Birthday 1991-12-27 Gender
Female Member Since 2004-09-16 sad-reflectionz
Tuesday, February 1, 2005
alrighty then. not much to say except for the fact that i absolutely ha-i mean strongly dislike my 3rd period texas history teacher. oh gosh! she is so annoying! i mean she gives me a freakin 80 for no freakin reason and then wen i tell her and she looks through all the papers she has the nerve to save 'don't worry about it. you're not gonna die' or something of that sort. but can you believe it! she expects a srtaight A student to accept an 80! and she thinks its alright that she messed up! grrrr. argh! *throws hands in air* alright. that's all.
so, are their any teachers that get on your nerves big time? why?