Sage of Magic
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Tuesday, October 9, 2007
I had a mental breakdown yesterday. Yeah, lots of fun there. Basically burst out crying. Didn't last long though, and I felt a whole lot better today although the conditions really haven't changed much. And for the first time in a long time I made a new Basil and Roland comic. All the stuff I've been posting the past few months with them was done quite a while ago. I've just been trying to catch up by shading them. This new comic tho is made especially for Halloween. Might be a second one too. Not sure. Depends on if I have another break down (let's hope not)
But it's interesting, you can most definantly see the change my style has taken in this one. It seems a little more professional in my opinion from the art itself to the speech bubbles and wording. It's especially impressive when compared to my very first roland comic. Speaking of which, it's almost been a year since I started Roland and Basil. Just two more months (if you consider just the idea it's already been a year, lawl)
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Sunday, October 7, 2007
Ugh, I'm so tired and stressed. Woke up at 5 yesterday (in the morning O.o) to get work done. Still not anywhere near completion. Got little sleep -.- I can't concentrate. Probably gonna fall asleep early tonight.
And I've been kinda bouncing between depressed and happy. Really bizare mood swings.
I have a challenge for anyone to draw any of my characters if they're interested. No prize or awards or anything. Just a fun little activity (mostly I just have a fasination with style differences and I enjoy seeing the difference between mine and others and what better way then that?) So yeah...I need to go back to working. Let me know if you do it by putting a link in comments or something *falls asleep*

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Thursday, October 4, 2007
Status Report: Stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, STRESS. Lawl, basically same old same old for those of you who've known me for a while, except this time it's slightly more serious...well, actually 10X more serious, but yeah. STRESS ABOUNDS! (for those who get that joke, which I highly doubt any of you will, AWSOME)
There was a few postitives however. Got lots of good drawings done (I know I said I wouldn't draw, but that's like telling someone not to breathe). Won't post em tho until I have time (basically December). I'm thinking of getting a DA account too when that time comes. And no, I am NOT leaving the otaku. Other people submit their art on multiple sites so I figure why not? The otaku would still be main priority and everything I submit there would be submitted here as well (except my realism junk and progress sketches so when people start hounding me about art trades I have yet to complete I can show them cruddy sketches to show I AM working on it XD theotaku can have the prettified shaded versions, lawl)
And I'm happy X3 this lil girl said I was nice and pretty. I personally think I'm ugly so I really appreciated the comment X3 she was so cute and sweet!
And I got watercolor pencils and paints. I need to start branching out into color. But I haven't the slightest idea how they work XD Last time I tried to paint my friend's said it looked like a dying whale who got harpooned. It was supposed to be roses against a castle wall XP
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Saturday, September 29, 2007
Can't be on long, as I said I'm super busy, but I just wanted to announce and celebrate brand new One Piece done in Funimation! Huzzah! Although I just can't get used to the new voice actors. I think I liked the old ones better (except Sanji) I probably feel this way cuz the new ones sound like they're trying to mimic the old ones. Or at least that's how Luffy and Usopp sounded to me. Miss you guys already. And I've already caved in with doodles ^^" drawing keeps me sane, what can I say? See ya!
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Thursday, September 27, 2007
Yeah, basically, I won't be on theotaku for the next few months. Please forgive me, especially those who I have art trades and requests for. I am going to be so busy I'll need to give up comics and drawing anime for a while, and believe me, I try to avoid that if possible. But I really can't this time so...I'll post whatever I can pull together Friday and then that's it until at least December. Might update here and there to let you guys know I'm okay (well, I'll be uber stressed and cranky from lack of drawing but other then that...) So, I guess I'll see you guys in a few months *hug*
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Sunday, September 23, 2007
lawl, irony is great. So I think in one of my posts I mentioned that I rarely get votes or comments on my art, yet my comics get tons. It switched. My art got more votes then I'm used to. In fact, I'm thrilled cuz my recent art finally surpassed some of my old ones in votes. Very rare that it happens. And my comic, well, it's got enough votes that I'm content, but when compared to my other comics it fails XD Like I said, irony. But thanks to all who look at my stuff. ^^ I'll try and have another comic up next week as well as some art. Gotta work on myanimeworld's comic so she doesn't attack me with sporks and some drawings for a friend of mine *glomp* and I would like to finish a few sketches I won't post of some of my own characters. I rarely draw them and I really want to so...that's all that's going on here.
