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Shapeshifting Sage
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Art improvement, learning 3D modeling/ animation
Anime Fan Since
The 90s Megaman cartoon and Sailor Moon
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Princess Tutu, Outlaw Star, Ouran, and others
To be King of the Pirates! Make a manga, work on something 3D...survive college
drawing ,playing videogames, writing (badly), doing random commentary, and sometimes just staring into space
playing videogames and drawing ! I'm also an expert at Legend of Zelda.
| Sage of Magic
Sunday, August 20, 2006
Alright, I got about a half an hour of freedom left before I get caught and have to work my butt off again so lets just see haow far I can go in my story!
BTW, I posted stuff. It's not that good, my comics are on wait until I can color them, but I posted a pic of Alicia and Lenare so now you can see what they look like ^^ later I'll draw Katoh. Then the twins. But that's later!
~Chapter 5~
Sunlight seeped softly through the windows and danced across the bed where Alicia lay, the song of birds filling the room. She lazily opened one eye and looked out. The sun was just starting to rise into the sky, the clouds obidiently parting way. It was a georgeous morning.
She sat up and lightly stretched. She hadn't realized how beautiful the view was from the window until now. Strong, thin trees stretched endlessly across the horizon all glittering with the morning dew the sun hit, forming a picture one would only see in fairy tails, which is exactly what Alicia felt she was in. She wondered just how high up the mountain this room really was.
Her eyes glanced over to her escort. He hadn't stirred at all. Alicia glided quietly to his side making sure not to step on his wings which stretched along the floor. He looked awkward all scrunched up in the chair. Curious, Alicia stroked a black feather with her finger tip. It was, as she expected, smooth and very soft. His wing twitched a big and his rhythmatic breathing faltered.
Alicia waited with bated breath, but he just slept on. She snapped her fingers. Nothing. "He's a deep sleeper," she thought as her eyes roamed over the piles. Stepping up to one, she grabbed the first thing on top of the pile and looked at it.
It was a shiny penny. A very shiny penny. She stared at it. Then at him. Then back at it. She grabbed another thing atop the pile. It was a shiny piece of wrapping paper. "Don't tell me...that all this stuff is just shiny things! What is it with birds and shiny stuff?!" She began rummaging through more things, mostly junk, until she came upon a picture. The corners were burnt, and the picture was extremely torn, but she could make out three people; a tall lady and man holding a small child.
~temp end to chapter 5~
This chapter stunk. I gotta fix it, but not now. My half an hour's up (that's what i get for making it up as I go) I'll probably redo this all and scrap it. -_-" It's so lame.
videogame fact o the day: is another anime fact. Usopp's nose from One Piece is based off Pinochio (sp?) cuz he always lies :P That makes a lot of sense, actually. New respect for Usopp.

I adopted a chibi! ^.^

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