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the fiery pits of hell
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nagging girlfriend
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ummmm not too sure there
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the age of 9
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Trigun, Wolf's Rain, Hellsing, Excel Saga, Outlaw Star, Cowboy Bebop, Tenchi
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SCO, Neopets, reading, video games, drawing, and singing
Singing, drawing, and i'm sure there are a few other things
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Wednesday, February 9, 2005
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I was gonna ask Mark if he would go out with me yesterday between 3rd and forth hour yesterday, but his ex, who just happens to be a really good friendf of mine would not let me talk to him, she kept ranting on about the Dear Friends concert in Cali next month, and how if I wanted to go I would have tro buy the ticket myself. and Mark just kept on walking, ignoring Nikki obviously. V_V.......... make the stupidity STOP!!!!!! and I was so freaked out about a World History test that I forgot to ask him today........... V_V........MUST ASK MARK OUT TOMORROW!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Friday, February 4, 2005
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I just got a wierd e-mail that said: "Hey, do you have any pictures of the two of us together?" And I have know clue who it was from, I think it might be Mark, but I'm not sure. And it really creeped me out. So my friends are sending e-mails to all of their friends trying to find Mark's e-mail addy. This is sooooo irritating!
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Thursday, February 3, 2005
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I was going to ask Mark to be my date for the up-coming "morp", or the sophmore answer to the Prom (if you spell prom backwards it's morp). then i realized that he was going to be in Colorado that night.....I'M DATELESS......AGAIN!!!!! Them Mark tells me that he's going to wear a Duct tape tuexido to the prom this year..... I told him that if he picked me up in duct tape my mom would have heart failure.
Today at mom decide to pay me a visit (NOT GOOD!). Now, what makes this even worse, I was just about to ask Mark about "Butt-Sex Man"... So just as I ask him he goes quite. Then I turn around, see my mom, and get kicked in the ass. I jump up and scream "I'M BEING ATTACKED BY A TEACHER!!!" and run over to Mark. and ask him to hold me, and his natural response "In front of a teacher?!?!"(at this time he doesn't know that the teacher is my mom) So my mom finally leaves, and Mark asked who the teacher was, and I told him, and he said "thank God i didn't agree to hold you" and I told him that he was lucky it wasn't my dad.... He freaked..... Oh well, it was still entertaining.
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Wednesday, February 2, 2005
Fun Day
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Today, I wqas walking from my second hour class to my third hour class with Mark. I was really tired, so he put his arm around my waist and started singing the lullaby song, I asked him to stop but he kept singing, then I told him that if he really loved me that he would stop singing, so he stoped.......and started humming. I finally got to my locker, and Mark kept walking, so I peered my head around the corner and yelled " MARK, YOU LOSER, GET BACK HERE!" and my uncle (whose also named Mark) comes out of his class room and said and I quote "Brianne, you shouldn't call your boyfriend a loser, it's not nice." Mark and I arn't even dating.........yet...... As the days go bye, the chances that we will end up together are looking better and better.
We were all searched today, well everyone that was wearing a trench coat anyways. Me, Mark, AND Ben. Supposedly someone at one of the other schools in the district brought a weapon to school, and was wearing a trench coat.
It is very cold outside today,Mark and I were lending our coats to other people at lunch today, so we were cuddleing looked kinda wrong, but we were warm. I was trying to sleep on Mark's shoulder, when he complained that my nose was cold, so I moved, then he started shaking, so I asked him if he was cold, and he said no, but i got really close to him anyway, and he stoped shaking......WHY THE HELL IS IT SO DAMN COLD ALL OF A SUDDEN???? I was warm yesterday. Laters, I gotta go do stuff. Bye.
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Tuesday, February 1, 2005
Ummmm.....something good....
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Something potentialy good happened to me today before school started......unfortunately I can't remember what happened..... It all started when I decided that I was going to tell Mark that I like him.....a lot. Well, I went to talk to him, told him and I can't remember what happened between the time I told him to the time I left him to go to the library.... The only thing I do remember is, my ribs hurt (probably form a hug), and I think, but I won't swear to it, that we kissed. I CAN'T REMEMBER!!!!!!!!!! WHY???? I want to but I cant, it's like my brain shut dawn, or something. I think it was my nervousness that made me forget. but he's been acting really wierd around me (moreso than normal.) eversence.
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Monday, January 31, 2005
Camera = .......INSANTIY!!!!!!!!!
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I took a camera to school today and last Friday, and this is the basic result of my maddness. Sorry some of them aren't very good, I was kinda far away, or the person who took the pic was not very close.

