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Shapeshifting Sage
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Art improvement, learning 3D modeling/ animation
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The 90s Megaman cartoon and Sailor Moon
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Princess Tutu, Outlaw Star, Ouran, and others
To be King of the Pirates! Make a manga, work on something 3D...survive college
drawing ,playing videogames, writing (badly), doing random commentary, and sometimes just staring into space
playing videogames and drawing ! I'm also an expert at Legend of Zelda.
| Sage of Magic
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Saturday, November 12, 2005
My Goal
My self esteem has been really lowered. Once again I got another no voter pic. Kinda sad. I'm also kinda bummed cuz I entered Chibicage's contest and the recent entries make mine look like it was done by a kindergartener T_T I still gotta long way to go. In addition to that I hav'nt had a single request. I am now making it my goal to have that change. I shall make myself a well reconized artist so that I can become a successful manga artist and provide the public with heart pounding, astonishing anime! I shall strive for the impossible and improve the best I can! That is my new goal and I hope you all will respect that and give me plenty of criticism so that I can figure out where to improve ^_^ I shall be one of the best, you can count on that!
Strive for the unreachable,the impossible or the unbelievable. Only then can you reach your full potential.
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Thursday, November 10, 2005
Yeah, I was just wondering if anyone had any requests. -_-" If you don't, that's fine, but.... in other words, the pokemon fad is back. My friends are all playing the games and just today we were supposed to watch Aire, an anime with a dog named Potato(I like that name), but instead we watched pokemon in japanese. Surprisingly, all the pokemon speak japanese except pikachu. Kinda funny in a way. Well anyways, bye.
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Thursday, November 3, 2005
Yeah, I basically have nothing to write but felt like I should.'re you all? I'm addicted to Fire Emblem but can't get past this one stupid level due to these stupid pirates that come out of no where wanting to steal my gold(like I really have any. I couldn't even buy Fiora's services in the first FE) So anyways, they keep killing Soren, my fav and one of my strongest ppl. The stupid boss pirate keeps going after him instead of the unarmed or injured ppl in front of his ugly face so yeah....I'll get em eventually, and then I'll get Lethe ^_^ I seriously don't understand how ppl could hate the Laguz. They rule! At level one they can take down bosses! It's awsome! Neways, enough of my video game rant or else I'll never stop. Neways, goodbye!
Pole(it's been awhile since I had one) Who's your fav game character and why? K bye!
created by [url=]399animeshop[/url] & [url=]NarutoFever[/url] that place good or bad? I've only seen the first four episodes of the japanese DVD and read my friends 4 books last year an I've been going by the american anime so I don't have any clue as to where that is.
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Wednesday, October 26, 2005
The Zelda game has been post-poned until March 17!!!!!!! NOOOOOO!!!!!! T_T Apparantly, the reason why it's being delayed(again) is cuz they wanted to add new features which is cool an all but I really really REALLY want that game. But on the positive side, for all you ps2 ppl you get Kingdom Hearts2 in December. So yay ps2 owners! I'm also a little upset cuz my Cherri entry got a 33%. I guess I'm just not good at coloring on the computer, but it was a worthwhile experiment. I'll do better next contest. ^_^ Wish me luck!
Here's another thing I made up that sounds cool: Finding an idea is like finding a rose on a rose bush. It's all there in front of you: you just have to get past the thorns in order to obtain it.

see Dice Master and her friend whose name I've seem to forgotten to join!
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Monday, October 24, 2005
heh, the competition for the Mew Cherri costume contest is really getting tough. Briar rose90 entered a drawing and hers beats mine by a long shot. ^_^" It'll certainly be interesting to see who wins. I've always wanted to hold a contest, except I know nothing about computers so there wouldn't be a prize. The only thing I could do is draw a picture. But in more interesting videogame related news: I got Fire Emblem Path of Radience. The game is awsome with good 3D graphic scenes paired up with beautifully drawn anime scenes and very addictive game play and characters. So far, I'd say my favs Soren for the fact that he's a mage and I love mages and for the fact that he's kinda an odd ball in manner. I also love the laguz, they rule! Granted I havn't played them yet, but they look awsome!!! I strongly reccommend getting this game cuz it is really worth it and beats Sacred Stones hands down. Oh, and even better, Zelda should be coming out Nov. 21 unless Nintendo delays it anymore which I really hope they don't. An' speaking of Zelda: go to Zelda to read the manga fully translated in English. An' that's about it here so BYE!
