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the fiery pits of hell
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nagging girlfriend
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ummmm not too sure there
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the age of 9
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Trigun, Wolf's Rain, Hellsing, Excel Saga, Outlaw Star, Cowboy Bebop, Tenchi
Not sure anymore
SCO, Neopets, reading, video games, drawing, and singing
Singing, drawing, and i'm sure there are a few other things
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Tuesday, November 9, 2004
still sick......
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It's been almost a week and a half and I'm still sicker than a dog. My doctor did a rapid strep test and a regular strep test and both came back negitive. I've had a low-grade fever for about a week now, and I'm so behind in my school work, I may be taking 5 years of high school >_<;
All week and last weekend all I've wanted to do was crawl under a rock and die, trust me, if you go to my school, and I'm there tomorrow, don't come near me, you don't want this, it's NOT FUN!!!!!
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Saturday, November 6, 2004
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Being sick is not fun, I went to the doctors yesterday, sat in the waiting room for like an hour and when they finally call me they tell me they have no idea what I have. I've been sick since last Sunday and couldn't get in to see the docyors till yesterday. I've been so sick that I don't even want to play video games or draw, and that's rare, on days I home sick all I do is play videogames or draw. I hope you guys feel better than I do, I gotta go. Laters.
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Saturday, October 30, 2004
...WE SUCK!!!!!
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Our Football team sucks balls! I went to a home football game last night, I was about 4min late, but by the time I got there, the other team already got a touchdown!!!! So I was talking with a bunch of friends, and by the time I left at 9:30 we were losing 38-0 >_<.; Well as to be expected, as soon as I got to my car, the anouncer dude said that we got our first touchdown, I figured: Damn, I should have left earlier, then maybe we'd be winning. Well gotta go, talk to ya'll later :D.
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Thursday, October 28, 2004
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I CANT COMPETE IN THE STATE DIVING CHAMPIONSHIPS NEXT TUESDAY!!!!!! I'm better than over half the people that get to go, DAMNIT it's not fair. My friend told me to look on the brite side, I have two more years to make it to State.
I got my Driver's License yesterday! Yeay for me!!!!
I had to go to our local Wal-Mart after school today, so I could buy a camera for tomorrow, there's a costume contest at school and I wanted to get pictures of the costumes. I'm dressing as Squall from Final Fantasy VIII. Well just as I was unlocking my car, one of my friends ran up to me almost in a panic because she had missed the athletic bus. So I had to take a side-trip to the City pool to drop her off at swim practice. When I finally got to Wal-Mart some moron ran a stop-sign and almost hit me, I HAD THE RIGHT-OF-WAY DAMMIT!!!!! People are just so stupid sometimes...
GOOD LUCK SWIMMERS!!!! Tommorrow is the regonial championship for the swimmers. GOOD LUCK GUYS!!!! yer gonna need it(mumbles under breath).
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Sunday, October 24, 2004
Diving Party
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Yesterday the diving team had a party to celebrate winning every meet we had....We're undefeated!!! We played DDR for about an hour, all the guys were doing something else, so I took my over shirt off I had a spagetti stap on under it, and as soon as I took it off Nathan walked in and stared at my breasts, whish were kinda almost falling out of my shirt. >_< Then we played Twister, it came down to Jay and David, and that game lasted about half an hour. I fot some good pictures of the game, there funny also.
There were these two little girls, about 7, i think. who bothered the only two angry people, and Nathan, and would not leave us alone. One of them ran up to Nate and started yelling airplane airplane, so Nate picked her up and spun her around a few times while I watched, then I got up to get a soda and he said " I love you Bri, catch." So I played airplane, and Nate and I tossed this little girl back and forth between us for about five minutes, untill we got tired. So all day Nathan and I were known as Fun-Man and Fun-Lady. I acctually had a lot more fun than I thought I would have. I'm still on a soda-hi and I'm tired, not a good combo.
I have to be a school at 6:00am tomorrow, for regionals and state is next week!!! Yey!!! ITS FINALLY OVER!!!!!! I will post Twister Pics when I get them Devoloped.
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Saturday, October 23, 2004
Thursday was FUN!!!!
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THe Buena HIgh Chorial Uninon...250 students went to the Arizona State Fair on Thruesay, we left at 7:20 am and got to Phoenix 30min before we were scheduled to, so we had to wait to get our ride passes. The Booths didn't open till noon and we got there at 11:15. Then we all had to report to the concert hall thing so we could do warm-ups. The hallway we were singing in, was about 12ft, and was maybe 150ft long. and we somehow managed to fit all four choiors into this room and still have a little room to move around. Well this hallway was blocked off, and had 250+ people in it, and we all got dizzy from the heat. Well as soon as we were done with warm-up, we find out that the screwed-up the times, and we wern't supposed to perform untill 1:45pm so we were let loose into to fair-grounds. I'll have you know, it was perfectly clear untill we finished our warm-ups, then all of a sudden it was pouring!!! So we rode a few rides in the rain untill it was our time to sing, then we find out that a middle school choior cut into our time, so they cut one of the songs I was doing short, not anyone elses, MINE! While we were watching the middle school sing, we were all huddled in a giant ball of soaking-wet, cold, pissed-off teens. So I grabbed Nathan (Yes that Nathan) and told him to shand behind me so I wouldn't be cold, so he did, then the wind changed directions, and the water that was running off the tarp was landing on Nathan, needless to say eh jumped forward, and I got hit with something I really didn't want to get hit with. THe concert went really well, I'm pretty sure we won.
