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Shapeshifting Sage
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Art improvement, learning 3D modeling/ animation
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The 90s Megaman cartoon and Sailor Moon
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Princess Tutu, Outlaw Star, Ouran, and others
To be King of the Pirates! Make a manga, work on something 3D...survive college
drawing ,playing videogames, writing (badly), doing random commentary, and sometimes just staring into space
playing videogames and drawing ! I'm also an expert at Legend of Zelda.
| Sage of Magic
Saturday, August 5, 2006
Okay, I'm back. PoTC2 was...interesting. There were things I liked, and things I didn't like. Overall I'm glad I saw it. The only bad thing is that you can tell that there's another movie coming -_-" stupid cliff hangers. And what's scarry is that I had a dream about the next movie and USUALLY when I dream about something happening it actually happens. So I'll be definantly keeping an eye out for the next movie to see if I'm right. In other news, I'm working on my drawings (sorta). I didn't work on them long cuz I spent a good hour searching for my pencils, but I'm trying (I seriously have no idea where my pencils are!). And as for my story, I'm gonna have to post the entire chapter four so I don't mess up somewhere so forgive me. And I'm still open to ANY ideas for Katoh, Alicia, or Lenare that are funny, fluffy, or interesting! It can be anything! Just post something plz!
~Chapter 4~
It was as though someone had peeled off the very night to reveal a never ending day hiding behind it. The room was a bright contrast to the dark hallways slithering behind it. But before her eyes could adjust, before she could properly glance at the new room, she was forcefully pushed into the blinding light and the door slamed behind her.
"I was wondering when you'd show up Lenare! You're late," said a playful young voice from somewhere within the room.
Her eyes had finally begun to adjust, giving her full view of the room and the new figure which stood before her. The room was more like a playroom then a King's chamber. There was a huge bed on the opposite wall surrounded by windows, untouched and being used as a support for a huge hammock of pillows and blankets. Toys littered the stone floor, most of it being covered in huge rugs of reds and oranges, and paper fingerpaintings and crayon doodles littered the surrounding stone walls. The cieling ,too, was different for unlike the starry hallways she walked, this room was full of a cute imitation of an afternoon sky with clouds quickly skirting across and a big, bright sun. Only after she glanced at the figure before her did this all make sense; their king was a child. A small 10 year old child with messy brown hair, bright brown eyes, and a small pair of hawk wings.
Her escort, which she now knew was called Lenare, bowed on his knees before responding," I was being held back awhile by his majesty's royal--"
"The old buzzard?! Dang, he better not suspect anything. If he finds out I'm dead!" The boy quickly pouted and crossed his arms. "And don't call me 'his majesty'. I hate that," he quickly added. Lenare seemed unphased.
"Of course, sire."
The boy merely glared and then looked up at his new visitor.
"So you're the're not what I expected, but that's okay as long as you're good. What's your name?"
"Usually people introduce themselves first before asking the names of others," she stated curtly. Lenare slaped his forehead loudly. This gesture went unnoticed by the king as he happily replied," I'm King Katoh, but you can just call me Katoh. So, ya gonna tell me your name or what? "
"Alicia," she replied pleasantly, a faint smile on her face. The boy reminded her a lot of a bouncy little puppy.
"M'kay, Alicia. Come right this way."
He grabbed her arm and dragged her over to a small table hidden in the corner of the room and offered her one of the small chairs. It was a miracle she didn't break it, it was obviously meant for someone much younger. Lenare followed wordlessly, a blank expression on his face.
Now that he was in the light she could finally get a proper look at him. He had a somewhat narrow face and pointed ears. His eyes were serious and were of the same shade of his hair, a dark, almost blackish blue tied in a short ponytail that just barely reached the shoulders. She then noticed his hand below the black sleeve of his shirt. What should have been fingernails looked more like claws, black, long, and slightly curved but still held the same thickness as a normal nail. It was then that she remembered that she was still wearing his jacket.
"Comeon Lenare, hurry up and sit down. You're part of this too!" Katoh called impatiently.
Lenare quickly pulled out a chair and sat down, looking extremely awkward. If the chair was too small for Alicia, then it was definantly way too small for him. He pulled the chair a little ways from the table to give his long legs some room. As soon as he was done Alicia thrust the jacket at him, which he barely caught, completely shocked and lost for words.
The two locked eyes for a second before Katoh impatiently interupted, "Are you two done yet?!"
"Ah, sorry my lord," Lenare quickly bowed in the small chair, or at least attempted to for his legs were in the way, a faint blush on his face.
"Alright then," Katoh said after throwing another quick glare at Lenare."Where to begin...bah, I'll just get straight to the point and explain later. Alicia, I want you to be the new royal magic user person for my kingdom!"
"WHAT?!" Lenare shot up and slammed his fists forcefully into the tiny table, only jumping back when the table responded with a loud crack. After taking up a more dignified posture did he dare continue in a quieter voice,"I'm sorry for questioning you my lord but what on earth makes you think that this little girl is qualified to protect the castle and receive such a high position?"
Katoh sighed heavily. Alicia had the feeling that he expected such a reaction. But her, perform magic? She felt herself slightly drawn to Lenare's side, the kid obviously had no idea what he was doing.
"Kay, first off Lenare, she's not a little girl. She's only three years younger than you. I did some research," he quickly added after seeing Alicia's suspicous glare."And second, I HAVE to get a new magic user sometime or else the humans could just waltz right into our territory and tear it up for appartments or whattever they're doing these days to forests. Yeah, she probably knows nothing about magic, but she's got promise and at this point I'd rather trust a human who can perform magic over the choises the old buzzard has been presenting me who look like they could keel over any moment. Now, enough from you. I didn't bring you here to get upset. Sit!"