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Wednesday, October 19, 2005
Whoooo! I was really bored just now so I looked at all the past comments I got on my art and I noticed something really cool! I actually got 24 votes on one! I never knew that, and I just find it cool! Recently, I've either gotten one vote or none at all and I actually got 24! Woot! ^_^ I'm so happy! In other news, I drew a pic of Mew Cherri for a contest, I still need to color it but other than that it's done and I also am entering a contest for drawing Mew Lemon. That one's still being sketched out though. It'll be cool if I win ^_^ Neways, wish me luck, bye!
Interesting facts: hyenna's are actually related more to cats than they are dogs and foxes are part of the dog family
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Monday, October 17, 2005
...I just found out that I am apparantly a part of a contest. Kinda funny cuz I had no idea ^_^" It's on Cherryshock's site for well, most creative site. Wouldn't really say mine's creative, just odd(or to put it in a better way, interesting). About the only advantage I got is an army of dancing Naruto chibis. GO NARUTO CHIBIS GO!!!! Well neways, I just kinda found it interesting and for some reason I can't typw today -_-" I keep making stupid sopelling att... Blah! I keep making stupid spelling errors and I'm getting tired of corredting them as you can see now. Okay, well neways, if you vote for my site...well...either you have odd taste or just got mezmorized by my dancing Naruto chibis. An that's about all I gotta say so adieu(i think that's how you spell it)
Let the rain be my sorrow,
and the thunder that strikes the earth my anger,
and let it soon come to pass so that we may be together once more(inspired by Zelda's song of storms)yah, not as good as my first quote thingy I made up, but oh well.
nother pic for LinkXZelda club 
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Friday, October 14, 2005
Mew Suika part...uh...4?
Suika was in one of those calm states , the one's you have usually after going through something you probably shouldn't have done. Calm, and a little shaky, not sure to believe what just happened or not. Either way, someone had to open the door cause it certainly wasn't going to open itself. But even Suika, after her horrific incident, gasped at the person who soon stood before her: a model of a girl with white hair that could put the ice cold snow to shame, and eyes equally as cold. She rolled her eyes and began to repeat her mission back onto Suika, her voice finishing off Suika's already assumed impression of winter snow.
"Cafe Mew Mew will be opening tomorrow and in celebration of it's first day a few select people..." She paused to sigh. Suika got the impression that this "select few" wasn't just her and two others, but more like an entire neighborhood."or you,"she continued, putting extra emphasis on the "you","are invited to come. Your first order will be free, the rest half off. But only for tomorrow. The offer ends after that."
She thrust a small,pink paper into Suika's palm.
"Show that to the waiter tomorrow to show qualification." And with that she went next door to announce to the other "select few" their once in a life time offer. Suika only stared. Perhaps going back where all this started would help her figure out what happened. She was also wondering how someone so much like a winter storm could work at such a pink cutsey place, but that really wasn't that important. Unlike cheese. Cheese is very important(inside joke) I'll continue the rest later, Code Lyoko's on. Tell me if you like Irene's description briar rose90. I want to know if I correctly portrayed her personality.
An' here's something I made up that sounds cool:
Let our love be our paintbrush,
and the sky our canvas,
our deep passion a collection of colors
all portrayed in the evening above for all to witness.
Kay, bye!
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Thursday, October 6, 2005
More LinkXZelda pics. Yeah, we obviously won't use some of em but I just thought they were funny and I'm really bored. I've had such a lousy week. I've had so much bad luck. I think it's cuz my bamboo plant died. They say three stalks is good luck, but now I only have two. ^_^" Oh well.

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