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myOtaku.com: RyudoStarwind

Tuesday, November 2, 2004

Well the night before last (that being Halloween) I saw two films.

One being FearDotCom, Dark Sephy may have already told you about it (we're siblings) and since you all know I can never be bothered to go into detail, it was a pretty weird film, similar to The Ring in context, if you go to this specific site you'll dies in 48 hours. But one different thing was that the character you thought was the main one turned out to be the second lead role and ends up dying. Anywho, it was pretty decent for a horror (I dont usually like watching horrors >.>) film.

The Seond film was the Cowboy Bebop Movie, Before seeing the film Id only ever seen 2 or 3 of the episodes but the film was easy viewing as you didnt really have to watch the series to understand things (except when he refers to his dead wife), anyway the film blended action, drama and utter insanity in the form of a 13-year old girl, perfectly, definitely a must see for anime fans.

Not only that but I also went to the cinema last night and saw "Saw", The film was fantastic, t'was a thriller/crime film, the "murderer" (technically he wasnt a murderer as he made his victims kill themselves) was a cancer patient and started making people kill themselves by playing mind games with them to show them that life needs to be appreciated. In the end he.....If you wanna know what happens just ask, I dont wanna spoil it 8)

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