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Shapeshifting Sage
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Art improvement, learning 3D modeling/ animation
Anime Fan Since
The 90s Megaman cartoon and Sailor Moon
Favorite Anime
Princess Tutu, Outlaw Star, Ouran, and others
To be King of the Pirates! Make a manga, work on something 3D...survive college
drawing ,playing videogames, writing (badly), doing random commentary, and sometimes just staring into space
playing videogames and drawing ! I'm also an expert at Legend of Zelda.
| Sage of Magic
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Wednesday, July 6, 2005
I got a chinese finger trap ^____^ Yays! Those things are so fun. Only problem is that sometimes only one of my finger's will get stuck. But it's still fun! I even drew a picture about it. It's of InuYasha . You can just imagine how he got hold of one of those finger traps*glances at Kagome* I submitted two of my drawings today. They're of Starfire when she's a titanimal and some freaky looking water spirit thingy. An' that's about it.
Here's my quote of the day: He's gonna sumethin of himself someday(a fool!)
Try an guess where this quote came from ^_^
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Saturday, July 2, 2005
Hey, sorry I haven't been on in a while. My computer caught a really bad virus(again) so I had to stay off all sites to see what was the problem. Unfortunatly, even after I stayed off this site, my computer still caught the virus, so it's still dying. I have such a bad computer T_T The really strange thing about this virus is that b4 it destroys my computer it sends me an endless amount of popups. And I mean ENDLESS. It never stops and it won't let you delete any of them. It's wierd! But on the positive side, I got anime flute music so I'm happy ^_^ Flute rulez! I'll be submitting new art as soon as I get my scanner hooked up again. Bye!
 You're A Neko (Cat)!
Meow! You love acting like a cat, because you ARE part cat! How did this come to be? I have no idea! But yay for you! You're playful and happy. You love being spoiled and pampered, but you have a vicious side too.
What Type Of Anime Character Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
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Sunday, June 26, 2005
I finally figured out how to put pictures and moveable thingys on my site. yay.....I'm really tired today. Last night I accidentally made up three characters in my sleep. Their story,names,looks,everything. Then I couldn't sleep anymore. This happened around 4 in the morning, so needless to say, I wasn't pleased. Especially since I went to bed late to begin with. *yawn* I also went to a friend's house and she let me watch her Fruits Basket DVD. The voices are messed up. Shigure sounds like Kurama, Yuki sounds evilish(looks evil too), and Tohru and Kyo's voices are a little high(at least to me they were). They couldv'e done better if you ask me. Neways, bye ^_^
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Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Hiyas!!! Sorry I have'nt put anything up for a while. I got hooked on Harvest Moon :P I'm also reading a new book. So I've been somewhat busy. I'll finish my drawings eventually. I have issues with colors. Neways, anyone heard of any new interesting mangas or animes lately? Or do you know of any music sites where I can get music for my site ? Bye
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Tuesday, June 14, 2005
I have a lot more art done ^____^ I dunno when I'll put them up but I will. I've drawn a pic of young Kratos, a pic of Daisuke giving Wiz a bath, some water spirity thing, a pic of Minish Link,and soon I'll have a pic of Lloyd and Kratos. I just have one question for all you ToS fans out there: how many of you figured out that Kratos was Lloyd's dad b4 they told you? I figured it out on disc one right after Kvar(and I had suspicions of it way b4 too) Also, did anybody see the new Teen Titans episode last week. I love Raven's new little friends. They rock! By the way, two voices from Teen Titans were used in Tales of Symphonia. Can you figure out what titan voices goes to which ToS characters? G2g bye!
 Your obbsesed with Kratos! Well DUH! He's HOT! *drooles* HE'S MINE!!
Which tales of symphonia charcter are you obbsessed with? brought to you by Quizilla
He's definantly my fav ^_^
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Saturday, June 4, 2005
It's so wonderful, I finally got a background! See? See?! And it's Legend of Zelda too ^_^ *so happy* Neways, I finally put some more art up, but I have a real problem. My Fire Emblem/Tokyo Mew Mew cross is almost complete, but I have no idea what to do for my Zelda/Rurouni Kenshin cross. Any ideas? I've already drawn Link as Kenshin, Zelda as Kauru(can't spell) ,Saria as that one person Yahiko saves who works at the diner place, and Nabouro as Megumi. I'm still lacking a Sano ,a Yahiko, and a Misao. I've already figured out who Gannondork will be, but I can't figure out who to play those three parts. I really need help . Any one have any ideas? ANYTHING? I've also been playing Fire Emblem(complete change of topic), and the new game the Sacred Stones has proved to be quite a disappointment. It's still fun and all, but the first Fire Emblem is definantly way better. I hope the game for gamecube turns out to be more of a challenge(and has more entertaining characters and longer gameplay) And, that's about it. Bye
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Thursday, June 2, 2005
Okay, for those of you who saw my Poke Scouts drawing ,here's the answers to what pokemon is what scout.
Sailor Moon: Pikachu
Sailor Mini Moon: Pichu
Sailor Mercury: Horsea
Sailor Mars: Vulpix
Sailor Venus: Bellossom
Sailor Jupiter: Jolteon
Sailor Saturn: Umbreon
Sailor Uranus: Quilava
Sailor Neptune: Marill
Sailor Pluto: Dragonair
Luna: Delcatty
Artimus: Persian
Diana: Skitty
Thank you so much for looking at my art ^_^
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Saturday, May 28, 2005
I'm so happy ^_^ A lot of ppl liked my ramen comic! YAY! Lately I've been coming up with some pretty wacky ideas. I just finished a drawing of pokemon dressing up as Sailor Scouts (inspired by Mokusei's Naruto Scouts drawing), and now I'm working on trying to draw a cross between Fire Emblem and Tokyo Mew Mew and a cross between Zelda and Kenshin ^_^; I'm crazy. If anyone has any strange videogame/anime cross requests please tell me ! Just make sure the videogame is a nintendo game and click "comments" :P Bye
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Tuesday, May 24, 2005
The new Zelda game finally has a title! Yay! It's now The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. Kumiko, you got your gamecube at the best time! You'd probably like this one. Apparently, Hyrule has been placed under a curse and somehow Link goes over and the curse also affects him. It supposedly turns him into a wolf( kinda ironic for those of you who have beaten Link to the Past, huh?) Neways, that's what it is, or at least from what I understand. All I know is today Fire Emblem comes out and it's MINE! Muyhahahahahahahahaha! Okay, I'm done. Bye ^_^
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Saturday, May 21, 2005
Ack! Does anybody know how to put a wallpaper from theotaku on your site?! I've been trying but I'm afraid of messing everything up T_T I have no clue what I'm doing! Please help!
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