Birthday 1989-07-08 Gender
Female Location Member Since 2005-07-15 Occupation Real Name
Achievements Anime Fan Since Favorite Anime Goals Hobbies Talents Ryuichi Shuichi
Sunday, November 27, 2005
Dear Guests,
I just had the weirdiest conversaion with my fiance. We planned on haveing many, many children, and all of the sudden he blurts out "Well I guess will be in bed alot then" And It was very strange.......
Dear Guests,
The strike ending is going to put my relationship with my Fiance through Hell-_- It's going to get the way it used to be...we talk once a month and sometimes he calls me on the week days....and thats it....Damn teachers and there strike endingV.V
One of my best Friends.
Dear Guests,
One of my most favorite Best Friends hates me. or at least I think soV.V I'm such a jerk and I hate myself-_- I dont even desirve to live anymore. I'm just a waste of space and air...
I suppose it's been quite some times since i've posted, ne? Well I've been alittle out of it latly...My school is still on strike so i've been resting because I've stressed myself a cold...again. Well I really don't have much to say...I suppose i'll post later on today...
I'm going to post the next prank I My first message is always weird to scare them......Bots name is: PhelexTh3Dogy329
PhelexTh3Dogy329(9:07:48): He yasl
ShannonRokzz(9:07:56): u first
PhelexTh3Dogy329(9:08:07): em? no...
ShannonRokzz(9:08:21): asl
PhelexTh3Dogy329(9:08:31): 55/male/new york
ShannonRokzz(9:08:37): yah ok....
ShannonRokzz(9:08:38): fag
ShannonRokzz(9:08:45): and im 69
PhelexTh3Dogy329(9:08:46): thta's good
PhelexTh3Dogy329(9:10:05): Please talk to me
ShannonRokzz(9:10:24): how old ru really
PhelexTh3Dogy329(9:10:33): i am 55
The user has warned the bot! Ending conversation...
PhelexTh3Dogy329: You have been talking to a computer! One of your friends is reading the whole conversation and laughing it up right now! GET EVEN! Have the bot prank all your friends by visiting imprank.ebaumsworld(dot)com
I'm so bored right now. I've pranked everyone so I have to wait 24 hours to prank them again. I want to prank people on AIM so bad I've been picking random names from chat rooms.
I guess thats all for now....