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Southern Minnesota
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I can play guitar well
Anime Fan Since
since they first started playing dbz, gundom wing, and sailor moon on toonami
Favorite Anime
rurouni kenshin, ffVII: advent children, blue sub 6, demon diary, cowboy bebop, trigun, gundom wing, and many more!
to make it through high school in general
watching anime, playing guitar, listening to music, contemplating human nature, reading a lot.......
well, i am quite "talented" at faking effort.
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Thursday, April 8, 2004
So happy!
Now lately ive been upset because i couldn't find any images from the Korean film Volcano High, and i have spent the past four hours looking for them. unfortunately i havnt found very many good pics. I also don't own the movie, so that makes me very sad.
However i came accross this page and it has a v.h. music video! its all in korean of course but it made me feel a whole lot better!XD! and im putting up this link!
once you get there you just click on the volcano high link and watch the awsome korean heavy rock video!
also, if anyone knows where i could find some awesome pics/cheep place to buy dvd and they would notify me i would forever be in their debt! ^^
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Monday, April 5, 2004
WOOOOHOOOOOO!!! I DONT HAVE TO DO INDUSTRIAL TEC. ANYMORE!!!! BUUUUUUYAAAAAA!!!!! (pant) score for me. no more anoying partners, no more staying after class, and I GET OUT 20 MIN. EARLYER NOW!! WOOOOOHOOOOO! and also i now have 200 visits! spiffy no? ah the power of apple pie!
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Monday, March 29, 2004
School Sucks
Well...illness, anger, and school work have kept me from the computer (and sleep) ever since i quit basketball (i thought i was supposed to have MORE free time). People at school have been jerks *cough-dessi-the-lessi-cough* and i have managed to not talk at all durring an entire school day (seriousely). Are people trying to tell me something that i just am not getting? (ah screw it, whoever needed friends anyway?)
sucking in math. I was supposed to go in for help but every day this week i had to go to the play practices cuz i gotta play the music and stuff. so im basically failing math. (a-honor-roll student) History teacher's pissed at me cuz i was born. three of my teachers wont stop patronizing me(XP)
going through withdrawl cuz i havnt read, watched tv, gone on the computer, drawn, or done anything else that would be considered "fun" (whats that anyway?) for a couple of weeks.
friend of mine spazing at me cuz he thinks i lied to him (long story short) but i didn't(even though it wasnt any of his business anyway) so now he's mad at me. lost different friend of mine (scroll down to find out why *hint: i heart you*) people using me for various reasons (copy homework, steal my stuff, and other crap i cant deal with) and to top it all off, i cant get a job at the icecream shop like i planned...i have to work at the friggin gun club!!
If you hear anything about a Minnesotan girl going insane and blowing crap up you know it was me!
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Sunday, March 28, 2004
Gettin my Nerd on!
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You know I got a little time on my hands. I think I'll list my favorite characters.
1. Aoshi 2. Sesshoumaru 3. Sanosuke 4. Hiei 5. Spike 6. Kouga 7. Yoko Kurama 8. Eclipse (demon diary eclipse^^) 9. Hayami 10. Chris (demon diary chris^^)
1. Rin 2. Ed 3. Kino 4. Sango 5. Erutis (demon diary erutis^^)6. Mac (my cat can be a character ^^)7. Kaoru 8. Noin 9. Kilala [im runnin out of ideas] 10. Megumi
OK, that was fun. now im gunna list my favorite shows/movies (i guess manga counts in here too)
1. Rurouni Kenshin 2. InuYasha 3. Demon Diary 4. Blue Submarine No. 6 5. Cowboy Bebop 6. YuYu Hakusho 7. Gundom Wing 8. Naruto 9. Princess Mononoke 10. Spirited Away
Alrighty! Next up is My favorite Movies(not anime)
1a. Matrix Revolution 2a. Return of the King
b. Matrix b. Fellowship of the Ring
c. Matrix Reloaded c. Two Towers
3. The Last Samurai 4. 28 Days Later 5. The Order 6. Dog Soldiers 7. The One 8. Pitch Black 9. Miracle 10. The Breed
Oke Doke. After that would be my favorite books i assume. I havent exactly read a whole lot of different books.
