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Southern Minnesota
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I can play guitar well
Anime Fan Since
since they first started playing dbz, gundom wing, and sailor moon on toonami
Favorite Anime
rurouni kenshin, ffVII: advent children, blue sub 6, demon diary, cowboy bebop, trigun, gundom wing, and many more!
to make it through high school in general
watching anime, playing guitar, listening to music, contemplating human nature, reading a lot.......
well, i am quite "talented" at faking effort.
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Thursday, June 10, 2004
I look at all the lonely people...da...da da da....
Ya I got that song stuck in my head.
Um...oh, sorry for not getting anything done by moday (^^;) but my mom dragged me up to the cities monday morning and we just got back hour ago. But hey! I finally loaded 2 pics. Their not revised but nmeh i think thats ok.
(notice how my scanner is still crap when you see them ><) Their gundom wing
Isn't it strange that a gift could be an enemy
Isn't it weird that a privilege could feel like a chore
maybe its me, but this life isn't going anywhere
maybe if we looked hard enough we could find a back door
find yourself a back door
I see you in line dragging your feet
you have my sympathy
the day you were born you were born free
that is your privilege
Isn't it strange that the man standing in front of me
doesn't have a clue why he's waiting or what he's waiting for
maybe its me but I'm sick of wasting energy
maybe if I look in my heart, I can find a back a door
find yourself a back door
I see you in line dragging your feet
you have my sympathy
the day you were born you were born free
that is your
that is your privilege
Find yourself a back door
I see you in line dragging your feet
you have my sympathy
the day you were born you were born free
that is your privilege
I see you in line dragging your feet
you have my sympathy
the day you were born you were born free
that is your
that is your privilege
that is your
that is your
that is your privilege
-Incubus "Privilege"
 Animation from
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Saturday, June 5, 2004
I Gradgiated!
I graduated yesterday. I am now a SMS alumni (alumnus?). It's kinda sad because ive been going to this school for what, 10 years now and im gunna miss it. I also wont get to see my friends much cuz im the only one in my grade who doesn't have any friends from the other school. But friend nick made me promise that id talk to him a lot durring the summer so thats good.
You know, I was a real nerd (was?) when i was little. In fourth grade I wrote a paper about legos. Now this is a direct qote, "I like legos because I can play with them by myself." WTF?! and also in that same year I wrote a paper about aliens. Well, at least now I have some friends.
OOO, semi good news! my dad brought my scanner back yesterday and now its all fixed and I can scan stuff now. It's still a crappy scanner but hey crappy scanners are better than broken scanners right? I would start to load some pics tonight but I am le tired. I'll try to get started by monday.
I would just like to say to my friends from SMS that are out there (mneh, more like friend), that I've grown up with you all, and come to know and become very fond of all of you. I greatly appriciate all that we've done for each other and all the good times we've had together.
Thank you for being there for not only me, but for each other, in times of grief and depression.
Thank you for being just friggin hilarious and being great practical jokers, because without that, school would suck even more.
Thank you for being extremely protective of each other (myself included), because if not for that, many of us would have fallen pray to many cruel gestures.
And finally, thankyou for just being there, and I pray that you'll still be there, for me and for each other.
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Saturday, May 29, 2004
I still got nothing...and yet...something....
Well, my scanner is still broken but I finally convinced my dad to take it to the computer doctor and he claims he will do that tomarrow. So brighter days may come ahead...may. When everything is right in the world and i have my scanner back i will slowly introduce my new artwork so I may work with new criticism(?[damn my horrible spelling]) and improve those that i have not yet posted here.
I've recently started to enjoy writing fiction. This is very odd because i usually have the attention span of a squirrel and I can't commit to things easily. But lately I have written a couple short stories about...well....stuff, and I like it! This is very strange. Sam(or merlin...whatever)! you've read some thing I've written! It's all crap and you know i hate(d) it. so you should understand,, right?! I just don't know. Perhaps I've finally snapped. You know, I have taken a liking to chocolate nutella lately...
