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Shapeshifting Sage
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Art improvement, learning 3D modeling/ animation
Anime Fan Since
The 90s Megaman cartoon and Sailor Moon
Favorite Anime
Princess Tutu, Outlaw Star, Ouran, and others
To be King of the Pirates! Make a manga, work on something 3D...survive college
drawing ,playing videogames, writing (badly), doing random commentary, and sometimes just staring into space
playing videogames and drawing ! I'm also an expert at Legend of Zelda.
| Sage of Magic
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
I am so sorry to all who visited me that I haven't visited your sites. My life is so stressful right now with work. -_-" And my foot hurts. Have no idea what that has to do with anything but it does. Thankfully, I have lots of art to please you all and I'm working on the stuff I promised (and sneaking on the computer when I shouldn't be and getting caught a bazillion times :P) But oh well. On the bright side I get to see an old friend of mine again. I've known her for seven years, but we haven't seen much of each other for two. She's an awsome artist and I learn most of my stuff from her. She's actually on theotaku, but just doesn't post much art. She's more on diviant art. But she's awsome.
I'm gonna visit ya all on the weekend and type up the next chapter of my story and once again I am open to any suggestions! HINT HINT! Mostly something funny cuz I gotta have my humor and so far there's nothing funny. I need my humor. And action, but that comes later. Yay for shonen sword fights!
And that's about it here. Besides me working on my Tales parody. Oh, and someone stole my poke a sasuke comic. Not on the internet tho, someone in real life. I had it one minute and the next it was gone. Makes me sad cuz it's the original. I don't know how they did it tho, I carry my sketch book everywhere in my arms...*shrug* Just kinda upset but I'll get over it. I have it on here so that's good. Just gotta print it up.
And now I'm tired so I bid you all adieu (sp?)
videogame fact o the day: It's been confirmed by nintendo that the thief in the new Fire Emblem trailor is indeed Sothe from the last game. Meaning we might be in for a sequal ^^ Also, if he happens to be a main character, it'll be the first Fire Emblem game to have someone in the thief class be a lord. In short, usually main chars like Roy, Marth, and Eliwood are of the Lord class where they have their own unique style of fighting and if they die the game ends. Sothe might be the first one to break this and be the only one in the theif class that can cause a gameover. If so he might also be the strongest thief in all the games...
Behold! Roy and his father(the pansy), Eliwood.

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