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Southern Minnesota
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I can play guitar well
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since they first started playing dbz, gundom wing, and sailor moon on toonami
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rurouni kenshin, ffVII: advent children, blue sub 6, demon diary, cowboy bebop, trigun, gundom wing, and many more!
to make it through high school in general
watching anime, playing guitar, listening to music, contemplating human nature, reading a lot.......
well, i am quite "talented" at faking effort.
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Sunday, July 25, 2004
Match 5: Day 3: Ryoko vs. Aieka
 Animation from
Ok, the second match of the day is Ryoko for the eagles and Aieka for the huskies (pardon me if i spelled her name wrong).
The two are taking their positions in the arena. (yes sam i know that it was originally supposed to be tenchi vs. ryoko but i found this nifty animation and changed it ^^ the outcome will still be as we discussed though) The wistle has been blown and the match begins.
Aieka is calling her jurai wood things to her and Ryoko is getting a ball of energy. Ryoko goes in and...she's being blocked by Aieka's energy sheild! Unless she finds a way to get past that it's all over! They backed away from each other once again...Aieka is sending her wood things over to Ryoko and...Hey! Ryoko is frying Aieka's wood! All of them have fallen to the ground and appear to be useless! Ryoko is now slowly approaching Aieka. It looks like she's already sucking up her victory! I don't know what Aieka is thinking! She's just standing there! Run, slap her, do something! Ryoko is bringing out her energy sword and...oh! Aieka was just cut in half! Ryoko is the winner! (Damn it mabey i should have stuck with tenchi)
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Friday, July 23, 2004
Match 2: Day 2: Sesshoumaru vs. Kagara
 Animation from
Ok, today we have a representative match. Sesshoumaru represents the husky and Kagara represents the Eagle.
The two are taking their sides in the ring. I don't know who will win this one. All the doors have been locked so we wont have a repeat of yesturday. The whistle has been blown and the match begins.
It looks like their just standing there, wait...yes it's been confirmed that Kagara is saying something. Our audio is having some technical difficulties so we'll just have to wait i guess. Oh, Kagara has just taken out her fan, brace yourselves...there it goes! She's destroyed part of the ring! The dust needs to settle before we can have a visual. I wonder how Sesshoumaru will follow this up...the dust has settled and Sesshoumaru is nowhere in site! Kagara's attack shouldn't have vaporized him, but just incase, they should start the 10 sec. count soon...there! Ooo! That looked like it hurt! Sesshoumaru used his poison claws to slice off Kagara's right arm! I think we all know who will win this fight peole. Wait! Make sure all the doors are shut because Kagara has taken to the skies! I assure you folks this fight will end in a kill. Sesshoumaru is going after her and...oh!one crack of sesshoumaru's whip and Kagara is falling out of the sky! I can't watch her land...Oh! that thud is sickening! Well, time for the 10 count...Kagara has stayed down Sesshoumaru is the winner! A medic is now going out into the arena to check on the status of Kagara...Yes, she has been squashed! Sorry Kagara fans but she is dead! Sesshoumaru will now have to get ready for the next match against Hiei.
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Match 3: Day 2: Dog Sesshoumaru vs. Hiei
Enough of the simbolism this is one of those "just because" fights.
They are taking their positions in the arena. I think this fight is equally matched. Both fighters have great speed and their kick ass attacks. Sesshoumaru has chosen to fight in his dog form for some unknown reason. He may have given Hiei the advantage but mabey it's all part of a plan, you never know. The whistle has been blown and the match begins!
Hiei has charged at Sesshoumaru and Sesshoumaru is making no sign of moving. And the! Sesshoumaru just batted Hiei away like a fly! Ooo...Hiei hit the stadium wall, that's gotta hurt! Really, if Hiei holds back on using his dragon of the darkness flame technique, Sesshoumaru will have nothing to worry about. Sesshoumaru is now running at Hiei and...yes! he has him in his mouth! and...wait! Hiei has broken free! His arm looks heavily damaged. Now it looks like he wont be able to control the dragon! Hiei is on his feet again and...yes! he is charging at Sesshoumaru again! I don't know what he is trying to acomplish by this. and...oh my! Hiei has just cut off sesshoumaru's arm! Wait a minute! Where did he get that arm from?! The fight has been called to a halt! What's going on? a judge is anouncing something...oh no! Sesshoumaru is being disqualified because of his use of an unnatural arm!! Hiei wins by default! I don't think anyone saw that coming!
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Thursday, July 22, 2004
Problems with Subtitles
Hey! 3 posts in 1 day, what are the odds? anyway, i am distraut lately. I tried to watch the special features on the volcano high dvd and i turned on the subtitles and it turns out that the subtitles are not in english, but chinese! i heard somewhere that there's a way to change it so it is in english but i don't know how. So, if any of you know how please post me or something. (sniffle)
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Alright, long story short...