(this is Mark, the guy the FBI was looking for.(today)This was at lunch I think he looks really cute laying an the.....cold....cement)

(Mark again on Friday, I think that is the wierdest smile I've ever seen....EVER!...but still kinda hot)

(Jeeze Mark has a really evil smile in this pic, and yes that is me behind him giving him a hug. The only reason I have such a big smile is because Mark was tickleing the back of my leg.....Sorry about the fuzziness, I had to do some major editing, we were in the middle and everyone else wanted in the pic and the person who took it was kinda far away.(today))
Jee I have a lot of pictures or Mark........oh well. See, cameras do cause insanity.....and smiles.
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Sunday, January 30, 2005
Found my phone
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I GOT MY PHONE BACK, and I'm really, really tired.
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Thursday, January 27, 2005
Really BAD day
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I have had a really bad day today. First my cellphone went missing..... Still haven't found it. and things just went down hill from there.
At lunch I heard a rumor that the FBI was looking for a really, really close friend of mine(maybe something a little more than a regular friendship). No one knew where he was and we had all seen him at some time or another today, but Mark was nowhere to be found. I sterted to get a little worried, so I went to talk with Chibi-Neko and she said that he had probavly gone home sick or something silly like that.....By this time I was getting so worried that it was making me sick, so I stood at the top of the ramp infront of the office and meowed for five minutes hoping that he would hear and come running (he usually does). At this time I was ready to cry, because I had no idea where Mark was. Then one of the guys on the swim team came up to me and comforted me, that helped a little. So I walked to my fifth hour class in tears and sick to my stomach with worry, so I just curled into a ball and cried. Now, no one at school had ever see me cry, for ANYTHING I didn't even cry when the homecoming king died in a car wreak last year. Then another friend saw me and got me up, and he asked what was wrong, and I told him that no one knew where Mark was, so he held me for a few minutes, and finally got me calmed down, so I would listen to him, he also said that Mark may have gone home and to call his cell, well, I lost mine, and couldn't remember for the life of me what his number was. So Cameron told me to meet him at the breakfast table and he would try to help me out. Well Cameron never showed up after school. That was ok tho, I found Mark between fifth and sixth hour. I ran up to him, asked where he had been at lunch, it turns out that the FBI WAS looking for him, but he made me promise not to say why. But when he told me I just started to cry, and he held me, told me that it was ok, and how sorry he was that he made me worry so much.......It was a really........ warm........ meaningful hug, kinda like.....I can't really explain it.... but I really liked it alot. I think there might have been an extreamly muffled I love you Bri in there some where also....... Ut I'm really happy I found him and found out what was going on ,and was sooooooo relived......
Thanks for listening to all my pathetic problems you guys, it really means a lot to me.
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Sunday, January 23, 2005
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Asrun Dream - Gackt
nagai yoru o tojikome yume ni sasowareru mama ni
daremo inai heya kara tsuki ni inoru
kiekake no akari no you ni
"kono mune no itami mo chiisaku nareba ii" to tsubuyaita
yoake no naka o tesaguri de aruite
hikari o abita anata no sugata ga kioku ni yakitsuite
ima mo koko ni iru
"mune ni kizamareta kimi no kasuka na shiroi kioku wa koori no you ni..."
nanimo nokosazu ni soba ni ita kamoshirenai to iu kage dake o nokoshite
sono kage mo sukoshizutsu oto mo tatezu shizuka ni kieteiku
mujaki na kao de boku ni hohoemu
nanigenai sonna shigusa ga
ima ni nareba tsuyogatte miseteta
anata no yasashisa
inoru koto no hakanasa ni kizuita boku wa
anata ni nanimo dekinakute
''mune ni kizamareta kimi no kasuka na shiroi kioku wa koori no you ni..."
nanimo nokosazu ni soba ni ita kamoshirenai to iu kage dake o nokoshite
sono kage mo sukoshizutsu oto mo tatezu shizuka ni kieteiku
nagai yoru ni mou anata wa mienai...
-English translation-
Invited by the dream that imprisons the long night
As no one's in the room, I pray to the moon
Like a flickering light,
"If only the ache in my heart would also become small," I muttered
I walk, groping in the dawn
Bathed in light, your body is scorched in my memory
Even now, you are here
"Etched into my heart, your dim white memory is like ice..."
Perhaps you were close by but left nothing behind, nothing but shadows
Those shadows and those little sounds don't form into anything, quietly disappearing
With an innocent face, you smile at me
If those casual gestures were seen now
They'd have shown courage
Your kindness
I realized the things I was praying for were transient
I can't do anything for you
"Etched into my heart, your dim white memory is like ice..."
Perhaps you were close by but left nothing behind, nothing but shadows
Those shadows and those little sounds don't form into anything, quietly disappearing
In the long night, you also cannot be seen...
I'm really bored, and can't find a Japanese version of "Eyes on Me"Xp. oh well, laters.
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Friday, January 21, 2005
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We had a pep rally today, and lucky me! I didn't have to stay for it, I had a note saying I could leave. The wierd thing was, when I tried to leave, the secutity guard not only asked for the slip, but my student ID and my drivers licence, I was confused,
After I got home, I tried to get online to say hi to you guys sooner, but there was a really bad lightning storm and I didn't wanna chance the power going out and loosing all data. Anywho, my parents got home and told me that 4 girls were escourted out of the prep rally and off campus for posession of COCAINE, I hope it isn't anyone I know,......I don't think any of them are stupid enough to take it to school tho.......I just glad I wasn't there.
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