1. The Hobbit 2. Lord of the Rings 3. Alien:Genocide 4. Preditor:Cold War 5. X-Files:Goblins
Right then. Finally, last, but certainly not least, we have my favorite bands!
1. Incubus 2. Chevelle 3. Trust Company 4. P.O.D. 5. System of a Down 6. Linkin Park 7. Staind 8. Disturbed 9. Sugar Cult 10. Evanescence
Wow...that was fun!
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Friday, March 26, 2004
THIS WEEK SUCKS ASS! For starters, I have to take my stupid ass spanish final just because leva decided to take the test out of the room and cheet!! I'M NOT TAKING THE TEST! I WONT! THATS SO STUPID! OH! AND IM FAILING I.T. JUST BECAUSE MY JACKASS OF A PARTNER DECIDED TO GUESS ON ALL THE TEST QUESTIONS! i got so mad at him that i stormed out of the room! I HAVE NEVER DONE ANYTHING REMOTELY LIKE THAT BEFORE! (but good for me. right nick?) AND MY FRIEND IS INSANE! HE ASKED ME OUT! WHAT THE HECK? I SWEAR! IM SURPRISED I DIDNT SHOOT ANYONE! (all thanks to moms apple crisp)
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Sunday, January 18, 2004
Ultimate Briber!
Ok, fellow nerd friend paul made up this riddle for English class (we were supposed to make poems so that wasn't fair) except no one could figure it out. Not even the teachers (including the vice principle). So evry ones all mad at him cause nobody can figure it out so we're all trying to bribe him for the answer. People even offered him money and he wouldn't tell. But I was smarter than all of them (evil chuckle *pets evil kitty*)I get this manga Demon Diary and I lone it to him so he can read it without buying it. So I say he cant read the new one I just got until he gives me the answer. It worked fine for me because...I KNOW THE ANSWER TO PAULS RIDDLE!! MWAHAHAHAHAHA!... But you should know that i tried really hard to figure it out on my own. I asked every one in my family and some students at notre dame and they all got it wrong...but thats ok...cause...I NOW KNOW!!!!MWAHAHAHAHA!! I'll find it and post it up here and see if you can figure it out!
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Sunday, December 21, 2003
The Truth About Holidays!
Alright, From the top...
New Years is a resonable holiday because we celebrate the beginning of a new year and it only lasts for one day.
Valentines Day is quite possibly the STUPIDEST holiday ever thought of! All it is is an excuse for people to make out and screw each other (XP) They just have it so they could sell jewlery for one day out of the year! And it seams to last the entire month of feb. even after its over! ,.L;.HB[L,T097I (slams fists onto keyboard)
St. Patrik's Day is almost an ok holiday. ITS A FRIGGIN FEAST DAY OF A SAINT! NOT LEPRICON DAY! but, its alright with me, because it only lasts for one day.
Easter is probably the best major holiday you can get. It's not over marketed too much but then it should technically you should be preparing for it for 40 days or something.
June 4...Hey now...its the last day of school
4th of July...oh where do i is simply a time for little kids to get burned by sparklers, teenagers to get their limbs blown off by fire crackers, and older peeps to get really drunk. Not to mention the really anoying parades your parents make you go to even if its at 8-a-clock in the morning.
Halloween is only there so people can scare the piss out of each other and get sugar highs. Also a great day to get arested
Thanks giving...the fat persons favorite holiday. I don't think I need to say any more.
Ah Christmas...where do I begin? Really the only good thing about Christmas is that it is a religious holiday in which we celabrate the birth of Jesus Christ. people got the whole gift thing out of that is just rediculus. "It's Jesus' birthday so I'll get myself a gift." Why don't people instead of buying themselves gifts donate to a church or something wheather it'd be in time or money? All-in-all, Christmas is an over marketed holiday that because of this the entire message is blotted out.
Well that's my opinion at least.
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