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Shapeshifting Sage
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Art improvement, learning 3D modeling/ animation
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The 90s Megaman cartoon and Sailor Moon
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Princess Tutu, Outlaw Star, Ouran, and others
To be King of the Pirates! Make a manga, work on something 3D...survive college
drawing ,playing videogames, writing (badly), doing random commentary, and sometimes just staring into space
playing videogames and drawing ! I'm also an expert at Legend of Zelda.
| Sage of Magic
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Saturday, August 26, 2006
Sorry I've been gone for so long! I won't bore you with the details so let's just say I was gone because of work, bad luck, emotional breakdowns, stress, and unexpected allergies. ^^" I'm somewhat okay now so don't worry! That's just what I get for being smart and trying to get a job in the videogame market. Like I said, I can't quit, and it's nothing no one hasn't gone through before (believe me) so I'll be okay once things even out. Actually, I hear it gets easier from where I stand now so yay! I'm glad you people miss me though. That makes me feel a lot better.
I've submitted the cat girl drawing. I'm still in the process of my Naruto comics. I've got the Rock Lee comic, something poking fun of the Naruto dub, and a cute Hinata comic XD Just gotta color and ink. (the things I'm bad at) I also got the Pita Ten reference and am working on that, as well as re doing the thing I said I'd make for Zooka cuz it came out wierd ;_;
I'm also trying to submit a video on youtube, but it won't work. My job required me to download tons of stuff onto my laptop (my computer was too ancient to accept it) and it's killing the lap top. I'm also working a bit on my manga, as well as making a lil comic about my character and my friend's character cuz we made them up around the same time (even if she doesn't remember!) Unfortunantly, I can't submit those cuz they show my precious babies and I won't let anyone take em till they're in an official manga (already upset cuz a professional game company stole her title which she had three years longer than the company who made the game) >:(
Did anyone notice that the popularity thingy has a frowny face? XD It's funny!
Alright, enough outta me. Story time!
~Revamped Chapter 5~
Sun streamed through the gothic windows and across the bed where Alicia lay. She wearily opened an eye and glanced around. She had half forgotten that she was no longer in her appartment but in a giant stone castle isolated somewhere in the woods.
She quietly sat up, tucking her legs close to her body, and stared out the window. She had given up on going back to sleep. The view outside the window was gorgeous; a flawless ocean of trees that stretched endlessly into the horizon. The sun was cautiously peering over, sending a holy glow across the forest, highlighting the dew that graced every leaf. Alicia could hear the calls of various birds. She quietly wondered if they were from real birds or these new creatures.
Her eyes then danced over to Lenare. He hadn't stirred at all since last night and looked extremely awkward tucked up in the chair. Curious, she strode over to his side and stroked one of his feathers. It was one of the softest things she had ever felt. He twitched a bit, before returning to a peaceful slumber.
"I wonder how deep a sleeper he is," Alicia thought playfully. She clapped her hands loudly only to recieve a moan in responce. "Apparantly very deep."
Her eyes fluttered over to the piles of things he had asked her not to touch. She had layed her clothes carefully along one of these piles.
"Now's the perfect time to investigate. If he does wake up, I can just say that I was trying to reach my clothes."
She tiptoed over to a pile and grabbed the first thing she felt on top and pulled it down. It was a penny. A very shiney penny. She glanced over at Lenare. She quickly grabbed the next thing off the pile. A shiney piece of wrapping paper.
"No...surely not...they aren't that much like birds...there's no way EVERYTHING in this pile could be shiney stuff. No way."
Alicia hurredly reached for another item. Her fingers fell upon something crinkled. She pulled it down carefully. In her hand lay an old picture, yellow from age. It's corners were burt slightly. In the picture, a man was hugging a woman. In the woman's arms was a small child with black wings and blueish hair.
A huge crash thundered from outside the door causing Alicia to jump. Her heart lept painfully into her throat.
"You idiot! You almost dropped it!"
"You're the idiot. You tripped me!"
Alicia dashed behind Lenare's chair and hid behind one of his many piles just as two people burst through the door. They were twins by the looks of it, with messy shoulder length brown hair. The tips of each strand were a dusty black. Their wings mimicked their hair and were equally ruffled. Their outfit consisted of a worn looking jacket over an equally worn out looking shirt with baggy brown pants.
