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Somewhere.... I guess..... Better ask Nami where the hell we are....
Member Since
Sniper/gunswoman for the Strawhat Crew.
Real Name
You'll never get it out of me! Aaargh! Signed, Lemon
I'm special. My mommy told me so.
Anime Fan Since
POKEMON! Do you really need any more information?
Favorite Anime
One Piece, Naruto, Yu Yu Hakusho, Fruits Basket, Neon Genisis Evangelion, Trigun, Eureka 7, Dragon Ball Z, and Bobobo-bo bo-bobo (YAY RANDOMNESS!!) And pretty much all the Miyazaki movies. Pokemon, Yu-Gi-Oh! GX, .hack//legend of the tw
I'm gonna.... um..... do..... something...... maybe......
Dreaming, drawing, and dreaming some more.
Evil laugh???
| sachiko1endoh
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Wednesday, January 25, 2006
Cool, Calm, and Collected
I took a quiz and this is what I got:

What Military Character Are You?
Hosted by Anime. Done right.
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Can Someone Tell Me...?
How do you find a website with the MIDI song-thingies? I want to try having a song on here to see if it works. Tell me??? Anyone???
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Isn't the new avi cute? I'm not sure what it is, though. It's only temporary so don't worry. (As if you would! lol)
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Tuesday, January 24, 2006
Same old, same old...
There is nothing exciting going on in my life... Hence this boring post. Every day I follow the same routine, then go to sleep, preparing for another day exactly the same as the last. I want to buy more mangas or animes, yet it appears as if I'm broke. I think I shall go eat some pancakes, like I go every day because they're easy to make. I should hope everybody else doesn't have this kind of thing. Hmmm... Goodbye.
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Friday, January 20, 2006
My Profile: (Is that what it's called?)
A friend has been asking me to do this, so... Here goes nothing!
Favorite Color: Black
Least Favorite Color: Pink
Favorite Animal: Panda
Least Favorite Animal: Pekeinese Dogs
Favorite Food: Vietnamese, Soft Pretzels, and Daifuku Mochi
Least Favorite Food: Mushrooms and the type of food served at Thankgiving.
Favorite Restaurant: "Pho" places
Least Favorite Restaurant: Red Robin
Favorite Store: Uwajimaya
Favorite Sport: Floor Hockey
Favorite Season: Fall/Winter
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Salmon are cool... I guess...
Today I went to a salmon hatchery with a lot of friends just for the heck of it. It was okay. There wasn't a lot to do, though...
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Wednesday, January 18, 2006
I can't do it. I can't make Sachiko come alive. For one, that username is already taken, and my e-mail address is already in to their database. Boohoo... My quest now is to see who's called Sachiko.
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I'm really starting to not like my username. Why couldn't I just have Sachiko or something simple? Every thing else here I love. Especially the fact that my friends are on, too. Maybe I should make a new account called Sachiko and keep this old one. I'll do that!
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Tuesday, January 17, 2006
I just thought of something!
On the Site Backroom, it says there are about 280,000 members, but only about 43,000 of them have a site. What is the point of having an account here without having a site? Seriosly? Do they just not know how to make a site???
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Ayumi, Come Back!
I want my friend Ayumi to come back from Costa Rica. It isn't fair. Her parents just dragged her away from here, not even listening to her pleas of mercy. So now I can't act like a drunken idiot, because she is the only one willing to do it with me. I wish she could live in my closet or something. I had a dream that I called her and she said, "Guess where I am!!". I replied, "Um... Costa Rica..?" And then she said, "No! In your closet!" So I opened my closet, and she had a bed set up in there and Fruits Basket mangas on a shelf nailed to the wall. She just kind of set up a little room in there. It was so sad when I woke up. Why do dreams make you feel so awesome until you wake up and realize it didn't really happen? It isn't fair!!
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