And my mother informed me that she found another baby snake in her bathroom and again she grabbed it and flushed it down the toilet. She's got a major fear of snakes. When we went out to parks together she would jump at branches and scream "SNAKE" before realizing it was just a stick. She says she feels bad for flushing them but she thinks it was the adrenaline making her do it. I don't doubt it.
And this e-card greatly disturbes me.
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Friday, September 21, 2007
One comic done, a few small drawings, a totoro doodle (cuz I'm listening to the song :3 so cute), and something for all my depressed friends. Yay!
My mom just called to inform me that she found a baby snake in her bathroom and without thinking grabbed it with a tissue and flushed it down the toilet... Oo" she always flips when she sees snakes, but she never did something like that. wow.

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Wednesday, September 19, 2007
So comics aren't going as well as planned. Forgot how long it took to shade the Basil and Roland ones. Serioulsy, it gets more shading then any of my other stuff. It's so dark. Dark clothes, dark hair, dark backgrounds...and I chose the longest comic cuz it had Ray in it. Second encounter for Ray and Basil. And myanimeworld, yes I am working on our trade. You don't need to chase me down with a spork. But I won't have it up this week. I'm sketching/ darkening it. And getting in all the minor details. So regular art wise, I redrew my character Ki. Last time I drew him it was a ten minute character sketch. This one I took the time to put in lots of detail. And I have a bunch of sketches. One in particular that I'm hoping will cheer up all these gloomy depressed people. And now I must go. Bye!
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Monday, September 17, 2007
I'm sure you'll all be happy to know I'm no longer depressed. I always hate being depressed, but what pulled me out is seeing a few others sites on the otaku. Man, they do NOT know how to handle a little depression. I won't go into details but I feel very sorry for these people who go to extremes. It seems more like they're doing it as attention grabbers and even if they aren't, life isn't one big ball of misery. There's good and there's bad. But meh, I give my inspirational speeches and pray they work (please do too). Then it made me think how annoying I must sound. That's the one thing that worries me with trying to be better friends with the other artists I know, I always feel like I'm annoying them because they hide a lot of their work from me, but show it to everyone else. Honestly I think they draw better then me so I don't see WHY they'd hide it. I'd be in awe just catching a glimpse. But they argue that I'm better (yah right). I draw their characters a lot, but they never ask to draw mine. Maybe mine are too plain? But meh, I'm sounding mopey again. I'm gonna try to be back to my positive self so :P
Next Roland comic features Ray again. And if I do get a second done, it'll be about Death Note and InuYasha. And if I'm super lucky, possibly the second part to my Final Fantasy adventure. Yeah I stink at that game. Makes me wanna try the more recent ones to see if I'm any better.
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Sunday, September 16, 2007
rah, still feeling a bit depressed, but better. I think I'm just lonely that my two best friends are gone, so I'm trying to get closer to other artistic friends of mine, but realizing that I really don't fit in. They're nice to me, but...I get the feeling that if I didn't hang out with them one day they really wouldn't care. But meh, I hate being depressed. Thanks to all the people who've tried to cheer me up. It does help a little bit ^^
In other news, I was apparantly tagged. First time that's happened. Ironically it's one I did for fun even though I was never tagged.
The rules are:
1. Post these rules.
2. Each person tagged must post 8 random facts about themselves.
3. Tags should write a journal/ blog of these facts.
4. At the end of the post 8 more people are tagged and named.
5. Go to their page and leave a message telling them they're tagged
8 random sage facts
1) I am a zelda fangirl. So much that I would probably go to Japan for the sole reason of seeing Nintendo's headquarters. I got a huge zelda poster on my wall and mangas to prove it as well.
2) I got a doggie and a kitty.
3) I will randomly meow and/or make other random sound effects when talking to friends. Why? Cuz I like sound effects.
4) I have tons of videogame music and soundtracks. Koji Kondo rocks.
5) I get really wierd food cravings at very wierd times. Like once I craved for popcicles but it was in the middle of winter.
6) I'm easily distracted. I probably have over 1,000 drawings I never finished because I came up with another idea and forgot their existance.
7) Been drawing since I can remember. The first being fuzzy stick figures (they looked more like pipecleaner ppl) called "Power Rangers" who basically were detectives. But they never solved mysteries...and they had a dog. Who had a girlfriend. And were randomly visited by a monkey who chased banana people but always ended up in a Wily Coyote position. splat. And they always had a song to go with each and every story. Which I made up. They mainly went to the tunes of my favorite game songs.
8) I talk to my characters when thinking. It amuses me and puts me in a better mood.
rawr, I tag ppl. Yup, just ppl. If you wanna do it, do it.
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