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the fiery pits of hell
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nagging girlfriend
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ummmm not too sure there
Anime Fan Since
the age of 9
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Trigun, Wolf's Rain, Hellsing, Excel Saga, Outlaw Star, Cowboy Bebop, Tenchi
Not sure anymore
SCO, Neopets, reading, video games, drawing, and singing
Singing, drawing, and i'm sure there are a few other things
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Sunday, September 12, 2004
I'm not Dead,. I promise
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Sorry I haven't been on in a while, My internet is down, I have to get on at school, I HATE KATIE LEMONS!!!!!! that hussy stole Nathan from me! any way sorry if I worried you all. Old news, my cousin still owes me the entire Trigun series, and I told him if he wanted to keep his knee caps he'd have them for me by the end of the month.
Diving season has started, and me had our sceond meet in Tucson last Wedesday, it was supposed to start at 6:00pm, but it started at 7,....we slaughtered the other team. Thats when Katie stole the only man that loved me away... ,then we went to dinner at Fuddruckers....the buss ditched us for and hour...we left there at 10:00 and didn't get home until after midnight. needless to say, I slept through all of my classes on Thursday, including Wood shop...with a router about a foot from my head...But the strange thing was that the Wrestlers were more tired than the divers, I know this because I saw five of them asleep in the hallways, and thew other guy I liked was following me saying "My pillow come back, I love you Bri, don't leave me my pillow...." I was afraid if I turned around that He would fall on me and I wouldn't be able to hold both of our weight at the same time. So at lunch Thursday, On of my friends told Nic that he could wake me up, so he wraped his arms around me and wispered in my ear "Wake-up Bri" well the next thing I knew I had a head next to mine, which kinda scared me a little, but made my friends laugh. I think Nic really likes me...which is awsome...'cause I like him also...I think my brain is trying to tell me something because everytime I go to sleep I have dreams about him... Creepy..
We had our annual Choir Car-Wash yesterday, It was fun until I had to leave for an allegry appointment, when I came back I gave Nathan a hug (he's allergic to UV rays) and this girl who is in the same choir that I am came up behind me, don't ask how she did this, it's a mistery to me also, she somehow managed to get her hand between Nathan's arms, that were wraped over the back of my swimming suit, and snapped it. It Really hurt, so I told Nathan, " Sweetie, I'll give you a dollar if you make her go away." and he said ," honey ,I'd lkove to but My arms hurt so much that I can't move them." When we were don e with the car-wash I told Nathan that he needed to get out of the sun, and he said, "Yes! I finally found something that scares you!"
And I told him, "Yes ,the thought of you dieing does scare me." and walked away. Then one of my friende told me that he's Gay, I didn't know that.....Ya learn something new everyday.
Later, there is so much to tell you about all that has happeden recently, but my fingers are getting cramped.
Love you all,
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Thursday, August 19, 2004
School's back....with a vengance
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Sorry I haven't been on much lately, I'v had school and work and other stuff to do, I tried to log on a coupla weeks ago but my Grandpa's computer sucks ass. I also got a cell-phone on tuesday. Talk to you later.
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Tuesday, August 3, 2004
2 more days
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Only two more days till my 16th B-Day......Three if you count today. It's on Thursday....Yea..I take my Drivers test on thursday also. WOOHOO.
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Sunday, July 18, 2004
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he's gone, he's finally gone. My Cousin Mike left for Japan last Thursday and I won't see him anymore. I really miss him alot. I also wish him the best of luck, and my dad told him that he would be wise not to throw-up on the Japanese Prime-Minister. I'm sure a lot of you have know clue what he ment by that, but if you do let me know, I myself know, but want to know if you guys do.
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Sunday, July 11, 2004
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I finally have my other site opened it's at msn, and the link is on my profile. Please tell me what you think of it. Thanx.
Well my cousin is leaving on Thursday, I have is address and everything so I can still talk to him. oh well, at least I get to see him today. Talk to ya'all later. bye.
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Wednesday, July 7, 2004
Pain....lots of Pain.....
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Yesterday, I started a P.E. summer school class, now, I haven't ran for like.....ak...a really long time. and I hurt like crazy..but the cool thing is, that I'm the only girl in my class that can lift the 50lb. dumbells.... now that's scarry. Also I was quizing one of my friends, because she is gonna take her driving test soon....she missed every question...After she missed the first 3 I started banging my head on the bleachers. I think She'll need a lot of help to pass that test.
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Saturday, July 3, 2004
One more day...
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One more doy untill all the stores close for the 4th. ..........Yeah...FIREWORKS!!!!!!
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Saturday, June 26, 2004
No more school
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this was taken on the last week of school, I'm the one dressedd as Squall, also known as the far Left of the picture.
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Tuesday, June 8, 2004
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Sniff.....Sniff....My cousin Mike is moving to Japan in a couple of weeks, I've been joking about it for about seven or eight months now. But a couple of minutes ago my Aunt called and said that he finally has a date he plans to leave on....And it just accured to me that in a few weeks, as soon as he gets on that plane, I'll never see him again. I feel so...alone, and like no one cares that he's my best's hard to let go of someone whose been there for you whenever you needed a friend, and to comfort you when you were sad and lonely. If there are any typos in this, it's because I'm trying to fight back the tears while I type this.. If anyone can give me any advice on how to deal with this please leave comments.
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Saturday, May 29, 2004
Has everyone paid their insurance?
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Haha...I did it, I finally got my Learners Permit!!!! I got it on Thursday, but I haven't had any time to get on-line. Only 3 more days of school left, and they're all half-days....stupid finals. Oh well....HAVE A HAPPY AND SAFE SUMMER!!!
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