I have never been so happy that my sister is back from nd (not because i enjoy her company mind you). Because next year she goes to rome so she had to give away a lot of her things. I got her posters (linkin park, gundom wing, INCUBUS!, x-files...), her fish (she claims to have found it in her hallway and it looks half dead...really), and HER ANKLE LENGTH LEATHER JACKET!!! It was really cool because she orriginally had three leather jackets (2 long 1 short) so i was wearing one of her long ones and i said that i was going to steal it, so out of nowhere she says, "Hey, you can have my other one." It's great. And yes, that is the coolest story any of you have ever heard(and now i go about my uneventful life).
When an evil spirit leaves a person, it travels through the desert, looking for a place to rest. But when it doesn't find a place, it says, "I willgo back to the home I left." When it gets there and finds the place clean and fixed up, it goes off and finds seven other evil spirits even worse than itself. They all come and make their home there, and that person ends up in worse shape than before.
Luke 11:24-26
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Thursday, May 27, 2004
Super Procrastinator (i duno how to spell it)
I haven't done any of my homework all week. I just wait until the class before its the one i got it from and do it durring that class. But hey, i only have, what, four days left i think im doin prety good compared to my classmates *cough-7th-graders-gettin-into-catfights-and-getting-suspended-cough*. so ya.
Hey for all the minnesotans out there, does any one know where i could find a martial arts school that teaches jujitsu thats in southern minn? cuz i cant find any online and im getting tired of looking. So if anyone has any sugestions that would be great (but i wont get my hopes up).
Today in school durring my sister's math class, someones mom came in and was supposed to tell them about her trip to central amer. or something. but she started talking about the apocyli, apocilypse? nya, i dunno how to spell it, and she talked about how if they convert to another religion they're goin to hell, and that if they dont go to confession every month they're goin to hell, and that they will live to see the *end of the world, and basically how they're all goin to hell. So that entire class was freaked and all scared and stuff so the vice principal/religion teacher had to come in and tell them that everything would be ok and that they're not going to hell. It was great.
But honestly, who in their right mind goes up to 6th graders and tells them these things? I mean ya i understand a watered down version told to high school peeps but those kids were freaked. I bet their scarred for life. Oh well...they're young.
I got a job for the summer. I bet no one can guess what it is. I'll give you some hints:
1. it's not has nothing to do with food.
2. it really sucks
3. *click BOOM!*
This is gunna suck.

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Friday, May 21, 2004
As of now i am watching the t-wolves vs. lakers game (as you have probably have guessed) the score as of now is 76 to 67 with 53.8 seconds left in the quarter. I don't even like basketball but its very sad. I remember a time when basketball was fun...way back when...when it wasn't all a bunch of crap! ...ya...that was nice...
Anyway, guess how many days are left of school!! thats right!! 10 DAYS!!!!! very exciting. then next year i go to a diff school so i probably wont have classes w/dessi any more! even more exciting!, I will not go on about how much she bothers me. It will ruin the almost good mood I'm in. I'd feel even better if the t-wolves would suck it up and start winning! ah matter...I must keep reminding myself that I don't like basketball before it's too late and I become attatched again...
 Animation from
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Friday, May 7, 2004
sl:/xczpr-=32 (slams fists onto keyboard)
I feel like crying! I recently finished some pics and what-have-you and I try scanning them onto my computer and my scanner broke!! I can't even load good pics now! (sobs) this friggin sucks! I NEED A NEW SCANNER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Tuesday, May 4, 2004
Hello Jer- I mean....people
Ok now i haven't fully forgiven you peeps for pissing me off but that doesn't matter right?
Any way, I was looking at some of my artwork and saw that most of it really sucked. So heres my master plan:
If anyone wants me to I can redo the really bad pics and put up the new and improved versions.
