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Southern Minnesota
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I can play guitar well
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since they first started playing dbz, gundom wing, and sailor moon on toonami
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rurouni kenshin, ffVII: advent children, blue sub 6, demon diary, cowboy bebop, trigun, gundom wing, and many more!
to make it through high school in general
watching anime, playing guitar, listening to music, contemplating human nature, reading a lot.......
well, i am quite "talented" at faking effort.
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Friday, August 27, 2004
An end to the battles
I'm afraid that the promised fight between myself and sam/merlin has been cancelled. I just could not find a good way of writing it. So maby some day we'll play tekken and see who wins the most and make a battle out of that. But whatever...
Last time I make rice! I made some for supper and I got it too hot I guess cause I burnt my throut and the back of my mouth really bad (or maby it was just my own stupidity of eating it only 5 minutes after taking off the stove, call me crazy for thinking that was long enough!). I also feel incredibly nautious (bleh!). And it wasn't even that good (darn chicken/brochli rice!).
I miss blue sub 6! I watched a taped version of it I got off of toonami once and it made me want to cry. They sensored so much of it and I had to fastforward through kinda does any one know where I can buy all four episodes on dvd? cause that would be absolutely glorious. I remember seeing a vhs of one of the episodes at suncoast once but i didn't see any others. Kinda pisses me off you know?
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Monday, August 9, 2004
Match 13: Day 7: Husky vs. Eagle
Today we have a grudge match between the husky and the eagle.
If you recall, the last time these two fought, the eagle flew away through an open door in the stadium. Today, special precautions have been taken to avoid something like that. There is a net around where they'll be fighting. The whistle has blown and the match begins!
The eagle immediately takes to the air! The husky is starting to pace in the arena. And the eagle is taking a virticle dive directly to the husky! and the hit...Oh my! The husky sidestepped the eagle just before the hit and the eagle crashed into the ground! The husky now has it by the neck and is shaking it like a rag doll! Ooo! The ealge sliced the husky with it's tallons! But the husky is making no sign of giving up! Amazing! Ugh, the eagle is now making the most earsplitting noise i have ever heard!...and the eagle has fallen silent! Ooo, with one final crunch the husky has let go of the eagle! The eagle is lying motionless on the ground. It looks like...yes! the eagle's neck has been snapped! The eagle is dead! The husky is the winner!
(The final match between Sam and myself will be postponed until next week. it will be posted either sunday monday or tuseday. Sorry for the inconvienence.)
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Wednesday, August 4, 2004
Match 12: Day 6: Duo Maxwell vs. Roger Smith
Ok, first match of the day is a no mech fight with Duo Maxwell for the huskies vs. Roger Smith for the eagles. This will also be a weaponless fight, so it should be a knockout.
The two are taking their positions in the arena. The whistle has blown and the match begins.
Roger is charging at Duo and...Ooo! Duo tried to dodge Roger's punch but couldn't - wait! Duo aparently got hit on purpose to get a shot at Roger! He kneed him in the gut! Ouch! Uh...oh...Roger did a little Karate chop to the base of Duo's neck and uh Duo is out. Knocked unconcious aparently. Well, Roger Smith is the winner!
(ok, I sat here for ten minutes just thinking about what these people could do and this is what I came up with...sigh...)
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Match 11: Day 6: Spike vs. Vash
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Alright, Last match of the day is Spike for the huskies vs Vash for the eagles.
They are taking their positions in the arena. I think Spike has the advantage here because Vash wont kill him. Then again, if Spike plans to get the bounty off of him then he wont kill Vash either. The whistle has blown and the match begins.
The two have drawn their guns and are firing at each other but it appeares that they both are dodging each others bullets!...and Spike has gotten up close to Vash and is kung-fuing him! Ooo! A kick to Vashes chest sent him to the ground! He is aiming his gun and...Woa! Vash drew his gun with lightning fast speed and shot away Spikes! Spike is now approaching Vash...wait! he's looking into the crowd! what's he looking at?'s been confirmed, Jet is in the audience and is shouting something! Abuh?! Spike is leaving the stadium!! What?! Where's our security? Somebody stop him! Aparently our security guards are afraid of him (sigh) I think this fight is over, oh! it's been confirmed what Jet was saying! He was telling Spike that he could not collect the bounty off of this fight! Wow, I guess the winner is Vash. Way to go?
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Monday, August 2, 2004
Match 7: Day 5: Aoshi vs. Vicious
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Alright first of four matches today, Aoshi for the huskies vs. Vicious for the eagles.
The two have taken their positions in the arena. Update from the previouse match, Wolfwood is currently in the hospital and is making a speedy recovery(^^;). As long as Vicious doesn't use any guns, it should be a pretty much even match. The whistle has blown and the match begins.
Aoshi has drawn his 2 kodachis and Vicious has his katana. Vicious is charging and...look at that! Aoshi blocked with one sword and thrust the other into Vicious's flesh! That was quick! Gyaaa! NO! Vicious shot Aoshi! They've both collapsed (tears)! We're waiting for the judges virdict...Aoshi will be declaired the victor for striking the fatal blow! their calling a double knockout! Dangit! Aoshi better not die(sobs somemore)
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Match 8: Day 5: Eclipse vs. Kurama
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Ok, second match of the day is her demon vs. my demon. Eclipse for the huskies and Kurama for the eagles.