"Lenare!" they chorused playfully," time to wake up!"
Lenare moaned and hid under his ratted quilt. The two bounced over joyfully, their movements mirroring one another perfectly.
They each grabbed a corner and tugged the quilt off. Lenare cringed in the sunlight and covered his head with his arms followed by another moan.
"Lenare, you can't sleep your whole day away," the one on the right said.
"And after we went through all the trouble to deliver these too. Shame, shame," the other teased, holding a stack of books and a plate of pancakes.
Lenare turned to face them. He glared at them menicingly.
"," he growled.
"Tsk, tsk, tsk. Is that how you thank us? Katoh asked us personally to give these books to you. Perhaps we should say that you're far too busy sleeping to accept these."
Lenare snatched the books and tossed them forcefully on a pile.
~end chapter 5~
Yeah, I'm tired of writing. I'll finish this chapter later.
videogame fact o the day: Is another random interesting fact o the day. Philo Farnsworth is the guy who invented electronic TV. He came up with the idea and design when he was 14 (and he was a farm boy too. He didn't have tech). Yeah, so when he was 14 he came up with the idea of firing electrons for images. So yeah, 30 times a sec the TV fires electrons for images. But the poor guy wasn't paid that much for his invention, no one knows his name, and he ended his life despising it. Poor dude.

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Thursday, August 24, 2006
Sorry I haven't been on in so long -_-" I'm so busy, it's ridiculous. But I'll get through it. Somehow. Haven't worked on my story, way too busy. But I will revamp that last chapter eventually. I finally named the twins so that's good. Although my friend also has twin characters...strange. I have a few drawings and I've finally got around to drawing the first page of my manga I've had for four years and counting ^^"
Also working on my other art: expect a cat girl and a few Naruto comics coming. As well as a Pita Ten drawing cuz I finally found a decent reference to look off of for the girl with the rabbits in her hair.
And that's about it here besides me being ultra stressed. But what can ya do?
videogame fact o the day: is real life fact of the day today. Apparantly poor Pluto has been demoted (so much for the Sailor Scouts :P )
I don't get that tho. After all these years of Pluto being a planet...why now do they change that? I like Pluto! (not as much as Saturn, but)

This game deserves more respect: It's awsome and one of my fav Super Facom games of all time! All applaud Donkey Kong 2!!!
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Sunday, August 20, 2006
Alright, I got about a half an hour of freedom left before I get caught and have to work my butt off again so lets just see haow far I can go in my story!
BTW, I posted stuff. It's not that good, my comics are on wait until I can color them, but I posted a pic of Alicia and Lenare so now you can see what they look like ^^ later I'll draw Katoh. Then the twins. But that's later!
~Chapter 5~
Sunlight seeped softly through the windows and danced across the bed where Alicia lay, the song of birds filling the room. She lazily opened one eye and looked out. The sun was just starting to rise into the sky, the clouds obidiently parting way. It was a georgeous morning.
She sat up and lightly stretched. She hadn't realized how beautiful the view was from the window until now. Strong, thin trees stretched endlessly across the horizon all glittering with the morning dew the sun hit, forming a picture one would only see in fairy tails, which is exactly what Alicia felt she was in. She wondered just how high up the mountain this room really was.
Her eyes glanced over to her escort. He hadn't stirred at all. Alicia glided quietly to his side making sure not to step on his wings which stretched along the floor. He looked awkward all scrunched up in the chair. Curious, Alicia stroked a black feather with her finger tip. It was, as she expected, smooth and very soft. His wing twitched a big and his rhythmatic breathing faltered.
Alicia waited with bated breath, but he just slept on. She snapped her fingers. Nothing. "He's a deep sleeper," she thought as her eyes roamed over the piles. Stepping up to one, she grabbed the first thing on top of the pile and looked at it.
It was a shiny penny. A very shiny penny. She stared at it. Then at him. Then back at it. She grabbed another thing atop the pile. It was a shiny piece of wrapping paper. "Don't tell me...that all this stuff is just shiny things! What is it with birds and shiny stuff?!" She began rummaging through more things, mostly junk, until she came upon a picture. The corners were burnt, and the picture was extremely torn, but she could make out three people; a tall lady and man holding a small child.