After the concert we had 3 hours to fun around, as long as we didn't get sick. well....everybody went outside in the pouring rain where it was about 47 degrees and rode all the rides that were up and running, which was most of them. While I was buying a Turkey leg Nathan runs up to me and says hi, so I told him that next time he was on stage he needs to keep his hands out of his pockets while he's singing, so he yells "I LOVE YOU TOO!" that really kinda freaked me out...I finally get him to say I love you and he's mad at me when he says it! As soon as we get on the bus to head home it stoped raining and cleared up! It's like god didn't want us to have a good time.
Well there were like no choir people at school yesterday and I wasn't feeling to well, I played a game that I didn't really like too much, I walked up to Nic and played a game called "How Fast Are Your Reflexes?" and collapsed on him. Lucky for me he always has good reflexes and cought felt like the room was spinning for a few minutes but it did stop. I feel a lot better now, but am still really tired. Talk to you later.
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Tuesday, October 19, 2004
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Well today has been rather hellish, before school today I tripped, fell and hit my head on the back of a chair, I've been dizzy all day, but I thought that I was just getting up too fast. So my Mom took me to the nurse and she asid that I cant go to diving peactice today and if i'm still dizzy tomorrow that I wont be able to compeate. And it's the last meet of the season!!!!!!
Reaginals are on Monday, and the State Championship is on November 2, that's a Tuesday...In Phoenix!
On thursday the Buena Choir, yes all four of them, are going to the state fair, for a state-wide competition. and free rides all day!!! We leave school at 7:20 am and don't get back until, I think 9:30 pm.....DAMN IT NATHAN AND I ARE ON TWO DIFFERENT BUSES!!!!! My friend recomended calling his cell phone when I got bored, and not tell him who it was, just to annoy the crap outta him. I think i'll do that, just because I'll have nothing better to do.
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Monday, October 4, 2004
Why are all these guys hitting on me all of a sudden?
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Last Friday was our Homecoming Football game, and there was this guy, who I kinda knew form school, I saw him around sometimes. Then all of a sudden outta nowhere he starts hitting on me. Well while this was going on my friends kept walking and we got seperated, so I told him, "Thanks Trevor, you made me lose my friends!" so he asked me if I wanted a hug and I said no, so he gave me one anyway. Then Nic walked over in his JROTC uniform and said "Pardon me sir, by I don't think the lady really wants a hug, so I suggest that you let her go." Well, he did, then he drug me to the consession stand...and said, and I quote "I hope my girlfriend doesn't get jealous!" WTF is up with that?! God I am so confused...
Fall break has really throwen off the diving schedule, this week alone we have THREE meets, all away, in Tucson! Then we have regonials and if we dont make the cut there we turn in our suits and stop going to practice, and if you do make the cut, we contoinue to practice then go to State in November, I'm pretty sure I good enough to make it, at least I hope. I'll tell y'all how things go later, when I'm not so confused.
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Friday, September 24, 2004
Diving meet update.
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We did very well on Wednesday's diving meet in Tucson, out of the total 30 divers 25 of them were girls, and in the womens competition I placed 3rd overall.
The meet started later than planned, it was suposted to start at 7:00pm but it didn't until 8:30, and after that, we had to go up to Phoenix for the Xavior Diving Invitational. It was a state-wide competition and two of my teammates made it to the top 16 in the men's division; Jay: 8th David:13. I didn't compete yesterday, so I slept.
We got to the hotel in Phoenix at about 1:30 in the morning, and had to get up at 5:00 am, and leave at 6:15 so we could regester to compete, and still have time to warm-up before we had to dive.
Well, there was and incident at the hotel.... For overnight "school functions" the coaches have to duct-tape the room doors shut, so they would know if anyone snuck out of the rooms. Well someone got smart, two of the girls in the room next to the one that I was in took the screen of the window and climbed out, and into the boy's room. They got caught smoking in a no-smoking room, and a whole lotta other things that I really din't want to go into because it would take to long to tell. Well, one on the boys, my friends brother took the fall for all the other guys on the team, so they could dive. The two girls and the boy are now banned from any and all sports for the rest of the school year. I slept through the whole thing, thank god, and in the morning everybody's bags were searched.
After the men's diving, A lot of us went to sleep, the girls were so tired when it was there turn to compete, that nobody from Buena got to the sceond round. While I was asleep, one of the coaches from another school thought that I had passed-out from dehydration and woke me up.
