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myOtaku.com: Sage Drago

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Guestbook Entries:

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Mariko Skyfire (10/10/05)

Hi. Kira is sooo cool. And so is Kenchin. I love the Cbox too. I'm adding you as a friend. ok^_^

Fabrice Goosens (10/01/05)

hey...wikkid site.. well done.. anyway come check mine out and please vote for some of my pictures. yeah


EdwardElricThe2nd (10/01/05)

☺ Nihao! Como estas? n_n lol Nice sitez u gotz goinz here! w00t! I shall addu 2 me almighty list of forever gaining friendz! w00t! YAY! U R MY FRIEND NOW!!! YOU NEVER COME OFF MY LIST! n_n lol jk don't mean to sound obsessive. n_n' lol jk *sigh* yes...so drop by sometime...and please don't make fun of the hieght like most. n_n' lol YAY! Claps 4 u! n_n well drop by sometime! that'd be great! email me sometimez! ttfn! CULATER! n_n
Idiots do cool things.

That's why it's cool.
"They say that catching a mere rabbit takes every bit of a lions strength..."- Edward Elric

Da Fullmetal Cheerio King knowz bestiestz. do watz rite & don't do da drugz! o.o thanxiez! n_n

-ur friend 3dw4®d3lric7he2d♣♠ ♣♠

pepperpippin (08/20/05)

Hey...very nice site ya got here. Love the colors. Anyways keep up the good work ^_^. (drop by my site sum time and sign my guestbook!)

dragon phoenix (08/11/05)

Your site is great! And to answer your question, the author of "The Elder Gods" is David Eddings. I don't know what kind of books you like to read, but I definately enjoyed this one.

poli7777777 (08/08/05)

HI this is a really good site. I like it. i like soo many anime too! like trigun and naruto. U should check out my site. its in the workings but its getting betta. Hey i know dragon pheonix personally.

exdfighterpilot (07/31/05)

awsome site! thanx 4 singin my gb. ill add u as a friend 2. L8er!

Sharingan Itachi (07/19/05)

Yo! Ty for signing my gb. It's much appreciated. Awesome site you got here!!! The GS theme is awesome! It happens to be one of my favorite animes. Lol I'm adding you. I hope we can become very good friends.

Demon In Darkness (07/15/05)

I love your site your BG's hot XD i love it well PM me if you wanna talk some time but i have to go so ill ttyl love ya ::hugs and kisses:: bye bye now ^_^

songoscaresmeroku (07/06/05)

cool site*look at location* rigt if your in O.R.B than i'm a coordinator or am i?.....

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