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Shapeshifting Sage
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Art improvement, learning 3D modeling/ animation
Anime Fan Since
The 90s Megaman cartoon and Sailor Moon
Favorite Anime
Princess Tutu, Outlaw Star, Ouran, and others
To be King of the Pirates! Make a manga, work on something 3D...survive college
drawing ,playing videogames, writing (badly), doing random commentary, and sometimes just staring into space
playing videogames and drawing ! I'm also an expert at Legend of Zelda.
| Sage of Magic
Thursday, June 8, 2006
Yeah, so neways, I got my cyborg kitty angel drawing done. ^^ Now I only have three more drawings on my to do list. Bad thing is, I got kinda distracted after the kitty drawing...I don't know how it started but one thing just lead to another. First I found myself sketching Mint, then Cress, then that lead to a nine tail fox, then that lead to an adoreable chibi Klarth, then that lead to Mew Suika ,the mew that someone tried to steal from me :( . Good thing is, I got a lot of art done in one day (first on my part), bad thing is, it's preventing me from my projects.
In other news, my laptop kinda's fixed now tho, but man, was I freaked. This thing was expensive! Thankfully, I know a lot of computer/anime/videogame freaks so that helps a lot. ^^ I dunno how but the screen saver was messing up my laptop.
I've got nuthin else ta say, but if you have a drawing request I'll be happy to take it while I'm on a drawing streak! Or an art trade...I always wanted to try that...
videogame fact o the day: Cam Clarke does the voice acting for Kratos from Tales of Symphonia as well as the singing voice for Simba in Lion King II. This isn't the most interesting fact in the world, but it does put an interesting image in one's head. I mean, since both are done by the same voice actor, you might as well say Kratos is singing the songs in Lion King II. Now that makes an amusing scene. :P

this is Kratos for those who don't know. Yeah, can't you just see this serious guy singing a Lion King song? XD hahaha
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