So I moved under a permenent onning at the pool, and went back to sleep. I think I was about 1'2" away from Jay, and my camera had 23 pics left when i went to sleep and only 20 when i woke up.
On our way back there was a really bad car accident at the exit to go to Sky Harbor Internationl Airport, traffic was backed up for about 6 miles. We had two vans, instead of one bus, girls on one, boys on the other, well....we lost the guys, they got stuck in traffic, and we took a detour. So we planned to meet-up at the rest-stop we stoped at the night before. The boys beat us by like 15 minutes!!! AND THEY GOT STUCK IN PHOENIX RUSH-HOUR TRAFFIC!!! The guys got bored, so while Jay was sleeping, they tied him up with string that was left from the balloons that they stole from the restaurant we went to for diner, then they duct-taped his mouth shut and wrapped him in seran-rap. It looked really funny when we got out of the van, and a man wrapped in seran-rap hopped twards us, when I first saw Jay, I didn't think he had any pants on because of where they tied his hands at, and we got back to school at about 9:00pm last night, and my parents said that I was sound asleep this morning that they put ice in my blankets and I still didn't wake-up. I finally got up at 9:30 and thought that I was still in Phoenix.
Diner was fun last night, We went to an all-you-can-eat buffet and ate a lot of sugar. We stuck three tables together so most of us were at one table. And we were telling bad jokes, scareing small childern, and sucking the helium out of balloons. Nathaniel Came back to the table with four plates loaded with food, so as he sat down I yelled hey look everybody, Nathan brought all of us our diner! He put the plates down and turned and said, I don't care what you think, this is MY food and you don't get any. So as he sat down I looked at his plate.. the food was color coordinated, nothing touched anything else and it was also arranged by texture... He then looked at his plate also, paused and said, "I think I might be a little obsessive-compulsive." Later Kiefer got up to get dessert, as he came back to the table he pointed out "Hey guys, look, I have Nathaniel Syndrome, everything's yellow" we all had a good laugh.
This is the mother-of-all bad jokes, Sara told it to us.
There was an injured fly flying over a river, little did the fly know that there was a fish in the river. The fish said, "When that fly drops six inches I'm gonna eat it."
Little did the fish know that there was a bear watching him, and the bear said "When that fly drops six inches and the fish eats it, I'm gonna eat the fish."
Little did the bear know that there was a hunter on a ledge watching him, and the hunter said "When that fly drops six inches, and the fish eats the fly, and the bear eats the fish, I'm gonna shoot the bear."
Little did the hunter know that there was am mouse behind him, waiting for the bag of cheese on his belt to fall, and the mouse said "When that fly drops six inches, and the fish eats the fly, and the bear eats the fish, and the hunter shoots the bear, and the bag of cheese falls to the ground, I'm gonna get in the bag and eat the cheese."
Little did the mouse know, there was a cat behind him, and the cat said "When the fly drops six inches, and the fish eats the fly, and the bear eats the fish, and the hunter shoots the bear, and the bag of cheese falls to the ground, and the mouse jumps into the bag to eat the cheese, I'm gonna also jump into the bag and eat the mouse."
Well the fly droped six inches, the fish ate the fly, the bear ate the fist, the hunter, shot the bear, the bag of cheese fell to the ground, the mouse jumped into the bag, and the cat followed. Well the cat and mouse started fighting, and the bag started rooling down the hill and into the river, drowing the cat.
There is a moral to this story:
When the fly drops six inches, the pussy's gonna get wet.
Talk to ya later.
Luv Bri
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Wednesday, September 22, 2004
Phoenix Ho!
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Everywhere we go
People want to know
Who we are
So we tell them
We are the Colts
Mighty fighting Colts
GO BUENA!!!!!!!
Lets go Buena Lets go!!
Today the diving team is leaving for Phoenix today at 3:00pm we have an invitational tomorrow at 8:00 am ...NO SLEEP TONIGHT!!! Internet is still down...I'm at school now, so I'll have to get off soon.
We won't be back from Phoenix till 10:00pm tomorrow, so I'm not gonna get much sleep the rest of the week, I put a pillow in my sport bag, I'll sleep between Tucson and Phoenix tonight.
Wish us Luck!!
I did something last Thursday that I think I might regret for the rest of my life, we had a home diving meet that day, and my friend Nathaniel had to sing the National Anthem. Well, as soon as I got there, he ran up to me shaking like a leaf. And begged me to not let them make him sing, he was terrified. So I told him that he should close his eyes, forget where he was, and pretend that he was auditioning for a choir solo. So he said that he would do that. Well, about half way through the song, I think he opened his eyes and he paused...and I think my heart acctually skipped a beat. but he did finish the song and went outside to catch his breath, and I went out with him, and I was so excited that he had not passed out that I kissed him, and he didn't even notice. So the next day I told him that I liked him a lot, and now every time I see him he smiles and waves at me......Nathan NEVER smiles..for anything!!!!
Well, gotta go, talk to ya later, an tell ya how the meet went.
Love ya,
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