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Member Since
Shapeshifting Sage
Real Name
Art improvement, learning 3D modeling/ animation
Anime Fan Since
The 90s Megaman cartoon and Sailor Moon
Favorite Anime
Princess Tutu, Outlaw Star, Ouran, and others
To be King of the Pirates! Make a manga, work on something 3D...survive college
drawing ,playing videogames, writing (badly), doing random commentary, and sometimes just staring into space
playing videogames and drawing ! I'm also an expert at Legend of Zelda.
| Sage of Magic

Welcome to the lair of the Sage. Feel free to look around but be warned, if you do not have chocolate I will bite. o\/\/o om nom nom
So about me...right. I'm a college student studying 3D animation and engineering...stuff. If I go absent for a bit just assume my homework swallowed me. College classrooms aren't the most ideal for drawing, which is honestly where I get most of my work done XD
I'm a Nintendo fangirl. More specifically, a Zelda fangirl. I love Pixar and cartoons and rarely ever act my age. I'm an animal lover and sometimes play flute. My art style usually consists of elves and animal eared/tailed things as that is my 'thing'. I do take requests but it comes with the warning that I am easily distracted and probably won't finish it soon...if ever o.o; It's not done on purpose. I just happen to be a very forgetful person.
And remember, any character I draw is my own. You are not permitted to trace/copy/or steal any of my works or characters. If you want to reference a drawing of mine, please ask first. Drawing my characters is acceptable so long as you say they're mine and don't twist them into your own creation or claim them as your own.
On that note, be on your merry way and enjoy the playlist.

Please visit this site and help children in Africa. Spread awareness!
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Oh dear, Bossman changed the artist rankings. Looks like I have to submit more comics if I wanna keep mine XD Guess that's a double edged sword there of good and bad.
Still coughing up internal organs but eh...I apologize again for lack of art. I may hold off until next weekend. I got an exam coming up.
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Saturday, October 17, 2009
I do have art for this weekend. I just hope you'll all forgive me if it's late. I'm still outlining the one to make it 'pop' because when I shade the outlines tend to look faded and need some touchups. Also, I've been fighting a sore throat, coughing, and now a stuffed nose the past few days so I'm not fully on top of my game. I'm going to look into finishing some old comics of mine. I'm sorry I don't do comics as often as I should. For me to draw a single image it takes a few days. To do a comic lately with the amount of detail and shading each panel pretty much takes up a few days in itself. So it's lengthy. Throw in my limited attention span and you get trouble. Back in the days I had these things out weekly my shading wasn't as smooth. It was really rough and quick. My shading now is very smooth and takes a lot longer. But it looks much better. And now I'm actually doing backgrounds (or attempting).
Bah, there's no water or food in my dorm and I can't do laundry. :( I need to do laundry. I have clothes left except what I'm wearing. And socks. Lots of socks. Where did all these socks come from!? I didn't even know I had so many! They're like...everywhere.
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Monday, October 12, 2009
Vat be this!? I'm posting AGAIN?! And still on myOtaku?!
Yeah, I wasn't kidding when I said I'm gonna spam this place with updates again. =w= Hopefully you'll all forgive me like you did during my noob days when I ranted about not getting a good art rating or whatever I wrote in my first few posts.
In truth, I had been actively posting on dA for a bit. The reason being was that my friends are all buggers and complained about me posting my stuff here. So I caved and humored them a bit, hanging around dA. But now they're all too busy or offline to care so back to living here. And with my motivation shining through again as I mentioned last post...well, even more of a reason eh?
The only downside to this place really is the lack of a reply notice. Just know that within 24 hours I'll respond to your comment. Unless college slaps me with a fish or something. Yes a fish. Points to those who remember that old pop tart commercial.
And lookie, I made boxes so you all can actually read what I post~!
Artwise, I am currently working on a piece that won't get many views or hugs...but the character is an oldie of mine I hope will be received well by my loyal friends here.
And...I am being a bad procrastinator and have chem homework to do~
Bye bye!