We're back in the orriginal stadium and the fighters are taking their positions. I don't konw who will win this one. Eclipse has his dark magic and Kurama has his demonic plant attacks. The whistle has blown and the match begins.
Eclipse has his fireball in his hand and is preparing to attack. Kurama has brought out his rose whip and is moving closer. And...look at that! Eclipse has abandoned his firball and has created a Magic Shield to block Kurama's Rose Whip attack. How will Kurama counter this. He's backed off and Eclipses Magic Shield has disappeared. Wow! Eclipse immediately threw one of his Fireballs at Kurama! He was not prepared for that! Wait! What's that?! It appears that Kurama planted that seed thing in Eclipse after his Shield failed! Eclipse is seriousely injured! (;_;)Kurama is now aproaching Eclipse no doubt to deliver the final blow...Bguh!? Just as Kurama was about to finish it Eclipse sent a Dark Arrow through his chest! Kurama is down and out! Eclipse is the winner! I hope he wont die from that seed thing (sobs)
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Match 9: Day 5: Wing Zero vs. Ryo-oki
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 Animation from
Third match of the day is Wing 0 for the huskies vs. Ryo-oki for the eagles.
The two are taking their positions in the oposite sides of our arena, wait a minute! Ryo-oki is too big! We'll have to wait a moment for the founder of the tournament to make a statement...ok! It has just been decided that this fight will take place in outer space. We will return to the match in a moment...
Alright this fight is being telacasted from space. There are no spectators up there! Lets just hope the equipment holds up. the buzzer has sounded and the match begins!
Ryo-oki has begun firing it's lazer things at Wing 0... Wing 0 is dodging every attack! It has an obvious speed advantage. Wing 0 is now coming at Ryo-oki with it's beam saber and...Ooo! Wing 0 sliced off one of those spiky things on Ryo-oki! Ryo-oki looks really spooked. Wha?!?!?!? Somethings wrong with the feed! I can't see what's going on! Gyaaaaa! Somebody fix that! Ok the feed is coming back. What happened? Wing 0 looks like it sustained heavy damage but Ryo-oki is no where in sight! It must have run off! Wing Zero is the winner by...well...default!
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Match 10: Day 5: Deathscythe vs. Eva 02
p>  Animation from
Ok, last match of the day is the Deathscythe for the huskies and Eva 02 for the eagles.
The two robot fighting machine thingys are taking their positions in the new giant arena. I think the Deathscythe has a speed advantage but then again Eva 02 has it's strong points too...I just can't think of any. The whistle has been blown and the match begins!
Eva 02 is charging at Deathscythe and it is also charging! And the hit...oh! the Deathscythe has cut the Eva's power cord thing with it's...electric...cutty...thingy...why doesn't anyone tell me what that's called!!!!???? The Eva will only have (correct me if I'm wrong) 5 minutes of emergency power left! Deathscythe is now firing mercilessly on the Eva with it's 2x vulcan gun! I don't know how much more damage it can take! Wait a minute! Eva 02 has pulled out...a gun thing...and is firing back! Now their just firing at each other! It's only a matter of time before the Eva's power runs out or the Deathscythe's armer is breached...the Eva is slowing down...and has stopped firing! The Deathscythe is still firing! It better nock it off or it'll be disqualified!...and it stopped. The Eva's face plate was completely distroyed! The Deathscythe is the winner! Congratulations to Professor G.
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Wednesday, July 28, 2004
Match 6: Day 4: Legato vs. Wolfwood
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Ok, first and, unfortunately, only match of the day is Legato for the huskies against Wolfwood for the eagles.
The two are taking their positions in the ring (I'm getting behind on these I know, but I only have time for 1 today even thought there were supposed to be three @_@) The wistle has been blown and the match begins.
Wolfwood immediately slings his cross/gun over his shoulder in the firing position. For some reason he is hesitating. Legato is making no movement and no sign of a counter attack...and Wolfwood has shot Legato in the shoulder! Legato is still making no movement! Wolfwood has dropped his cross/gun and picked up a pistol! It'll be over soon people. He is taking aim and...oh no! Legato has used his mind powers to make Wolfwood shoot himself in the stomach! NOOO!!!!! somebody call the match! hurry before he dies!!! He is now laying on the ground and the 10 count has begun and...Legato is the winner! Gyah! someone go help Wolfwood!
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Sunday, July 25, 2004
Match 4: Day 3: Kiba vs. Tsume
Alright today we have wolf against wolf. Kiba is for the huskies and Tsume is for the eagles.
The two are taking their positions in the ring. I really don't see the purpose in having this fight. It's obviouse who the winner would be, but for those of you who don't know of their current backround I'll keep quiet. The whistle has blown and the match begins!
Tsume started charging at Kiba and the hit...oh, Kiba dodged it! And Kiba comes at Tsume and, ooo, he has him by the neck. This match will be over soon people! What's this?! Kiba has thrown Tsume aside! Now is when he will deliver the final blow...wait, he's just standing there! The 10 count has started, and Tsume is making no sign of movement...and that's it! Kiba wins the match! a medic is going out into the! Tsume is still alive! He is now being rushed off to the nurses tent for emergency care! Where's somebody with a mop when you need them?
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