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Shapeshifting Sage
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Art improvement, learning 3D modeling/ animation
Anime Fan Since
The 90s Megaman cartoon and Sailor Moon
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Princess Tutu, Outlaw Star, Ouran, and others
To be King of the Pirates! Make a manga, work on something 3D...survive college
drawing ,playing videogames, writing (badly), doing random commentary, and sometimes just staring into space
playing videogames and drawing ! I'm also an expert at Legend of Zelda.
| Sage of Magic
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Thursday, June 21, 2007
'ello everyone. Yeah, again I have nothing of importance to really say so...but I am happy it's only thursday. That gives me two more days to finish shading my next Roland comic XD Yup, the return of Roland. If all goes well I might possibly have two. *le gasp*
So I replayed Tales of Symphonia and beat it. I decided to go back and find the costumes I could never find before and summon Maxwell. I also managed to get the scene where Raine meets her mom. Slowly working on art. Nothing new.
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Monday, June 18, 2007
Meh, nothing's really happening, but I felt I should post sometime. Really bored. I wanna talk to my friends, yet I don't wanna be a pain so I'm kinda just wandering around. My cat bit me again (for play of course) and now I'm sporting a Zorro-like Z on my hand XD Been listening to a lot of Pokemon songs...for what reason I don't know. And I'm already stuck on Illusion of Gaia O_o Basically the first boss is a real killer. I can't seem to get him. I even had a friend of mine play and she's a better gamer than me and she died on it. Rawr. Still working on shading comics and stuff. Hope everyone has a nice day. Moo.
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Friday, June 15, 2007
I actually might put up another comic later. *le gasp* after what? A month XD yeah, I've been lazy. It's not Roland, tho. But I'm working on him. Halfway shaded with him actually. And it has RAY! Yay! You can finally see who he is.
Oh, and a tad bit of pointless trivia about Basil. He's somewhat based off Princess Tutu's Fakir. At least hairstyle wise...also based off some science vid with Faraday (sp?)
And wht, I did buy weapons and stuffs for my Final Fantasy team but those mad horsies came out of no where and murdered me. So did those imps. And a random ogre...^^""" dang that game is HARD. But I no longer have it so I guess I no longer have to worry. I have a game called Illusion of Gaia now :3 it's interesting cuz the hero has "dark power"...don't heroes normally have "light power"? XD ah wells, fun game anyways. Now if only I can get my PS2 friends to share so I can play a different (hopefully easier) Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts since they seem to accuse me of being bias cuz I only play Zelda. I like lots of games, zelda's just my favorite ^^
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Thursday, June 14, 2007
WooT! So I'm happy. I'm no longer feeling dizzy (which I'm sure my friends are happy about cuz my brain wouldn't work yesterday so I was acting like a hyperactive drunk. My brain just wouldn't function. I tried alphabetizing my books and I couldn't even do that XD) So- yeah. I'm also pretty happy cuz someone put the first episode of the Tales of Symphonia Ova on youtube with subtitles *evil grin* I suggest watching it now before youtube realizes and goes on a deletion rant. <3 But I'm not a bad girl, oh no. I'll buy the ova as soon as it's dubbed so I gets my subtitles just like with Phantasia. Watched it on youtube and still bought it ^_____^ yup. Been listening to the opening song over and over to try and inspire myself for designing an outfit for my friend's character Lorcan. Finally played Final Fantasy. Unfortunantly it was the first one so I don't think I got the right impression...basically it's like the Tales series gameplay wise...except unrealistically hard. I mean, I walk out and die first monster. I can only inflict 1 pt dmg while it inflicts 8 or 30 O_o and leveling up is nearly impossible as well. I played that game for hours and only gained 1 level! -_-""" And just for the record, this is the one for the original nes, not the gameboy remake (my friend said there was one except A LOT easier)
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Wednesday, June 13, 2007
I'm back! So...anything important that I missed? Right now I'm kinda dizzy from riding in a car for 4 hours then riding a plane @_@ I HATE PLANES.
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Monday, June 4, 2007
Gonna be gone a week without access to a computer so goodbye for now! I shall be back ^^
New art!