Me and friend merlin/sam had a long conversation about our school mascots. Her's was the eagle and mine is the husky. So we started talking about who's maskot was the best. Then it was about who's would win in a death match. Then we compaired them to anime characters beginning with Sesshoumaru (me) and Kagura (her), ending w/me vs. her. So now it's inspired me to recreate these battles in a festival tipe thing, ending with a knock out match between me and her in August (I don't think we're really gunna duke it out but you never know). I ust thought I should explain myself so I don't freak anyone out. So, that said, let the first match begin!
 Animation from
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Match 1: Day1: Husky vs. Eagle
Alright, first match of the festival, a Husky vs. an Eagle.
This is a school maskot match today, it's what's inspired this whole shibang.
Alright, their taking their positions in the ring. They both look eager to start. I'm betting my money on the Husky personally it has a strength advantage but then again the Eagle does have those razer sharp tallons. So it's anyones game. The wisle has been blown and the match begins.
The eagle immediately takes to the air and starts circling the ring. The husky moves to the center. An almost virticle dive down by the eagle, but wait...oh! The husky has the eagle by the neck! If that eagle doesn't get out of there quick its game over. And...yes the eagle has broken free by slicing at the husky with it's tallons. It has taken to the air again and is circling the stadium. Wait a minute! Who left that door open?! The eagle has left the stadium! The match is over! I just don't know how the judges will call this one. The virdict...draw! The Husky and the Eagle will fight again twords the end of the festival! Wow, what a way to start things off!
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Sunday, July 18, 2004
Reboot! (tap tap...change)
Tell me if you follow,
My sister and me were driving back from church and I asked her what a fire marshal does. She says its like the sherif of the fire department. So i ask her why our band teacher was worried about him coming if we had the 6 7 and 8 grade bands all in the same room. She used the example of the simpsons where mister burns has a ton of diseases and they explain why he is still alive by taking a little door and shoving stuffed animals into the door and they all get stuck keeping him alive. which is kinda like what would happen in a fire only every one would die. Then we get talking about the simpsons with mulder and scully and my upsetness when i find i havnt seen it. Then we talk about the reboot with mully and sculder. and i was wondering...
What happened to reboot?!I loved that show! Does any one else know what happend? If I recall corectly, toonami had a bit of a down fall after that left. And also, what about ronin wariors? i was rather fond of that show too.
I think they should get the old toonami lineup back on and have Sailor Moon at 3 Reboot at 3:30 Something good at 4 (well dbz was there but I will only agree to it if they show the old namek episodes again ^^) and New adventures of Johny Quest at 4:30. Of course batman beyond or whatever could fit in there too as well as that new x men show. But even if they didn't go back to that forever, they could have a little reunion week where they have that movie friday thing where they show endless walts and blue sub 6.
Ya...that would be cool...
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Thursday, July 15, 2004
Hey! Good News!
Yes, I know I lied again, but I'm sorry. I've just been to lazy to load some more stuff. But hey! I do have some good news, I finally convinced my sister to put some of her artwork here! Which is good for you cuz it's way better than the crap that is my art. Her screen name is jujube be be. She claimed that she would take care of it this weekend, but you may find we have some thing in common...
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Friday, July 9, 2004
Alright I admit it... I lied...I'm sorry...
I lied to you all when I said I would be loading more art, cause i only did the two and haven't loaded any more. But if it makes you (or me) feel any better, I have been working on this new thing that i may post here some time. But it might be too big. I know! I'll put up some of my sisters stuff! She can draw way better than me. She even has her own site here but she never posts. I think I'll get going on that right now...
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Tuesday, June 22, 2004
asdc da;j'p/lkm (damn scanner!)
Well I was going to load a new pic i finished but when it scanned it was really grainy (which really pisses me off because I thought it would behave but it didn't ><). So I suppose i just wont scan it (sobs).Well, maby some day when i have a scanner of my own that actually is good, maby ill load it then. (sigh) ....
Hey, has anyone heard of last exile? (spelling ><) I just saw a couple episodes last night. it was really confusing but it looked ok.(not as confusing as lain was tho) anyways, i was just thinking that i should expand my horizons and see some diff. shows. so...ya...
(more proof of my dwindling attention)...
The world is made up of procrastinators (myself included). We all have the illusion that we have all the time in the world. I'll pay the bills tomarrow, I'll tell him how I feel in a week, I'll pray the rosary this Saturday. Every one has their own reasons for not doing things right away which can be fine. I can't pay the bills because I don't have the time, I can't tell him because I need more time to think, I can't pray the rosary because I lost mine. Keeping that in mind, imagine this...
Your sitting in a church attending a funeral. The funeral is for a good friend of yours that is of the opposite sex. You've had a little crush on him/her for a long time but have made no indication of this. It will ruin our friendship, you convinced yourself. As you listen to the priest you start to wonder what would have happened if you would have told him/her. Finally, the funeral is over and you walk out side. As soon as you step out of the door you are confronted by your friend's mother. You express your simpathy to her and she hugs you. Once she regains her composer she smiles at you and says, "You know, he/she had the biggest crush on you for the longest time."
There's a book about a school for demons and the most important lesson taught is to "Let the humans think they have all the time in the world. The rest will play out just like you want." So live each day as if it's your last. So in the end you have no regrets.
 Animation from
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