But! I'm only gunna do this if someone says I should. So if you want to be continued to be plagued by my terrible artwork than just do what your good at and don't say anything.
But if you see something I can improve upon please tell me which pic i should redo and please tell me ways I could improve it. I wont get mad or feel hurt no matter how mean you are about it so just let go!
I guess I could stop callin you all jerks too I guess.
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Saturday, May 1, 2004
Ok.....I'm sorry...
Alright, what i said was out of line. I'm sorry. But just about 2 minutes after i posted that my mom handed the special edition 2 disc dvd set of VOLCANO HIGH to me!!!!! So I feel a whole lot better and I'm sorry that I may have said some hurtful things. THERE! YOU HAPPY MR.DONLON? I JUST DID MY FIXIT! If some one wants me to I can write a post about the special stuff on the dvd.
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You People Suck!
Voi tutti succhiano! Lei dice che la mia grafica è cattiva ma lei non dice me ciò che ha torto con questo! È troppo chiedere che lei almeno me dice una cosa (comunque piccolo) ciò ha torto con la mia arte? Penso non! Perché fa cosí voi tutti non prendono una vita e lo licenziano scatta!
¡Ustedes chupa! ¡Usted dice que mi trabajo artístico es malo pero usted no dice mí lo que está equivocado consigo! ¿Deberá preguntar demasiado que usted por lo menos me dice una cosa (por pequeño que) eso esté equivocado con mi arte? ¡Pienso no! ¡Así que por qué hace no ustedes obtiene una vida y lo suspende da un tirón!
Вы все сосете! Вы говорите, что мои художественные работы плохи, но Вы не говорите мне, что является неправильным с этим! Очень просить, чтобы Вы по крайней мере сказали мне одну вещь (однако маленький), что это неправо с моим искусством? Я думаю нет! Итак, почему не делают Вы все получаете жизнь и откладываете, Вы дергаетесь!
Vous tout suce! Vous dites que mon travail d'art est mauvais mais vous ne me dites pas que quel est mauvais avec cela! C'est trop beaucoup de pour demander que vous me dites au moins une chose (cependant petit) cela a tort avec mon art? Je ne pense pas! Donc pourquoi ne faire pas vous tout obtient une vie et licencie vous secoue!
You all suck! You say my artwork is bad but you don't tell me what's wrong with it! Is it too much to ask that you at least tell me one thing (however small) that's wrong with my art? I think not! So why don't you all get a life and lay off you jerks!
There! I translated it so all the jerks out there can understand!
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Saturday, April 24, 2004
this week i went up to northern mn for the school thing e.l.c. it was freekin cold and wet and crappy. anyway, i had to room with dessi-the-lessi and it was not fun (to say the least). so (not that you care or any thing)this is what we did up there
Day 1: woke up at 4 for the drive. we got there after a 6 hour drive and i had three classes. we went on a night hike, listned to a presentation bout birds and played these games. with one of them we got to use a parachute! food was crap.
Day2: woke up at five and had morning classes. we did a ropes course that was supposed to be fun but wasnt, found squirrel crap, listend to another crappy presentation, and made paper. food was a little better.
Day 3: this hole day is kind of a blure but i remember that i bit dessi and it was hilarius!
Day 4: went on a superior view hike that was cool then did this voyager thing and mad really bad tea (it tasted like dirt) dessi made fun of me because the teacher person kept calling me his beautiful wife so i stole her hat...ya...we also did this thing where we had to find our way in the woods. i was dessi's partner (why does this keep happening?) and she was being perverted and anoying so i ditched her and wandered through the woods aimlessly.
Day 5: we studied this stream and we had to catch three animals but my group couldnt get any. so i got bored and walked off down stream and found this beaver lodge...ya... then we went on a 7 hour drive and it took so long because we got stuck in traffic in minneapolis for over an hour.
So today ive just been trying to recover and trying to make up for getting little to no sleep. .,m;blkjcojr (falls on keyboard)
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