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myOtaku.com: Sage of Magic

Thursday, April 10, 2008

MY COMIC IS DONE! After four years of this idea just sitting around IT IS DONE! *relief*

But I think I did jinx myself last post. An hour after I typed that I had gotten up to feed my dog, and right after I gave him his food I had a shot of pain go through my shoulder and travel down my arm. At first I shrugged it off and went back to the computer, but then as I was typing I noticed my arm going slightly numb. So I started spazzing because it was my right arm (drawing hand) and it really hurt and I couldn't figure out why. It's fine now, just a little stiff, but it really had me scared.

Big chance I might still hold off on comics. I just realized I have a stack of drawings for other people that were due months ago ^^" Sorry!

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