~temp end to chapter 5~
This chapter stunk. I gotta fix it, but not now. My half an hour's up (that's what i get for making it up as I go) I'll probably redo this all and scrap it. -_-" It's so lame.
videogame fact o the day: is another anime fact. Usopp's nose from One Piece is based off Pinochio (sp?) cuz he always lies :P That makes a lot of sense, actually. New respect for Usopp.

I adopted a chibi! ^.^

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Friday, August 18, 2006
^^" Well, I'm doing much better. Things weren't as bad as I thought. I'm sorry I've been complaining so much about stress, but the only time I can go on the computer is right after work and at that time I'm pretty much brain dead. It's like speed typing for two hours, by the time you reach the first hour your fingers and brain are so numb your fingers start to forget where certain keys are and your sentences look like alphabet soup. That was a colorful similie...metaphor...thing... And trust me, I'd quit work if I could. Well, actually I probably could quit, but then I wouldn't be able to get a job as a graphic designer or writer or something. So yah. I'll be okay once I get back into the swing of things.
But enough of that. Koneko, if you wish to draw Dragon, feel free to. I posted a picture I drew of him a while ago (the lil chibi with the tea cup) And there is a pattern to him so he's not hard. His hair is in long strand, short strands. And Oceania16....that is one wierd fact. I had no idea frogs could do that O_o
Also, for those of you who asked for requests, would you have any issues if I posted other art first? I'm on a creative role and if I hold off any longer I'll be submitting enough art to fill four pages -_-" One good thing about work: you can sneek doodles without ppl noticing and if they do they really don't care. As long as it's not someone with a sword in their gut. That'd be a lil distracting.
Snakes on a Plane spells SoaP.... sorry, I just find that amusing ^^ I'll be posting the next chapter of my story eventually, and once again I'll be winging it. I don't even have names for the twins and they enter next ^^" whoops!
But Sage is a very happy girl. Why? Well, she just discovered the wonders of Fire Emblem fanart XD *complete bliss* I will beat that game someday. Speaking of Fire Emblem...
heres the link to the song Life Returns. I can't get it on my site so you'll have to listen to it here. And plz do, it's a lovely song Tell me what you think.
videogame fact o the day: is anime fact o the day. The big eyes in anime is actually inspired by Disney. Yup.

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Thursday, August 17, 2006
Hah...still extremely stressed. I'm hoping I can post the next chapter of my story, but don't get your hopes up. I'm seriously behind in all my work -_-" And I don't get any of it. Bleh. But, other than my stomach bothering me which I have concluded is a result of stress, I feel pretty good. Other than my brain being numb *pokes it and feels nothing* meh. But I do have a lot of art waiting to be posted. I'm just trying to finish all the other junk I promised first which is hard when I'm at work and don't have my pens and prisma colors handy. Eventually I'll get em done.
Had an amusing idea tho if anyone wants to make something out of it since I'm too lazy to. What if Shippo had Fairy God Parents? *shrugs* I was watching Fairly Odd Parents when I got this idea. All the chaos that would ensue...feel free to make a story out of it. I'm not.
There is one thing I find amusing tho. When ever ppl ask for requests on this site I ask for them to draw my oc Dragon. They never do. I always found it funny cuz they'd promise me yes, but I dunno, flip out or something. He's not that hard. Everything about him has a pattern. Even his hair, long strand short strand. He's easy. Just something I noticed.
Another thing that happened was that my dad glitched PacMan. He was playing it on Super Nintendo when PacMan vanished and the ghosts went crazy. How on earth do you glitch PacMan?! It's a big circle eating floating blankets with eyes! @_@
videogame fact o the day: is random fact I found out today that strikes me as odd. Get this, turkeys can reproduce without having their eggs fertilized. O_O Meaning if you had a pet female turkey in your house it could have babies and no male could be around for miles. Granted it'd be a girl turkey no matter what, but still. That's weird. Some lizards and fish do it too.
