Sage of Magic
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Thursday, January 26, 2006
Hello, sorry I haven't been on in awhile. Been busy. I've postponed requests until I get out of this drawing slump. Every so often I hit a rock and can't draw anything. It should be over soon, and then I might make a huge jump ^_^ The good thing about drawing slumps is that your always better once your out of it! Well, so you ppl aren't bored: poll! If you could have a superpower what would it be?
Personally, I like BeastBoy and Luffy's powers to change into any animal you want and being made of rubber. Just think of the possibilities. Buggy the Clown's power is also cool if ya think about it(One Piece dude. His power's creepy, but handy. Being able to piece yourself back together if you ever got your body sliced by a blade...creepy, but useful if your a pirate or swordfighter)
In other news: I WON BRIARROSE90'S CONTEST!!!!! XD I've never won a contest b4(unless you count the one my friends did where only me and two other ppl entered and I think the one entry was a joke cuz he didn't try too hard) so you can just guess how happy I am. And I was against some tough artists too(I've lost to them b4 ^_^' ) Just another step in my career to be a manga artist/writer. Hopefully I can continue to make these strides so I can succeed. And now I must go back to my videogame lair. ALL SHALL FALL BEFORE MY POWER!!!! Bye!
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Sunday, January 15, 2006
I am an insect hear me snore. Yeah, that was random. I just submitted some cool pics and I would love it if ppl would look at them "hint hint". In other news, I made a comic and will be submitting it soon, it's hilarious(I've shown it to ppl already) so you should read it. I've decided to make this my background. I think it looks cool. I really have nothing to say, except that I wish you would look at my art. Well, I must go so goodbye!

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Friday, January 6, 2006
I'm thinking of actually changing the background and colors (yeah, I know, big surprise) Well neways, I just kinda want to make it a little more exciting instead of relying on my dancing Naruto team. So yeah, anyone know any sites where I can get music for Spirited Away (I love the opening theme). I also would like to know how to make the background visible(seriously, I've tried everything. I just want to see the background instead of this white space) I'd also like to know how to get my posts in boxes. That just seems so cool. And also how to make things move across the screen so I can list all the clubs I'm in. If you guys can tell me how to do that, it'd be awsome! I'd draw your mew for any of you that are actually paying attention! HINT HINT!!! I'd also like some ideas for characters. I already have one comic going strong here, but I need another one to fall back on just incase it's a flop(which I seriously hope it's not cuz I'm obsessed with my main character. Too bad I had to give him a girlfriend to fit the story T_T) Any ideas are welcome! Anything! Well, I must return to my videogame lair, so goodbye!

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Friday, December 30, 2005
Hello! How have your holidays all been? I probably won't be on much for the next few months. I got tons of video games and being the game freak I am, I've locked myself up and won't stop playing them 'till I win! MUYHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! Well, neways, plz vote on my x-mas art or at least look at it or comment. It's saddening for an artist to look at their work and not see a single vote or comment, especially when they plan on making anime their future career. I've already started my first manga. I don't want to post anything or write anything down yet until I one day get it published. I've worked two(or is it three now?) years on this thing and I don't want any ideas stolen! So...yeah(why did I even say I'm making a manga if I'm not willing to say anything about it?!) If you ppl have original requests(something no ones thought of yet) I'll be willing to take em as long as they're not innappropriate or offensive, an if anyone has manga suggestions (besides entering in Tokyo Pop's RSOM contest) I'm open to em. I plan on working on my fanfic again soon about Suika, although I'm afraid that it might prove inaccurate now since the other mews in the group have their own fanfics and they seriously conflict with mine. But, what the hey, I'll finish it neways for those of you who were reading it(kinda doubt anyone read it really but I'll do it anyways for my own pleasure) If Suika can't have Ryou I insist that she has Keiichiro or somebody cool. Nuff of that. Has anyone ever played Paper Mario for GC? Don't tell me anything about it cuz I'm playing it right now, but I just wanna know, what color Yoshi did you end up with and what's his name? I ended up with a blue one, which I'm very happy with cuz it's one of my three fav colors, but I just kinda wonder, if I got a blue one, why is the one on the cover green? It's just a question. I named mine Yahiko after Rurouni Kenshin cuz their personalities seemed similar to me. Well, I've typed enough, bye!
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Saturday, December 17, 2005
Tis the Season for Christmas Pics

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Sunday, December 11, 2005
Christmas, Christmas, Christmas...
So many things I have to do before Christmas. -_-" sometimes I look at my schedule and wonder how I ever accomplist anything. I'm entering two contests, not to mention I have a ton of requests! I'm so busy! Plus I wanna play Fire Emblem T_T My poor army needs me to defeat the Black Knight. I wish someone could draw Erk. He's my fav. Fire Emblem character...but only one pic exists of this guy! sigh...I'm stressed. And I want my Zelda game!! It's so not fair that it's not coming out till March. Okay, nuff of my ranting. Cheese is good. Yeah, I don't see how that had anything to do with anything. I've gotten myself addicted to Megaman Axcess. I used to be obsessed over Megaman when I was little, way b4 I knew who Link was. Now I obsess over him ^_^ whoooo, stress is bad, yes it is! Once I had a conversation with myself and I think I'm starting to now cuz I've been working two days straight on a stupid project and I just finished so all that stress is going away and now I'm exetremely hyper and I've probably scarred all my friends away by now! YAY! I mean...cheese! Yeah, I better get off the computer b4 I lose whatever braincells didn't die during the past two days so BYE!!
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Friday, December 2, 2005
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Sunday, November 27, 2005
Here's some funny ToS comics I found, but I warn you, it has spoilers so if you haven't beaten the game, then don't read this! You have been warned! *starts laughing evily and running around* (I'm running on about three hours of sleep cuz I haven't slept the past two days so excuse my hyperness)
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Thursday, November 24, 2005
Have you ppl ever got tons of comments saying how they love your work, and then look at your votes and get a zero? -_-' I dunno but I always found that strange cuz I always get that. But on a positive side, Thanksgiving break has really relaxed my mind. I've been having all these cool dreams lately(well, other than the one where a teacher was doing experiments on me). I had one where I was Umi from Code Lyoko. It was really fun cuz I got to go into the virtual world and ride their machines and defeat monsters ^_^ mostly crabs and flying mantis. Then I had a strange dream where I was playing duel monsters with Jaden and the Teen Titans were there too. Strangest thing is, I rarely watch Yu-Gi-Oh. I have such wierd dreams.
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Saturday, November 19, 2005
I had a strange dream that I was being stalked by a toaster with a scary face. ^___^ It was strange, yet funny and scary at the same time! Well...I really have nothing else to say except that I'm addicted to Fire Emblem. Bye!
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