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• 2005-12-20
• Sniper/gunswoman for the Strawhat Crew.
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• You'll never get it out of me! Aaargh! Signed, Lemon
• I'm special. My mommy told me so.
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• I'm gonna.... um..... do..... something...... maybe......
• Dreaming, drawing, and dreaming some more.
• Evil laugh???
| sachiko1endoh
Friday, January 6, 2006
Two Poems For Your Enjoyment:
I want to know you
I want to ease your pain
No matter how alone you think you are
There's always someone holding out their hand to you
Take their hand
Smile at them
Stand up with the help of their hand
Embrace them
For they are yours
And in your case that hand belongs to me
Take my hand
Smile at me
Stand up with the help of my hand
Embrace me
For I am yours
And I have fallen in love with you
Running my hands through your hair
Gives me more pleasure than you could believe
My goal in life
Was to save you
From that pain deep inside
So let me steal that pain away
Let me know who you are
I am
Just trying to help you
Everyone needs their savior
So now we are standing here
Wondering where
Fate will take us next
Whatever happens
But we are together
And that is all that matters
For now
A young boy is lost
Doesn't know the cost
Of living like this
But it's nothin' we can't fix
Gotta find his home
What is a ribosome?
But who cares?
He's now livin' in a ware-
A coconut
Falls from it's tree
The lost boy
Eats lunch for free
Do you understand this poem?
I know what it means
Here it is:
You are naiive, like a child. You get lost in your emotions.
You don't get that it can be painful
Being lost in your emotions
But don't lose hope, because you can change
Try to organize your emotions
But don't get off track
What did you say? You don't care if you're like this?
You think you're fine with your mind in the conditon of a
warehouse. Seemingly huge, but cluttered and dirty, filled with things that don't really count
There's a gift. An award, or a trophy
It came from your heart
You look at, think about what to make of it
And you decide it's something good, and use it to your advantage
Now does the poem make sense?
Anyway, don't make too much of it, I made it for fun.
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