 Artemis Revindicare Hosted By
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Sunday, June 3, 2007
So yesterday was an interesting day. First off, Cartoon Network was holding an old school pokemon marathon ^^ Yup, I watched it. I like the old episodes from the first few seasons. When they got rid of Misty is when I started hating pokemon. Makes me think of when I was younger and sang along to the pokemon theme with my one friend. (Gotta catch em all~) and I also saw another friend of mine. She's...interesting to say the least. When I first saw her she commented that she hadn't been able to draw for the longest time, then said I had a really nice, unique style. She pauses, then says "you need a new one" O_o ?! Later she randomly started asking why I didn't make tutorials and what nots for drawing. I honestly don't think my ability is high enough to teach others (I mean, I still look off tutorials myself. Not often, but I do). So then I started going off on one of my game rants saying that it'd be fun if I got a job doing character design for games and she tells me "I don't think you could. Your art's not really there. You have a long---- way to go" XD I never know what to think around her. She's also a tad picky. I was showing her really nice art and she went full critisism on it acting as though it was a mere stick drawing(I thought it was a nice picture ^^") ah wells. Interesting day indeed. Might have art later. Just need to ask a friend if I can post it since it's her character.
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Thursday, May 31, 2007
So now two of my friends have been introduced to the world of yaoi and are in love with it...and are now convinced that they are going to get me involved with it as well -_-" nice. Honestly I'd like to see them try. I guess I'm just old fashion in my preferences for reading boyxgirl romances. I can tolerate yaoi, but I don't like it. *sigh* I just hope they're nicer about it than my other yaoi loving friends who forced it on me and keep twisting all my stuff to suit their yaoi fantasy (good example is Roland and Basil. They keep trying to make me do yaoi scenes. I'm the type of person who goes out of their way to help and please my friends so it's a real pain to tell them I'm not doing it) . And I honestly hope they don't start changing their stuff to yaoi cuz they had some pretty good stories going and I think yaoi would ruin it...I mean, you have to admit, it's kind of being over used now to the point where it's everywhere. And also to the point where the fans think you're crazy and sick for liking boyXgirl romance.
Also, my Fire Emblem game erased itself ;_; I was halfway done with it and it deleted everything (and right when I started getting all these hot bishies on my army too :P ) But yah, that's kinda dissapointing. Gonna have to start over TT_TT
And my back REALLY hurts on top of it. I don't know if it's sunburn or what but it stings >_<" I can barely move.
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Tuesday, May 29, 2007
My I certainly had a lot of comments last post O_o Is it all cuz of Orlando? lol well anyways, I've surprisingly never had a crush on an actor (game characters on the other hand....*glances at giant Link poster*)
I'm still working on the drawings, but I've also started playing my flute again. I'm trying to play the Twilight Princess theme. Needless to say, there is no flute sheet music for it that I know of (piano exists, not flute) so I'm basically guessing out the notes. Had to skip the whole intro, but I've got a decent chunk of it done. When I finish I plan on recording it and putting it on youtube or something ^^ So far I'm very pleased with it. (if anyone knows of an easier way to post it I'm more than happy to hear it)
Oh, and just a question for you all: what's your opinion on the book Twilight? I've never read it and half my friends say it's the worst thing they ever read and the other half is in love with it. It's very hard to find where I am so I'm wondering if it's worth the effort to scout out. I'm not really too big on vampires...(ironic, no? Considering one of my characters IS a vampire XD )
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Monday, May 28, 2007
Right, so you know how I said I would post a pirates comic yesterday. I lied. Oh I have the idea all sketched out BODY wise, but then I later realized -Jack's hair is a pain in the butt as well as his clothes. -_-" I'll have it done eventually like everything else I've said I'd do. Got a cool drawing sketched out and now am in the process of shading and darkening ^^ It's two kitty peeps. XD
Oh, and I forgot to mention the funny conversation I had with my friends after the pirates movie. Somehow they had gotten into this discussion over Orlando Bloom cuz my one friend used to be obsessed over him (don't deny it >:3 ) So yeah, everyone started swooning over him so I sighed and said "Am I the only one immune to him?!" They stare "You're immune to his hotness ?! XD" "Yup, I suppose so" *dodges randomly thrown objects* Sorry Orlando, Will, and Legolas fangirls but I dun like him. He's an okay actor but I'm not all "Oh Orlando~"
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