Sage of Magic
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Saturday, October 1, 2005
My life is slowly returning to normal. I'm not as stressed as I was a few days ago. I actually don't have any work today. I learned that Zelda's probably coming out the 21st of Nov. and Fire Emblem comes out the 17th of Oct. (I forgot it's the first of Oct O_O" ) I'm still exhausted though. Stress is nasty stuff. I actually burst out crying Tues from so much of it. I feel much better though ^_^ I can't wait to see Teen Titans and Naruto and One Piece and that BoBo Bo whattever it is.(the comic seemed very pointless and strange...but funny)Oh, and briar rose90, in my fanfic for Suika, I would like Irene to be advertising the opening of Cafe Mew Mew. Is that okay? I thought I should ask cuz she's your character and you know her better'n I do. Gotta go, bye!
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Sunday, September 25, 2005
Wow, it's been a while. I've been pounded with work(still have some stuff to do, but I decided I needed a break) I've been so stressed from all this work that I'm literally shaking all the time. Thankfully, videogames offer a very good cure for that. :P bad japanese grammar in old games make me laugh .I promise I'll sign the guestbooks of all you ppl who signed mine, just let me get to it. An here's a pic for Briar rose90 for the LinkXZelda fanclub. I found it off under Zelda. I thought it was cute. I have no idea how to make it smaller though. I know nothin on computers. Neways, wish me luck on getting through all my junk, bye!
 You are a daydreaming kitty! Creative and can get easily lost in your own thoughts. You sometimes have trouble telling which is reality and which is not. Some people have trouble talking to you at times for you are always in deep thought. You also tend to fall behind since you have trouble on what is going on. You mostly like to be asleep, to be in your lil world again enjoying what you have created. You enjoy reading fantasy books or whatever is fiction and you love to write great stories. Many people might compliment on your work for it is very creative and well detailed. You also like to draw or even write songs or poetry. You never want to leave your world that you created.
What kind of Kitty are you? Anime pics brought to you by Quizilla
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Sunday, September 11, 2005
Hello! I saw Naruto last night! I like it, except for Naruto's voice. It's too scratchyish. Also, go check out my drawings! I did a whole lotta stuff and I'm really proud of it. Does anyone think I should get a theme for my site? At the moment, it's just a bunch of stuff I like or found funny. Neways, the American Mews search is over. It now consists of Mew Cherry,Mew Ichino, Mew Irene, Mew Suika,and Mew Jello. Mew Cherry is leader and...well... now the only thing that's left is to somehow combine our fanfictions. If it's alright Briar rose90, can Irene be the one knocking at Suika's door? I really can't think of anyone else. Also, in a completely unrelated topic, someone needs to create a LinkXZelda fanclub or something cuz I'm surrounded by LinkXMalon fans and it's driving me crazy that no one seems to think Link and Zelda would make a good couple. I mean, I have good evidence from my LOZ comics that Link loves Zelda, so why doesn't anyone believe me? (this also has nothing to do with anything but once I saw a fanfiction for LinkXGannondork ,uh, I mean -dorf) Yeah, so anywayz, Fire Emblem Path of Radience is coming out soon and according to Best Buy, until further notice Zelda might possibly be out in October. I doubt it, but hey, hopeful thinking.
Neways, I've been playing old games and I thought why not make that a poll so....What's your fav. game for one of the old systems(You know, nintendo, super that have been around for a long time and have probably been forgotten) One of mine's Yoshi's Island. That game rocked. So did Zelda Link to the Past and Donkey Kong 2 Diddy's Kong quest. Well, that's all I can think of for now so Bye!
 Fun loving, childish, innocent and pure
You are a sprite of the Air: Fun loving and childish your naive nature only enhances how truly cute you are! You may come off as too childish but only because your not burdened with all the rules and regulations of adulthood. You are carefree most of the time spending your days playing tag or naming all the clouds you see in the sky. You are generally kind to everyone because you have lots of love and happiness to share! Making friends comes easy because they strive for the innocence you possess but be careful, being as nice and kind hearted as you are people will try to manipulate your nature if they have not already. Don't ever let anyone mold you to their standards although I doubt anyone could.
