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Shapeshifting Sage
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Art improvement, learning 3D modeling/ animation
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The 90s Megaman cartoon and Sailor Moon
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Princess Tutu, Outlaw Star, Ouran, and others
To be King of the Pirates! Make a manga, work on something 3D...survive college
drawing ,playing videogames, writing (badly), doing random commentary, and sometimes just staring into space
playing videogames and drawing ! I'm also an expert at Legend of Zelda.
| Sage of Magic
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Saturday, August 6, 2005
Lately, I've been really into Zelda fanfiction(kumiko and mokusei probably know why). Well anyways, after reading a whole bunch of them, I kinda noticed that Link has been put into a lot of wierd pairings. So then I thought, why not have another one of my old poles? So ,here we go: Which Zelda couple(OoT,ppl) do you guys prefer? LinkXZelda, LinkXMalon, LinkXRuto(there are actually a few of these O_o),LinkXSaria(if she were to grow up, that is),LinkXNabouru, or some other coupling(can't be you cuz Link is minnnnnnnnneeeeeeeeee!) Personally, I like LinkXZelda, but that's just me.Also, here's another couple pole while I'm at it: Who should Lloyd from Tales of Symphonia be with? Sheena or Collete? I have no opinion on this one.Okay, I'm just gonna ask one more question, who should InuYasha choose: Kikyo or Kagome? Alright, I'm done pestering you ppl with random questions, bye!
Oh, here's another one!(You think I'd actually be done?) Who should Tohru from Fruits Basket be with? Okay, now I'm done. No really, I am.
Or am I?
Yeah, I am.

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Monday, August 1, 2005
Mew Suika (part two)
After emptying her pockets for the purchase of two brand new videogames, the heat was finally starting to take it's toll.
"It's so hot," Suika whined.
She stole a glance up at the sky. By the looks of it, it was only going to get hotter. She already felt like she could fry an egg on the sidewalk, if it got any hotter, she'd be the one being fryed. Speeding up her pace, she decided that the best thing would be to go home to her family's house.
She was almost half way there when she noticed something that didn't seem to belong in the clash of rectangular buisness stores. There, right between a nail salon and a cell phone industry stood a cutsey little cafe with heart shaped windows and tons of flowering bushes. Suika was odly reminded of a cupcake as she examined the curved sillouett of the building.
Forgetting completely of the heat, she strode up to the cafe to get a better look. A sign equally as pink as the building hung from the door stating the cafe would be closed until tomorrow.
"I never knew there even was a cafe being built. Those builders mustv'e been working over time for this."
A small sign in the grass caught Suika's attention.
"Cafe Mew Mew," she read aloud. "What a cute name. I'll have to check it out tomorrow."
Suika turned to leave and head back home when all of the sudden, the ground started to shake.
"What the---," Suika started to exclaim, but never finished. Everything had blacked out. Suika had the odd sensation of floating into nothingness and slowly opened her eyes. A small furry animal with big eyes stared back at her. Suika blinked. Where did this animal come from? Filled with curiosity, Suika reached out to the little creature and began to stroke it's fine fur. It closed it's eyes in content, then faded into a swirling red light. Suika gasped and tried to back away, but the light came closer and pierced her hand. At first, it felt like her whole body was set ablaze with the sun's rapid fire, seering her skin and burning her insides, but then the flame inside her settled and was replaced with a new feeling, a feeling she couldn't describe. It felt wonderful, what ever it was, and Suika let it take over her and wished this feeling would never end.
"What's wrong with me?" She couldn't help wondering before finally opening her eyes and finding herself in the forested area of the park beside her house.
Slowly, she got up and sat in the cool ,green grass. "How did I end up here? And what ever happened to the cafe?"
Suika got to her feet. She felt the light tap of the videogames she had purchased earlier. What in the world just happened?!(to be continued)

