I got to post! That in itself is an accomplishment for me. haha..well, I have a poem for you guys..here it is--
Can you trust me
with your secrets?
Can I be the one
you share things with?
I trust you with me life.
Do you trust me with yours?
I protect you with everything
I dont call it a chore.
HOw long can you last
without trust in someone?
What's wrong with you?
I no time, you'll be done.
Put your trust in me
and I promise to do
everything I can
to always be true.
Just trust me
and you'll find
that I'll be here always,
right by your side.
Whadya think? I kow it's kinda lengthy but I made it up last night watching GITS.
Neways, how was everyone weekend? Mine was okay...We have the TAKS tests this week. I think I'm gonna pass. Have a good week everyone!
Sano's got his sake and he's gonna get drunk again...-_-'
Ja ne Minna-san!