.::=What type of Mythical Sprite are you?=::. -With Anime Pictures and detailed answers- brought to you by Quizilla
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Wednesday, September 7, 2005
I'm so happy! Cherryshock and DiceMaster's mews are gonna be with Suika! Yay! Briar rose90's mew might be in it too! ^_^ If she is, we'll only need one more mew to be a team(or two, depends if you've read Tokyo Mew Mew and TMM A La Mode and which one you prefer) So...nebody else interested? It's not a club, it's really just a combined fanfiction. If you're not sure, just check out Cherryshock,DiceMaster,and Briar rose90's own fanfiction. That's basically what it'll be. The only requirements are that you're part of their New Mew Project. Kay, bye ^_^
(oh, and Mew Cherri's the leader. She called it first)
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Sunday, September 4, 2005
Mew Suika
Yeah, I still need four other mews for the Mew Mews in America, anybody interested? Plz? Mew Suika needs partners and the American Mews need a leader(you really expect Suika to be the leader?! She's too much of a daydreamer for that) Okay, so anyone in the Elite Mews interested? Anybody?
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Wednesday, August 31, 2005
Hiya! Sorry for once again being too busy to go on. I submitted a new drawing and you all should check it out. It's my best professional one yet. I'm very proud of it ^_^ Also, is anyone in the Elite Mews interested in being located in America with Suika? She really needs some team mates to help her get rid of those little alien thingys in America(they gotta be somewhere other than Tokyo) Ryou, Ichigo, and some of the other official characters will stop by from time to time. Cool, I'm rambling... CHEESE! I made a stupid comic, I gotta post it somehow. It's really funny and stupid and explains the importance of cheese(don't ask). I gotta go to bed now b4 my mind dies on me(I studied a lot the past few weeks -_-") Bye!
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Saturday, August 27, 2005
T_T Sorry! I haven't been on for 2 weeks! Please forgive me! I had lots of work to do and I feel tired. So how've you ppl been?
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Wednesday, August 17, 2005
I feel so stupid. I just read the new Tokyo Mew Mew series a few days ago and a few things just occured to me. For one, the New Mew project is based around the new series, which kinda messed up the plot of my mew's story. I put my own spin on the New Mew project thinking it was just the addition of new mews and could occur anywhere.(In other words, Suika was an American mew despite the fact her name is japanese*yeah, wierd,I know*) Also, ends up Mew Berri fell down stairs in the new TMM. I never knew that and I used the same thing in my story ^_^" Truthfully, only the first paragraph was ever thought out. The rest of this story has all been spur of the moment thoughts(I make it up as I go :P ) Also, if Mew Suika were to be an american mew, she'd be alone. Everyone else is in Japan.(I made her be in america cuz Japan can't be the only place with those little aliens *I'm not even gonna try and spell their names*and there are way too many mews in Japan as it is) So, ya--- What do you guys think I should do?
Now for pointless facts:
1:Link has long hair(yah that really wasn't important but he does)
2:Cheese is good(no idea how that's a fact either but what ever)
3:endoplasmic reticulum is a real word and is part of a cell
4:It's really fun to say :P
5: Naruto will soon be on Toonami! YAY!
And that's about it, bye!
