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myOtaku.com: RyudoStarwind

Saturday, May 15, 2004

Hey all, well today i was quite busy for a change so i guess i'll start.... well in the morning i got straight into playing Enemy Territory, as usual was an engineer and had more deaths than kills....but at around 3pm GMT i went out to a shopping canter with my mum and sis.....for once i had money so i decided i was gonna pick up a PC Online FPS...Soldier of Fortune 2 was on offer so i picked it up for a tenner..and this months issue of Nintendo official magazine UK which came with a free pack of cards yay!
Anyway after getting back rather than getting straight to playing SoF2 i carried on with ET...and same as before had more deaths than kills.
Today though was my aunts Bday party...although her Bday isnt actually til June she had one cos 1) she lives in Portugal and shes visiting at the moment & 2)she shared the party with her friend.....well it was boring as hell but luckily i brought along my newly received pack of cards and entertained myself with them...52 card pick up anyone?
Thats about it though...well cept after the party (bout 11:30pm GMT) i carried on with ET..
so thats it from me Ciao

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