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the fiery pits of hell
Member Since
nagging girlfriend
Real Name
ummmm not too sure there
Anime Fan Since
the age of 9
Favorite Anime
Trigun, Wolf's Rain, Hellsing, Excel Saga, Outlaw Star, Cowboy Bebop, Tenchi
Not sure anymore
SCO, Neopets, reading, video games, drawing, and singing
Singing, drawing, and i'm sure there are a few other things
Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 07/28/05:
hey, it could've been worse, i could be Knives....*shivers* iew...
Result Posted on 07/25/05:
YES!!!!!! I'M SEXY!!!!!!!
Result Posted on 04/24/05:
OMG this clip is so confusing and funny at the same time, and yes that is a Squall Leonheart action figure that the host is poking Gackt with.
Result Posted on 04/24/05:
 You are the Dark, Mysterious Guy! The only thing we DO know about you is that you're quiet, withdrawn, and dark. No one knows about your past and you joined the cause to save the world basically by accident-- or so it seems. Everything you do is shrouded in mystery because you never let anyone in. Your friends know little about you-- sometiems they don't even know your gender! But you're powerful, loyal, and on the good side, so you're cool. It wouldn't kill you to open up a bit, though...
What Final Fantasy stereotype are you? brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 04/24/05:
Yup, all my friends tell me that I act like Squall a lot, they say it like it's a bad thing tho. I really don't understand why, seriously, I don't.
 You are Squall Leonhart from Final Fantasy VIII! Taciturn and best described as a lone wolf, you are a student at Balamb Military Academy when you are thrust into a world of chaos, conspiracy, and uncertainty as an evil sorceress threatens humanity. The reluctant hero, you shun the limelight. Fighting with a gunblade, you lead a band of young fighters to combat the rising evil. In fact, you end up also having to face unknown feelings when a spunky girl fighting against the sorceress, Rinoa, is thrown into the mix.
A comprehensive quiz: Which Final Fantasy guy would you be? brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 03/18/05:
Muwahahahahahhahahahahahah I'm TOTALY obessed with Gackt!!!!!!!!
Result Posted on 03/13/05:
eh hehehe..........
Result Posted on 03/07/05:
ok....... at least i'm not Vanilla, god that song is so, so, suggestive.
Result Posted on 03/04/05:
........ehhehehehehheh *starts to hyperventelate*
Result Posted on 12/30/04:
la la la...go me..
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