Birthday • 1991-12-27 Gender •
Female Member Since • 2004-09-16 sad-reflectionz
Sunday, November 26, 2006
Hey everyone!
Today's the last day of Thanksgiving break..Sucks..I wish I could've actually done stuff. BLeh. How was everyone's Thanksgiving? Good I hope! I was gonna wish everyone a happy Turkey Day but I forgot to. Curse me and my forgetfulness. =P
Erms..OH! I bought Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE Vol. 11!! Finally! I'm gonna wait to read it though because the next one doesn't come out until February.. >.<
Did ya'll see Naruto yesterday? It was awesome. I'm glad Sasuke isn't disqualified. I can't wait for Sasuke vs. Gaara. It's gonna be awesome!!
Well..That's pretty much it..I hope everyone has a great week!! Have a fun time at school! [as if..LoL]
"All you need is love. But a little chocolate now and then doesn't hurt." <<--- LoL