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Sunday, July 31, 2005
Starting this week, I won't be on the computer as often as I was. Infact, I might not even have enough time to go on at all, so if I don't visit your sites, please don't take it personally. I'll visit when I can. So bye! I'll miss you guys T_T
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Friday, July 29, 2005
Mew Suika
Well, here's Mew Suika's story for you! ^_^ 3...2...1...
It was a hot and sunny day, the kind of day you go inside for and turn up the A.C. But even the heat couldn't force everyone inside. Suika walked briskly along the sidewalk, completely ignorant to the heat, glancing in the windows at all the stores. She smiled as she approached her favorite shop. It was nice to finally be out of school and enjoy the benifits of summer.
The tingling of a bell signaled Suika's arrival. She brushed some of her watermelon green hair out of her face. A bunch of boys were gathered in front of a television screen battling it out on a new videogame(I love those things). At the sound of the bell, a few of them turned and smirked at the sight of the small girl. Suika blocked out their rude remmarks of how girls can't play videogames and boldy stepped up and grabbed a controller.
"So, who wants to lose," Suika taunted. She would show them how girls "can't" play videogames.
Sure enough, Suika had beaten most of the lot without much effort at all. She smiled at their bewildered and outraged faces. Why was it that boys thought girls never played videogames(literally)?
Soon, Suika had beat everyone except one tall, lanky boy with cheastnut hair. He slowly took a controller and prepared to battle. he was surprisingly good compared to the other boys. Suika had to keep dodging and defending herself from the boy's blows, she barely had enough time to make a counter attack. It was obvious at this point who the winner would be. The boy took his time and made the final blow to Suika's beaten player. The boys all cheered and again started up with their remarks on how girls can't play.
The lanky boy calmly walked up to Suika and shook her hand.
"Good game," he said in a soothing voice. It held no hint of haughtiness(I can't spell that word -_-") that the other boys had had. And with that, he left the little game shop.
Suika was not at all disappointed with the loss. Infact, she had more fun playing against that boy than all the others. One day ,she would beat him. It was the expectancy of a challenge that made her happy. She then proceeded to do what she originally intended to do, BUY VIDEOGAMES!!!!(if you haven't figured it out by now, I'm a videogame freak :P)
an that's all for today,please tell me what you thought about it and what I need to improve on(and how many spelling errors I made). Bye!
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Hello! I was right, my ear was infected. I got something called swimmer's ear. Apparantly ,if you go swimming a lot and water somehow gets trapped inside your ear, it causes an external infection and severe pain. I went to get medication and man am I glad I did! After just two times of putting these eardrops in my ear, the pain almost completely vanished. It still hurts, but it's barely noticable now. I should be better by sunday. ^_^ Oh,and I finished Harry Potter today. Now I gotta save for the next book of Eragon.Bye!

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Thursday, July 28, 2005
You know how last post I wrote that my ear was itchy? Now it's killing me! I think it got infected cause it HURTS!!!!! Not only that ,but it spread to my jaw too. Everytime I try to eat it bursts into pain >_<" Right now it feels sore. On the positive side ,I got my toolbar fixed so it now has the back button. I'm still working on my Mew's story. That's the curse of an active imagination. I just can't make up my mind. There's also the problem of spelling. I couldn't spell for my life. An' that's about it. Bye!
P.S. Mokusei is back ^_^

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Monday, July 25, 2005
Hello everyone! Sorry I haven't written anything lately. I couldn't think of anything. I'm thinking of writing a fanfic for my mew, and I know the perfect way to start. I just wanna write it down first to see if it looks right cause I'm one of the worst spellers in the world! Oh, and did you ppl know it was possible to erase the "Back" button in your toolbar? man is it annoying. Also, somehow I hurt my ear. We put medication in it but IT'S SOOOOOO ITCHY!!!! I can't touch it! It's so annoying! >_<" I keep twitching, resisting the urge to scratch it. I can't wait until it goes away. and I can't wait until I get my back button. An' that's about it. I put up an Eevee picture if anyone wants to check it out. Okay, goodbye!
I'm also out of ideas for art so if anyone has a request I'm open to it!
Random info ppl could care less about: the elephant is the only mammal with four knees.
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Tuesday, July 19, 2005
Hiya ppls! I got lotsa new art up. For some odd reason, yesterday put me in drawing mode and I drew a whole lotta pictures in only a few short minutes. That's very rare for me. -_-" usually I'm a turtle about it. Neways, last night my kitty wouldn't let me sleep. You know that prank where ppl knock on your door then run? My cat was doing his version of that. Somehow he was knocking on my door, then he'd run away as soon as I opened it. He's a wierd one... Oh, and has anybody ever heard of the Tales of Symphonia manga? I'm not sure weather(I probably spelled that wrong) to get it or not. Also, is there something between Raine and Kratos? I keep seeing art on other sites about them having an affair and as far as I could tell, the game never hinted toward any of it. Well, that's about it here . plz go check out my art. It's of chibi Colette, Link from Majora's Mask ,and some sorta fire spirit thingy. Okay, bye ^_^
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Sunday, July 17, 2005
Sorry I haven't been on the past few days. Mokusei and I were working on a comic together. but neways, here's some really pointless facts I feel like putting down for no reason at all.
Pointless fact #1: The guy who does the voice of Robin from Teen Titans also does the voice of Lloyd from ToS
#2:The person who does the voice of Raven also does the voices of Corrine and Presea from ToS
#3:Link rulz
#4:If you shave a zebra you'll also see the stripes on their skin which brings up the following question: Why in the world would someone want to shave a zebra?
and pointless fact #5: .....uh....Harry Potter is out! Yays!
Okay, bye!^_^
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Monday, July 11, 2005
Okay, this is basically for the person who sent me a private message regarding requests. Yes, I take them. I would've sent a pm but I can't pm ppl. Nothing personal but I'm not allowed. If you guys want something plz put it in my comments. I will do requests but they just can't be offensive or bad or anything like that. I'm not that type of person. Please understand. An- that's basically it ^_^ Just understand I'm a slow worker and give me time.(I should've made my Mew Mew a turtle!)
Oh yah, NEW QUOTE!
Take them to the chambers!
Which one sir?
The newly refurbished chamber.
Which one are we talking about?
Well, techniquely it's the bad chamber but lately I've been calling it the new chamber which I really shouldn't be cuz it's kind of confusing. TAKE THEM TO THE NEW CHAMBER THAT USED TO BE BAD!!!!
I love that part. Anyone know what show that's from?
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