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myOtaku.com: SadowessTheNight

Wednesday, December 7, 2005

Yes, I felt like a random scene from Monty Python and the Holy Grail today. Don't ask.

"A witch, A witch! Burn her!"
"How do you know she's a witch?"
"She looks like one!"
"Are you a witch?"
"I'm not a witch, I'm not a witch!"
"But you are dressed as one."
"They dressed me up like this, and this isn't my nose it's a false one!"
"Did you dress her up like this?"
*mubles of no, no, no* "No, yes...yes, we did do the nose, and the hat. But she's got a wart!"
"She turned me into a newt!"
"A newt?"
*everyone stares and guy looks nervous*
"I-I got better."
"There are ways of telling wether she is a witch."
"Like what?"
"Tell me, what do you do with witches?"
"Tell me, what do you burn, instead of witches?"
"Shut up...."
"Good!!! Now tell me, why do witches burn?"
"Uhh... because.... becasue they're made of... wood?"
"Now, how do we tell if she is made of wood?"
"Build a bridge out of her!"
"Ah, but can you not also build bridges out of stone?"
"oh yah..."
"Tell me, does wood sink in water?"
"No.. no, it floats. It floats!! Throw her into the pond!!"
"What else floats in water?"
"uhh... bread!"
"Very small rocks!"
"lead! lead!"
"....A DUCK!!"
"Exactly!! so..."
"So.. If she ways the same as a duck....She's made of wood!!!!!"
"And therfore?"
"a witch? ...A witch!!!!!!"

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