Lenare hesitently obeyed, eyeing Katoh wearily. His face was beat red.
"Okay, now...," Katoh turned to Alicia who was quietly watching the scene."Alicia?" He waved a hand impatiently in her face causing her to jump.
"Ah, yes?" she replied softly.
"As a human I'm sure you know nothing about what we're talking about so...I'm gonna explain. Normally, we have a magic user amongst our ranks who performs various tasks under command of the king, me. What they do is cast spells to keep humans from entering our territory, harmless spells," Katoh quickly added again after recieving another look from Alicia." Just, you know, spells that make em forget where they're going or make it seem like there's a dead end or something so they don't advance further. Stuff like that so that we go undiscovered and our territory stays ours. They also cast spells to take care of epidemics if there are ever any, or stop landslides or anything destructive like that...and they protect the king and his people. I think that about covers what they do...," Katoh counted on his fingers all the things he had listed." Yeah, I don't think I missed anything...Anyways, I'm sure you don't know magic yet and that's where Lenare comes in!"
Alicia glanced over at Lenare who looked positively horrified.
"I have plenty of spell books that have been passed down for ages to every magic user in the royal kingdom and you can use those to learn magic. Lenare will translate them for you cuz they're kinda all in our language, not english. So he's your official translator! No buts," Katoh glanced over as Lenare was about to speak. He quickly stopped and resumed sitting in silence. " our royal magic user you get your own chamber with servents and stuff and are basically treated like royalty! Any questions?"
"Yes, why don't you want a magic user of your"
Katoh struck a proud pose." Good question! Just what I would expect from my new magic user! You see, we don't have very many. You humans have tons, but just don't know it. All our magic users here are either old or sickly and are being suggested by my royal advisor. Under normal circumstances, I would hire one until we could find someone who I think would live longer than a year, someone younger, but the thing is, I don't trust him. He keeps making laws behind my back and refusing my orders. And everytime I try to get the guy fired, he pays the guards so he never gets thrown out and no one is aware that I fired him. But with a magic user on my side, I could set him straight cuz magic users are greatly feared and praised here. There'd be nothing he could do cuz the guards would be afraid of being roasted and I could finally fire him! And you'd be treated like a princess." Katoh stared at her expectantly.
"So? You except?"
Alicia thought it over."What would I do about my school and college and my friends and my family?"
"Nuther good question! You'd be living here, with Lenare also being your transportation and taking you where you need to go and back. You'd be free to go to school and visit people when ever you want. One word of advice, though, if you value your friends and family don't let a word of this leak out. If it does, well, we can't save you from the men in white, and if you ever take them here...well, lets just say it won't be pretty. We have other methods of avoiding human detection. So, we clear on that?"
Alicia nodded quietly. "It sounds...okay. I guess I'll try."
Katoh smiled joyfully."Good! Then it's all settled, you're my new royal magic user...that's way too long, gotta fix that...and Lenare's your transportation and translator. Lenare, I expect you to treat her comfortably and do as she says and whatnot. Oh, and two need to share a room for a while."
"WHAT?!" they both screamed in unison, their chairs disguarded on their sides.
Katoh squirmed a bit under their glares before responding quietly, "Ummmm, yeah, at least until Alicia learns some spells. I can't risk the old buzzard finding out that I actually hired a magic user from behind his back until she's a threat to him. Otherwise he'll just order guards to throw her out and I kinda gotta hide her for a while. Besides, Lenare, your excuse to get her into the castle was that she was your--"
"Not another word!!" Lenare boomed. His face was even redder than when he had yelled before, his once smooth feathers ruffled."I AM NOT HAVING HER IN MY ROOM!"
"Why?" Katoh squeaked."It's only for a all depends on how quickly Alicia learns magic." He was cowering low in his seat, either as an act or out of actual fear it was impossible to tell.
"She's a girl!" Lenare pointed at her accusingly. Alicia just kept quiet. He was doing a good job so far convincing Katoh without her.
"SO...,"Lenare paused, then turned another brilliant shade of red. How to put things in simple terms for a ten year old...he couldn't possibly say...he wasn't even sure if Katoh had already had "the talk". After a while he blurted out as quickly and quietly as possible," girls have cooties..."
Alicia stiffled a giggle. Out of all the things he had reduced to that. So much for his forceful arguement.
Katoh seemed to gather more courage as he calmly stated, "I stopped believing in that stuff when I was seven, Lenare. You and Alicia are going to share a room and that's that. If you don't want to then I suggest you just teach her magic as soon as possible. I dismiss you both, end of story."
Lenare silently grabbed Alicia's arm and dragged her out into the dark hallway again, hiding his face from view.
~end Chapter 4~
Man, that was long. Sorry bout that ^^" And for reference: Katoh's name is pronounced Kay(like in okay) t (obviously a t sound) oh (like in Yu-Gi-Oh :P). Lenare's name is Len (rhymes with hen) air. Alicia's name is easy so I'll skip her. More reference: I dunno bout you ppl but I didn't have "the talk" until I was 10 so that's where that came in. Before then I just thought you stated I want a baby and you automatically became pregnant (boy was I smart -_-") So that's why Lenare didn't want to elaborate on why he didn't wanna be with a girl.
Okay, so I think I've written enough. Well, I've been writing for two hours straight so yah. Quitting time. And remember, I'm open to any suggestions for interesting scenerios and stuff.
videogame fact o the day: In Tales of Symphonia, Mithos Yggdrasill's name was taken from the Norse's belief that a world tree named Yggdrasill supported the world. I guess this also works for a Tales of Phantasian fact cuz Lloyd named the new Kharlan Tree Yggdrasill which is what it's referred to in that game.

They hatched: 

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