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Shapeshifting Sage
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Art improvement, learning 3D modeling/ animation
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The 90s Megaman cartoon and Sailor Moon
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Princess Tutu, Outlaw Star, Ouran, and others
To be King of the Pirates! Make a manga, work on something 3D...survive college
drawing ,playing videogames, writing (badly), doing random commentary, and sometimes just staring into space
playing videogames and drawing ! I'm also an expert at Legend of Zelda.
| Sage of Magic
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Thursday, March 30, 2006
April Fools
I'm gonna share one of the funniest pranks for April Fools day I've seen. Feel free to do it if you wish (this is just for you Mokusei XD )
So neways, it's April Fools day and this one boy was extremely hyper. He scoots his chair forward and screams APRIL FOOLS!!!!!! ....I don't get it either, but it was funny. It was so random and stupid....but it did make everyone laugh. I wonder what gave him that idea? Well, neways, enjoy April Fools day and look out for my Zelda april fools day comic I'm trying to submit(I can't size it right T_T) Bye!
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Saturday, March 25, 2006
I'm's a miracle...I'm so tired...I have tons of art to submit though ^_^ Just gotta finish it. If someone could tell me where to find anime music to put on your site I'd be very happy. I think I want to put the One Piece song, Believe, on my site. It's so happy and bouncy! And it's One Piece! Either that or I'd put Code Lyoko on in's a really interesting song. Or perhaps the One Piece rap to get it stuck in your heads!!!! Until then...zzzZZZzzz...zzzZZZzzz
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Tuesday, March 14, 2006
Someone stole my art
Yeah...I really have no idea what to do. I can't leave a comment cuz I'm not on that site but she seriously stole my idea of Suika. I don't know whether I should be flattered or mad :P Actually, it's kinda funny to me. She liked my art enough to say she did it. She stole other ppls art too so if you drew Suika, consult her: FoxMewBrittany at I think If you can, tell her she should give me credit for my idea. Yelling at ppl isn't my thing, so if you could just kindly ask her to give me credit, I'd be happy. Thank you.
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Sunday, March 12, 2006
Someone posted art they drew from a Legend of Zelda Manga! I must know where to find it! It's Four Swords!! (for those of you who haven't already figured it out I'm a zelda fanatic so I must know!!!!!) But in good news, I found the Legend of Zelda Minish Cap manga. Vaati looks cute, for an evil eye ball maniac person minish thingy. No really, he does. Only problem is that I haven't beat it yet so I can't read it yet T_T
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Friday, March 10, 2006
I'm ALIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well, barely. I can't feel my brain.... -_-" there's probably an echo in there. One of my eggs rotted. I wonder weather I should keep it or not...*pokes it* hmmmmmm. Well anyways, I'm submitting an old comic of mine, it's really funny so you should see it. Soon, hopefully this weekend, I'll submit the vending machine comic. And soon whtdragon's characters will be submitted as well. I'm making a background for this one. I'm challenging myself further. As a future manga artist I should be able to make a background. I'm kinda upset though. I had dibs on the fox mew and I submitted the first fox mew, yet ppl are making their own fow mew and kicking Suika aside. She's a mew too! *sigh* oh well....still wonder if I should keep that egg. *stares at it* I think I see a future comic in the process staring: MY ROTTEN EGG! Well, I gotta go. Bye!
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Saturday, February 25, 2006

