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myOtaku.com: sad-reflectionz

Monday, November 20, 2006

Things that happened these past few days
--saw Happy Feet (it was awesome)
--went to dance practice (had a blast)
--got the hugest compliment I could ever get from my favorite teacher
--had volleyball practice and bible quiz practice
--slept in till 11 today
--Thanksgiving break started (off one whole week!!)
--finally got some flats
--started suspecting that my crush is getting a little obsessive over me..
--my friend gave me Tsubasa Vol. 1 (yes!)

That's pretty much it..

Not much is going on in my life aside from the guy I like...

I can't wait for Eragon the movie to come out!! The book was great. I hope the movie is too!

So, what's up with you guys?

I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving Break/School week!!

�Shin: Device for finding furniture in the dark.�

^--You know it's true! LoL


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