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Sunday, October 11, 2009
My gosh...I haven't written here in so long I forgot what the old myO backrooms looked like. I'm sorry I haven't been active here at all. I still love myO, but I found out that a few members of my family were actively watching this place as well as my art and...that kinda put me off for a bit. They were treating me oddly and I suspect they took my vent posts seriously instead of heeding the 'I'm venting naow please ignore cuz I'll feel better after I type this' warning. Either way, got some odd vibes and decided to lay off a bit. Plus I will admit, the past few years have been hard for me. I've suddenly fallen into depression and have had my creative energy in general, drained away. This second year threatens to do the same, but I'm fighting it off so far. Regarding the energy bit. I seem to have strayed from the depression emo bit which fills me with great joy. I hated feeling that way.
Neways, yeah...just stopping by. If anyone knows some good html codes to get my writing in a neat little box maybe I'll update this place and get back to a regular posting. :) Got a cool playlist I can add and I'm sure I can find a new theme to get things going again.
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My gosh...I haven't written here in so long I forgot what the old myO backrooms looked like. I'm sorry I haven't been active here at all. I still love myO, but I found out that a few members of my family were actively watching this place as well as my art and...that kinda put me off for a bit. They were treating me oddly and I suspect they took my vent posts seriously instead of heeding the 'I'm venting naow please ignore cuz I'll feel better after I type this' warning. Either way, got some odd vibes and decided to lay off a bit. Plus I will admit, the past few years have been hard for me. I've suddenly fallen into depression and have had my creative energy in general, drained away. This second year threatens to do the same, but I'm fighting it off so far. Regarding the energy bit. I seem to have strayed from the depression emo bit which fills me with great joy. I hated feeling that way.
Neways, yeah...just stopping by. If anyone knows some good html codes to get my writing in a neat little box maybe I'll update this place and get back to a regular posting. :) Got a cool playlist I can add and I'm sure I can find a new theme to get things going again.
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Friday, January 30, 2009
So I saw a Doctor
Honestly I try to avoid them as much as possible. I hate seeing them and am a huge germophobe so I'm always freaking out about touching things in the office. Especially since when ever you HAVE to touch something someone in the room always has to start hacking out a lung and you're like O______O" please cough the other away from me.
But yeah, reasons for going: I lost the hearing in my left ear. Not like, completely but enough to drive me nuts. I couldn't set up an appointment right away so I had to see them the next day (today). My gosh, eventful trip that was.
So I go in there and, of course, since I haven't been to this doctor before I had to fill out a lot of papers. Fun fun. Then I go in. They ask me what the problem is and check my ears. Apparantly it's a wax buildup (nasty). So they say to wait until the actual nurse comes in. So I wait. Another nurse comes in and checks me out, confirms that was indeed the problem, then decides to give me a check up on everything else. Okay...Found out I now weigh 91 lbs. I lost a pound...mur. Oh, and the new blood pressure devices: PAINFUL O____O My arm started THROBBING. I know it's gotta be tight, but I think there's a stopping point when your arm starts changing color and you can't feel things.
Okay, but after all that the nurse leaves, a new one comes in, once again confirms my problem, and then leaves.
Oh, and here's where it gets exciting. While I'm waiting for this new new nurse my glasses BREAK! I just pushed them back on my nose when suddenly, Pop! There went the lense onto the floor. A screw fell out of my glasses frame so the metal that keeps the lense in place flung out and dropped the lense O_o Thankfully I found the screw and fixed it myself before anyone came in (using my nails of all things as a screw driver...good thing I haven't been chewing my nails lately. My eye sight's pretty bad and I would not make it at all without glasses.)
Then the nurse who took my blood pressure comes in (what the heck?) and starts treating me (finally). Basically they shot hot water in my ear. Unfortunatly, nothing happened. So they stuffed something in both my ears (so now I literally couldn't hear anything which stunk. Especially when they asked me questions.) and made me go buy some medication to use until Monday when they'll start the real treatment.
Thankfully an hour later I could hear out my right ear again. My left is still silent. Oh, but now there's a throbbing pain in my right ear. Thank you doctor, thank you.
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Featured Quiz Result:
that's why I'm the "sage of magic" mess with me and burn.