I hope to try an draw her someday ^_^

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Sunday, February 19, 2006
Hiya ppls! I feel a whole lot better now(even tho in a half an hour I gotta go back to all work no fun again T_T) I came up with the perfect idea for a comic! Thanks Konekochan92 (I think that's how it's spelled and if it's not, a thousand appologies) Hahaha! I shall make a comic about the Ocarina of Time! And it shall be stupid...oh stupid that it's funny, just like poking the text book *typing with the man eating text book half way up her arm* Oh, and PLEASE go check out my art! I must share it with the world!!
And cuz I have no idea when I'll be back and my profile is glitched(seriously, if I add stuff it earases everything...I think the dancing Hinata I used to have messed everything up cuz until I had her then earased her, everything was fine) I'm putting this up for no apparant reason!
...sorry, but if ya wanna see the eggs they're no longer here :P They've been moved to my profile.
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Saturday, February 18, 2006
Hi everyone. I'm back. Sorry I haven't been on in a while. I've had work every night and it keeps getting later and later. Plz don't hold it against me if I don't visit your sites. It's truely not my fault so don't abandon me. I'm kinda depressed cuz I visited a few of my friends and they took me off their friend's list cuz I didn't visit them for a week. I can't live off a computer. I'm also sad cuz no one bothered to comment on my site. I do like at least one comment every now and then so I know I'm not chatting to myself. Neways, enuff of me and my pity party. All it'll do is make me lose more friends. My old background got...I guess deleted, I dunno, so I've decided to have the theme of Fire Emblem since, next to Zelda, it's one of my fav games. I also like Lethe cuz she can kill strong bosses at level 1 so yah. I've submitted lots of new art and redid some of my old ones so plz check them out. An' if possible, can someone design a .hack character for me? I'm hooked on it and I would really like a character just for fun, but the thing is I'm really indecisive when it comes to these things. I can make up a character but I can't make up one for myself as odd as it sounds. So plz make one for me. Make her similar to Hotaru but kinda...I dunno...
I do have an idea though. I'm going to make a comic, only thing is, you get to decide what it's about! Just say any random everyday item that comes to mind like hairdryer and I'll try an make a story or comic out of it. But it has to be common and something most ppl have heard of. Or something in the Legend of Zelda or Fire Emblem cuz I'm a freak like that! Well, I hope you all had a nice V-day and I hope you have a nice weekend ^_^ see ya!
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Friday, February 10, 2006

I'm so happy about this! Thanks Briar rose90!! XD But neways, this has nothing to do with my title. Ahem, I now have photoshop...well, apparantly...the reason why I say it like that is that how I got it is kinda weird...I was sitting at a table doodling and then this boy I know comes up and throws a photoshop program on top of my stuff and walks off....I asked him about it and he wants me to have it..for free! It just seems...strange to me. but if it's the real deal I'm happy XD Hear that Kumiko? You don't have to worry about forgetting to bring an art program thingy. Although I would like to see your scanned comic plz. I must worship its perfection! Worship!!!
Neways, I got Ichino's and strawberripairfait(sorry bout the spelling)'s requests done and out. Also got my Chinese New Year pic up(And it's not yaoi like some of my yaoi obsessed friends seem to believe. I don't like yaoi and I won't draw yaoi) So all that's left now is to finish Kumiko's request(which I will eventually as soon as I fix my slanting issues)
Lately I haven't been able to think of things to draw, so ideas are welcome here. Darn...I had something to say but forgot it... T_T Oh well, cheese is good.

I was laughing my head off at this.

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Friday, February 3, 2006
Never Poke a Textbook
XD I've finally submitted it. Plz check it out cuz it's so stupid it's funny! Really! And pay the note at the bottom no mind. I just want to know if ppl read my work or not. I was planning on submitting more comics like that anyway even if no one voted. I'm certainly glad ppl like it though ^___^ It makes me soooooo happy. Which is good since I've been kinda disappointed. Teen Titans might actually be over T_T I love that show and can't stand it. If it does end I'm starting a petition to get it back. But on a positive note, I've been working on a new drawing. My version of the Rooster and Dog of the zodiac for Chinese New Year. I'm really happy with it cuz I drew two characters together, hugging(big deal for me cuz I have issues matching the proportions when characters are side by side) and the folds in the Rooster's shirt actually look like real folds. The shading's fantastic, and the body and proportions are better than I couldv'e hoped for. If possible, plz see my earliest drawing and then look at my drawing Cat Nap. I've made so much improvement this year and I want the world to know ^_^ Neways, I've said enough.
DiceMaster: I almost have your request done, and someone plz tell the girl with the rabbit mew(forgot the name of the mew and her name) I've almost got her's done too.
Kumiko:yeah....I'm almost done with's just...after I drew him I realized his body was crooked T_T and the sword I gave him to hold wasn't long enough either. As for Kakashi, I'm trying to draw his arm and hand so he can hold Make Out Paradise but I've been haveing issues. And Ed...still looking for a reference I can print.
As for my other stuff: keep your eyes open for more comics like my Vending Machine comic and my sequal to That's my Ramen. As well as my Zodiac pic XD
That's it for today, Sayonara(sorry if I spelled it wrong)
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