site for more Info.

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Thursday, July 7, 2005

Time of Post: 12:16PM GMT

Roughly about 3 and a hlaf hours ago (little before 9AM GMT) 6 explosions went off in central London, 5 of them were at Tube stations while the other went off on a double decker bus, 2 people have been confirmed dead so far with dozens injured, the whole of the London underground transport sysytem and buses in central London have been ceased and hospitals on full alert for casulties.
Tony Blair has announced they have reason to believe it was a terroist attack coinciding with the g8 summit, he plans on leaving the meeting and head back to London to get reports etc on the incident.

Anyway, thats what happened thus far, I'll keep you posted on whats going on, or check out Radio 1 and find "5 Live" to listen to the 5 live radio station which is covrering the incident.

Obviously all my love goes out to the victims families, lets hope it ended at 2.

And on a slightly lighter note, am i allowed to do this? Oo, Have any of you heard all 5 chapters of R Kelly's "Trapped in the Closet" erm saga? Its quite funny once you've heard it all, If you havent heard 'em you wont really understand but still >>

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Wednesday, July 6, 2005

Well just a quick update, for Darksoul that hadnt heard of either Unreal II The Awakening or Half-Life. check out their sites at Half-Life and Unreal II for info etc.

Got about half way through Half Life last night, should hopefully complete it tonight, fingers crossed.

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Tuesday, July 5, 2005

Had a pretty weird sleep last night. It started off at 7PM GMT, then i woke up at 1:30AM, i watched some Tenchi Universe (from 12 to 15 i think), and fell back asleep at around 6AM and finally waking back up at 3:25PM earlier on Oo
None the less, i felt pretty refreshed this afternoon after a decent sleep. Had to do more gardening, wasmt all that bad, just a bit of pruning one of the buses as it was attempting to cover the window.
Well although the beginning of the game was pretty naff, Unreal II turned out a pretty good game, a few levels in and the game picks up, the characters animations get alot better (not so much the Skaarj but the Terran look cool) and the enviroments keep up the good standard, all in all a good game, last level is pretty annoying though, having no gravity makes for tedious jumping -_-'
O well, I plan on re-installing Half-Life in a bit, Ive installed it 4 or 5 times previously but never stuck to it, Ive finished the first level the same amount of times as installing but never ventured much further, but i have the urge to play some decent sci-fi style shooters, and thats as good as they get (maybe Half-Life 2 is better though).
btw never really asked but what do you think of the plain-ness of my page? I was getting tired of having to click the crappy Backroom/guestbook buttons and the general lack of Naigation was poo anyway.

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Monday, July 4, 2005

ack, Josie came over on friday and mentioned renting a game, so after much delay-ing, we finally went over to Choices to rent out Timesplitters:Future Perfect, I own I&II so she wanted to get the thirs out, well i was just looking at the games (whats up with them not having ANY GCN games at all?!), going through some of the second hand ones, I stumbled upon Unreal II:The Awakening

Ive wanted it for AGES so thought i'd buy it, but Josie was nagging in my ear about getting TS3, so in the end I bought Unreal and payed some towards renting out TS3

Well TS3 is great, obviously, Unreal 2 however is a little....different than i expected, the character animations absolutely suck, man are they terrible, the level designs are cool and so are the weapons, hopefully the game picks up a bit though, its lacking in pace at the moment

Erm well that was my w/e, playing TS3 with Josie lol

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