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Tuesday, August 15, 2006
I am so sorry to all who visited me that I haven't visited your sites. My life is so stressful right now with work. -_-" And my foot hurts. Have no idea what that has to do with anything but it does. Thankfully, I have lots of art to please you all and I'm working on the stuff I promised (and sneaking on the computer when I shouldn't be and getting caught a bazillion times :P) But oh well. On the bright side I get to see an old friend of mine again. I've known her for seven years, but we haven't seen much of each other for two. She's an awsome artist and I learn most of my stuff from her. She's actually on theotaku, but just doesn't post much art. She's more on diviant art. But she's awsome.
I'm gonna visit ya all on the weekend and type up the next chapter of my story and once again I am open to any suggestions! HINT HINT! Mostly something funny cuz I gotta have my humor and so far there's nothing funny. I need my humor. And action, but that comes later. Yay for shonen sword fights!
And that's about it here. Besides me working on my Tales parody. Oh, and someone stole my poke a sasuke comic. Not on the internet tho, someone in real life. I had it one minute and the next it was gone. Makes me sad cuz it's the original. I don't know how they did it tho, I carry my sketch book everywhere in my arms...*shrug* Just kinda upset but I'll get over it. I have it on here so that's good. Just gotta print it up.
And now I'm tired so I bid you all adieu (sp?)
videogame fact o the day: It's been confirmed by nintendo that the thief in the new Fire Emblem trailor is indeed Sothe from the last game. Meaning we might be in for a sequal ^^ Also, if he happens to be a main character, it'll be the first Fire Emblem game to have someone in the thief class be a lord. In short, usually main chars like Roy, Marth, and Eliwood are of the Lord class where they have their own unique style of fighting and if they die the game ends. Sothe might be the first one to break this and be the only one in the theif class that can cause a gameover. If so he might also be the strongest thief in all the games...
Behold! Roy and his father(the pansy), Eliwood.

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Sunday, August 13, 2006
I shouldn't be on right now cuz I got a pile of work, but I'm going to write as much as I can before I get caught :P So I might have to do this in parts and I might have to post the rest later and stuff -_-" Just work with the stressed out girl right now, okay? I just wanna ram my head into a wall I'm so stressed. sigh
~Chapter 4?~
Alicia allowed herself to be blindly dragged down the maze of hallways, her eyes still not fully adjusted to the dimness of before. Lenare's grip was firm around her wrist and she could feel the sharp tips of his claws slightly digging into her skin through her sleeves. She tried to get a good look at his face, but his features remained shrowded in the dark.
It was a good fifteen minutes before his pace slowed down to a casual walk, stopping in front of a much smaller door bearing the same designs as the King's. Lenare opened it slowly and peered in before pushing Alicia inside and closing the door. Immediatly the room came to life, the ceiling turning from a dark and dreary night sky to a calm and beautiful sunset giving the room just enough light to see in.
Alicia quickly scanned the new room. To her, it was though a series of tornadoes had stormed through, papers littered the floor as well as shirts and other various items. It was slightly smaller than the kings and held two windows, a closet and bathroom entrance on one wall of the room.
Lenare immediatly began to pick up the items along the floor and push them into any available area he could find.
"I take it this is your room?" Alicia inquired.
"Yes, milady," his voice dripping with resentment.
"Kinda big for a servent's room, I was expecting something smaller," she said nonchalantly.
Lenare stopped cleaning and glared daggers at her. "That's because this isn't a servent's room. Just because I am a vassel of the King doesn't mean that I am a mere servent. My rank is far higher than yours will ever be." And with that he resumed his cleaning.
"My, you're touchy."
Alicia recieved no responce. Lenare scurried over to an armoire and began digging through it. He pulled out a large, old quilt that looked as though it had been ripped apart and sewn together several times and tossed it over a chair surrounded by piles of junk.
"Is that where I'm sleeping?" Alicia stared at the ratted quilt.
"No, you get the bed. Lord Katoh asked that you be made comfortable. Besides, you need to be well rested for learning magic, especially since humans are such fragile creatures." He resumed cleaning up, although failing miserabley as he only made bigger piles of junk in the corners of the room.
"Oh really," Alicia decided to play along," and how are we humans so fragile?" She found it rather fun watching him get so flustered with her questions.
He sighed heavily. Alicia's whole manner had a way of digging under his skin and staying there. It all seemed like one huge test on his patience."Do you know who truely built the great pyramids?" he questioned politely.