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Friday, August 12, 2005
This is so sad
Mommy... Johnny brought a gun to school, He told his friends that it was cool, And when he pulled the trigger back, It shot with a great crack. Mommy, I was a good girl, I did what I was told, I went to school, I got straight A's, I even got the gold! But Mommy, when I went school that day, I never said good-bye, I'm sorry Mommy, I had to go, But Mommy, please don't cry. When Johnny shot the gun, He hit me and another, And all because Johnny, Got the gun from his older brother. Mommy, please tell Daddy; That I love him very much, And please tell Chris; my boyfriend; That it wasn't just a crush. And tell my little sister; That she is the only one now, And tell my dear sweet grandmother; I'll be waiting for her now, And tell my wonderful friends; That they always were the best; Mommy, I'm not the first, I'm no better than the rest. Mommy, tell my teachers; I won't show up for class, And never to forget this, And please don't let this pass. Mommy, why'd it have to be me? No one deserves this, Mommy, warn the others, Mommy I left without a kiss. And Mommy tell the doctors; I know they really did try, I think I even saw a doctor, Trying not to cry. Mommy, I'm slowly dying, With a bullet in my chest, But Mommy please remember, I'm in heaven with the rest. Mommy I ran as fast as I could, When I heard that crack, Mommy, listen to me if you would, I wanted to go to college; I wanted to try things that were new, I guess I'm not going with Daddy, On that trip to the new zoo. I wanted to get married, I wanted to have a kid, I wanted to be an actress, Mommy, I wanted to live. But Mommy I must go now, The time is getting late, Mommy, tell my Chris, I'm sorry but I had to cancel the date. I love you Mommy, I always have, I know; you know it's true, And Mommy all I wanted to say is, "Mommy, I love you." ****In Memory of The Columbine Students Who Were Lost**** Please if you would, Pass this around, I'd be happy if you could, Don't smash this on the ground. If you pass this on, Maybe people will cry, Just keep this in your heart, For the people who didn't get to say "Good-bye." Now you have 2 choices, 1) Repost and show people you care 2) Ignore it and you have just proven you are a Jerk
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Saturday, August 6, 2005
Mew Suika part 3
The smell of fried chicken drifted through the air of Suika's room. It was close to dinner time and Suika still hadn't solved the mystery of how she ended up in the park after just walking outside a cafe. But then again, it was hard to focus with the smell of chicken floating through the air. Suika couldn't help but take a few whiffs. It smelled so good. She wished she could eat it right now! Shaking her head clear of the thoughts of the cooking food, she went back to remembering the afternoon.
There was nothing unusual that she could remember before she went to the cafe, and nothing unusual after she woke up at the park, but in between was still fuzzy. She remembered a fuzzy red animal and a horrible burning sensation inside her, but besides that, nothing. The only clue she had to assure her that she just hadn't passed out and imagined it all was a funny red mark on the hand the animal went into. She had made sure to cover it with a bandaid so not to attract the attention of her mother,but even so, she couldn't help but wonder what would happen if anyone found out. The mark wasn't a scratch, nor was it a penmark. It seemed to be part of her skin. The thought of this scarred Suika. How would she explain this if anyone found out?
The smell of chicken once again clouded Suika's thoughts. And once again, she found herself smelling the air. "Snap out of it,"her mind screamed. Shaking her head once again to free her mind from the smell of the cooking chicken, Suika once again found herself wondering,"What in the world is wrong with me?!"
Suika knew she was always a little unfocused at times but this was bringing it to a new extreme. She never spaced out like this before. She decided the only way to figure out why she was so absorbed in smelling food was to investigate first hand. Without a second thought she lept off the bed and walked down the hallway. The only way to the kitchen from the upstairs bedrooms was to go down the stairs, so , Suika started to trek down them. That's when Suika noticed something really wrong. Just as she was heading downstairs ,the doorbell rang.(Dum Dum Dum! Really bad huh? Sorry, that's not it)Immeadiatly, Suika's small, yippy little poodle chose this opportunity to dart down the stairs barking like a loonatic, right between Suika's legs. Panic jolted through Suika's body as she saw the floor and stairs flash towards her face. She pushed with all her might against the first solid object she touched and closed her eyes. It seemed almost as if she was in slow motion as her hands hit part of the stairs, pushing her into a forward flip on to all fours on the floor. Suika felt her whole body freeze. Debating weather or not she was still alive, she cautiously opened her eyes expecting the worst, only to find herself completely unharmed. A little shaken up, but other than that, unharmed.
"What---just---happened?" Her tone was firm and unsure."I know I fell off the stairs, but shouldn't I be ....lying on the ground injured?" She checked herself over. Yep, I'm ok, she thought. She got off the floor and looked around. The doorbell rang again. "This is so weird. Cool, but weird." The doorbell rang again, as though the person on the other side could care less if she came out unharmed or not. Deciding it must have been just some sort of miracle, she went to open the door for the unpacient person on the other side, all the while her dog barking up a storm. (to be continued)
Yay! I finished the chapter! So what do you think? The small dog is based off my loudmouth doggie who barks at people on the other side of the street. ^_^ Small dogs always think they're so tough. You just gotta love em. But Neways, who do you think will be at the door? Hey, it's a cliffhanger! Yay cliffhangers!
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