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the fiery pits of hell
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nagging girlfriend
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the age of 9
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Trigun, Wolf's Rain, Hellsing, Excel Saga, Outlaw Star, Cowboy Bebop, Tenchi
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SCO, Neopets, reading, video games, drawing, and singing
Singing, drawing, and i'm sure there are a few other things
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Monday, January 10, 2005
New Stuff again
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I fianlly got my new entertainment center put in and all my stuff on it and ready to use. I have a whole lot more room than I had with my old one and will probably get a new TV also but I don't know when that will be. All I'm waiting for now is my futon!......STUPID EXPENSIVE FURNATURE STORES!!!!!! DAMN THEM!!!!!!!!! The cheapest futon I've found so far was close to $600. I amy have to wait a while for the bed also.....v_v oh well, good things come to those who wait.....right......RIGHT?!?!?!?!?!?
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Saturday, January 1, 2005
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Saturday, December 25, 2004
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I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas, and get to spend time with your families.
WooHoo, I got Castlevania: Lament of Innocents, and Karaoke Revolution 1 from my Grandparents. My Mom got me Paine's warrior shoes from FF X-2, and my uncle and his girlfriend gave me art supplies. I sooooo got exactly what I wanted this year.
Merry Christmas everybody, and have a safe and happy holiday.
Love Bri.
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Thursday, December 23, 2004
NEW STUFF!!!!!!!
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I'm replacing my old bunk-bed-piece-of-crap-thing that's taking up all the room in my room, with a futon. And I'm also relpacing my entertainment center with a different one, because the one I have now is on the verge of breaking because of all the weight on it. I'm gonna go caroling with some friends tomorrow, which is a good thing, because none of my friends could sing their way out of a paper bag. I'm also gonna give my DBZ tapes (the entire series) to my littel sister, because I don't want them any more.
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Monday, December 20, 2004
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My friend's Birthday is today,.....HAPPY BIRTHDAY SAN-CHAN!.....So she had the party saturday night, we played Kareoke Revolutions until 5 am.....that's like 10 hours, we started at, I think it was about 7pm, because I had to go pick up her BF who lives on Post and didn't have a ride. So Pyro and I wen't to the main gate an Mark wasn't there so we waited about 10 minutes and he still didn't show up. So I called San and had her call Mark's cell phone sence I don't have his number...about 30 sceonds after I hang up with San, i hear a phone ring and it isn't mine....then I hear Mark's voice say, "ok I see the silver Jeep.....I standing right next to it."...that was annoying!
We only got about 30 minutes of sleep saturday night, because San's dada woke up at 5:30 for donuts and coffee. On my way home I got hit with the tireds really dad, so I put a Metallica CD in and played it really loud so I wouldn't fall asleep while I was driving. As soon as I got home I went to bed and slept for like 6 hours, just in time for dinner, then I went back to sleep and didn't get up until 9:30 this morning.
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Wednesday, December 15, 2004
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I have to give a ten minuet presintation tomorrow for my World History Final!!!!!! I have a fear of public speaking, and to moke it worse, there are like 33 people in my class.....and their all....younger than me...! .......I'm so totally gonna fain my fianl....I also have to wear a two-piece busness suit, or we lose points. I think my instructor is crazy.
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Friday, December 3, 2004
I've had a really bad week
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Yesterday, one of my friends decided that she would "help" my love life, so she went up to Nathaniel, and asked him if he liked me, and he not only yelled at her but also said that he hated me. That really hurt, and it hurt even more when I saw him later that day and he said hi to me, I couldn't say and thing to him because I was afraid that I would start to cry, and no one has ever seen me cry. I cant believe that he yelled at my friend for no apperant reason. I feel so hurt and betrayed.....I just can't believe that he "hates" me, during diving season he would talk to me and.....I really don't want to talk about this any more.
I went to see The Grudge with a friend today. It was kinda scary, the ending was really bad though. It's like they're setting it up fir the sequil that will never be made. All and all it was a pretty good film, Kat almost ripped my arm out of it's socket near the end, I won't saw which part, it might ruin the movie for those who want to see it. The really wierd thing about today was that there were only two other people in the theater. I decided to be kinda mean, at one really tense part of the movie I said something and Kat screamed really loud. I had my cell phone in my back pocket, and it vibrated in the middle of hte movie and scared the crap outta me. I think I'm gonna be afraid of beds, black cats, small japanese boys, and the wierd choking sound people make when they have to go to the bathroom really bad for the reat of my life. Go see The Grudge, it's a good movie.
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Monday, November 29, 2004
Is this legal?
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I'm in World History class now and am suposted to be looking up info on the origins of Christmas. ........Is this report legal? What about Seperation of Church and State? Any way, I have like 30 pages printed out and I'm geting bored of this. I have to go to the city library on Friday after the pep-rally, since we have a half day. but I'll probably go to K-Mart or someplace else. I gotta go before I get cought, bye.
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Wednesday, November 17, 2004
Yey! Finally the photos are in.
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This is the individual photo that was taken of me on team picture day about three weeks ago, and I've been wainting for them as paciently as possable, and it seemed like they took forever to come, but there finally hear YEY!!!
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Tuesday, November 16, 2004
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I finally went back to school yesterday, after being sick for two weeks, damn I had a lot of catching up to do. Lucky for me, I was getting my homework brought home to me so I could do it while I was at home. Well I'm for the most part fully caught back up work wise, and I'm farther along than a lot of people in my Wood Tech class, I also threatened to hit a guy in the head with a 2x4 but my dad wouldn't let me, because he needed to use the piece of wood I was gonna hit the guy with. Wood Shop is great, the teacher (my dad) said and i quote "I will never see a girl hit a guy. Guys, I may pick you up off the floor and send you broken and bleeding to the nurse. But I will never see it happen. But if a guy hits a girl I will write you up for sexual harassment." I thought that was great, because this guy wont leave me alone and I've threatened to injure him many time this year, and he doesn't seem to understand that not only am i physically capable of throwing across the room, but also breaking his arms ins several places without trying very hard, and my dad keeps warning him about what I'm capable of doing, but he wont listen. But I also think he's afraid of me alot, every time I get out of my seat he ducks, covers his head, and tries to hide behind his book-bag. THis could work to my advantage.
Does anyone have any idea how to make this guy leave me alone other than beating the living crap out of him? Please help me out, I'm desperate, I'm about to murder him if he doesn't stop!
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