"Egyptian people?" Alicia failed to see the point of this. Perhaps he was going to attempt to play at her game?
"No," he answered shortly. "Our people did. Why do you think they drew art of creatures with bird heads? We are stronger than you and far more advanced in technology. We learned before you how to use magical energy instead of wasting away the environment. That's how these hallways work. The only problem is that we need a constant supply. That's another duty of yours now." He continued placing things on top of random, unsteady piles.
"If you're so advanced, then I guess you know of a way to stop that pile of yours from falling over?" Alicia stated casually watching the tower of things sway slightly.
Lenare frantically grasped his now toppling tower which crashed soundly on top of his head, leaving the now almost clean floor covered in a new wave of trash. He sent her a glare before kicking his new mess aside and heading towards the armoir again. Alicia curiously peered under his shoulder. The whole armoir was full of similar, long sleeved clothing.
"Not much of a wardrobe you have there," Alicia pointed out.
"Ignore her, ignore her, ignore her...," Lenare chanted in his mind." She's not here, she's not here, she's not..." A crash echoed across the room. Lenare clenched his fists and slowly turned. Another pile of junk had fallen over and Alicia lay akwardly in the middle of it, holding a small sketch book soundly in her hand. She looked shaken up.
"Please don't go through my stuff," he sighed as he took back the sketch book and placed it upon another pile. He went back to the armoir and grabbed a few articles of clothing then headed towards the linked bathroom. "Why don't you go to sleep, milady? It should be about two in the morning. There was a clock somewhere...," he muttered before going in.
Alicia sat on the bed. Despite its messy appearance it was quite comfortable. It felt like she was floating on a cloud. She looked up at the simple canopy cloth that hung over it. "His room would probably be a lot nicer if he took more care of it and cleaned it every so often," she thought silently.
He came out wearing an outfit similar to his first, except that it lacked the designs, was looser, and obviously made of a lighter fabric. His hair was untied and came down in waves around his face. Immeadiatly the ceiling faded to night.
"Why aren't you sleeping?"
"You expect me to sleep in my clothes? I'm wearing a long skirt, it'll wrinkle," she stated blandly.
Lenare sighed again. "Does she have to have an arguement for everything?" he thought. "You can go through my closet, but I'm afraid I don't own any women's clothing."
"Really? I thought you would," she remarked sarcastically as she looked through his stuff. Lenare curled uncomfortably into the chair, his head resting on the armrest and his body facing away from her and the bed. He covered himself under the quilt.
Alicia's eyes landed upon a dark blue outfit with gold, very loose but a great deal smaller than the rest of his clothes hidden way in the back. She guessed by its size he hadn't worn it in a while. Taking it to the bathroom with her she quietly changed into it.
Unlike his room, the bathroom was very well kept and clean, supporting a shower and bath with two sinks all of white marble.
She walked over to his bed and laid down. She waited silently, her eyes on Lenare before she was sure he was asleep by the rhythmatic fall of his chest and then sat up. While her body begged for rest, her mind ran through the last few hours over and over again. She was now to share a room with what ever this guy was, learn magic, live here in a was all too much at once for her.
She sat there fingering the sleeves of Lenare's outfit. The fabric was very soft and smooth. She stared calmly out the window until fatigue finally over came her and she fell soundly asleep upon a floating cloud in a sea of darkness.
~end chapter 4~
Or, at least I think this is chapter four. Man, I'm exhausted. I'll try to get another one up next weekend. Please forgive me if I don't visit you for a while. I'm so busy. I had a breakdown a few hours ago. Stress is evil. Evil, evil, evil, evil, evil, evil. But I got some art done. I'll post in a few weeks -_-"
videogame fact o the day: I thought it'd be nice for a change of pace so here's something from Final Fantasy. To this day 63 million units of the game have been sold world wide. Big game. Too bad all I own is nintendo consoles so I can't play it. Well, I could, but it wouldn't be the final fantasy everyone's into with Cloud and all those ppl with the pretty hair you just wanna stroke all day. *grabs that Sepheroph dude and strokes his hair* So soft XD

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Friday, August 11, 2006
Alright, so I'm planning on posting the next chapter of my story up probably sometime later tomorrow afternoon or on Sunday. I have no idea what I'm gonna write so I figure I'll just wing it (although Enzeru did come up with some useful suggestions)
Neways, this week's been a nightmare. I've been so stressed with all the work I have. Plus, my stomach's been killing me every night (I think it's related to my stress) and my throat feels sore (I think because I talk loudly ^^") and someone who was sitting next to me had an asthma attack (lovely). But seriously, the girl with the asthma attack freaked me out. I've known ppl with asthma but it was the first time I actually witnessed someone break down like that. Even her inhaler didn't work. Thankfully we got help and she went to the hospital. I think she's okay, but I'll know for certain when I go back to work. But that had me shaken up for a good few hours.
But anyways, since I'm so busy, it'll be a while before I post more art(sorry to those who requested stuff) But I'm gonna try to get em done for you all! Don't worry!
One question I have for you all tho: how old do you think I am? Cutepresea asked something like that once and she got some interesting results (considering no one looked at her birthday) and I'm bored out of my mind.
I'm going to post a Tales of Phantasia movie parody thing soon so look forward to that. And also, I'm thinking about trying to get a new Naruto pairing out there (it's not bizare so don't worry). It's Rock Lee and Sakura! Comeon, you guys have to agree that Rock Lee needs a break, Naruto is gonna be with Hinata (they'd be perfect), and Sasuke is gay (no really, his other form is a girl and he's with Orochimaru and if you don't know what's wrong with that read Mokusei's comics and you'll see O_o) So I wanna start up a Rock Lee and Sakura pairing :P And I'm not crazy!
videogame fact o the day: In Ocarina of Time, if you go to the courtyard where you first meet Zelda you'll see two windows on the wall. Look through one and you'll see a bunch of Mario drawings, and hit the other with a sling shot and a soldier will come out of the window and throw a bomb at you. Have fun!

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Tuesday, August 8, 2006
M'kay. I am extremely busy again. Afraid I'll have to limit my posts to weekends. I'll try to write the next chapter of my story this weekend. And work on my art. And beat Fire Emblem.
Enzeru, if you're looking for good pens try micron pens. They're only a dollar and are very nice. I recommend the .005 one if you draw thin lines like I do -_-"
In other news, my dragon egg can't hatch, but you can see what it kinda looks like if you click show picture. See if you can guess its name ^^
videogame fact o the day: Once again, is an anime fact o the day. Originally, when they were planning on dubbing Yu Yu Hakusho they were planning on Americanizing their names as well. And here they are in all their horrible glory:
Yusuke: Uguine (can't sp)
Kurama: Denis
Hiei: Vincent
and Kuwabara: Alfred
Boy am I glad they went against that idea or Yu Yu Hakusho might've ended up a flop. ^^"
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Sunday, August 6, 2006
Okay, normally I would add the next chapter, but as I've stated, I only have the major events planned. I need minor things and ideas to help lead up to things. Any idea helps and more than one idea is encouraged (I don't care how long the comments are). It can be anything, but I prefer anything fluffy (romancy), funny, or something with a bit of action (being the shonen fan I am). As for the stuff I've come up with, I'm thinking of adding a few new characters. I've been watching a lot of Ouran High School Host Club and seeing the twin characters made me wanna have twins, so---- soon I'll be introducing my own set of twins! They're gonna be "maids" in a sense. They clean up the palace (and snoop around in other ppls buisness) :P All they need are names, well, and I gotta figure out what they'll look like.
So yah, any suggestions are welcome! The more you write the happier I'll be ^^
I've also been working on my art and I'm getting better at inking. Or, at least my hand's not shaking like crazy while I ink. I still have a lot of art to work on though. But I've drawn Lenare and Alicia ^^ YAY!
I'm also thinking of trying to change my music to Life Returns, the song in Fire Emblem. It's very beautiful. I'm not sure if I'll be successful, but I'm gonna try.
videogame fact o the day: In Tales of Symphonia they have an enemy in one of the mines that looks like a square called Bacura. Bacura is an enemy from Namco's old shooter game Xevious. So yay for more hidden ads!

This is Guy, and yes, he's ,well, a guy!

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