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Shapeshifting Sage
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Art improvement, learning 3D modeling/ animation
Anime Fan Since
The 90s Megaman cartoon and Sailor Moon
Favorite Anime
Princess Tutu, Outlaw Star, Ouran, and others
To be King of the Pirates! Make a manga, work on something 3D...survive college
drawing ,playing videogames, writing (badly), doing random commentary, and sometimes just staring into space
playing videogames and drawing ! I'm also an expert at Legend of Zelda.
| Sage of Magic
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
*Happyness* I'm finally over the hard part of my job! Yay! So, according to rumor, it should be getting easier ^^ I have a few drawings I want to post soon. They might or might not be on tonight, depends on my mood. They're a kitty girl, me twice, and a doggie warewolf boy XD I also have some other junk but I gotta finish it first. This includes my Naruto comics, an InuYasha comic, thing for Zooka, Pita-Ten, Dragon, and some of my monsters. Oh, and I also wanna post a pic I did for Cherryshock and DiceMaster. But that I need to first color and ink and make pretty. Might even doodle something about your lil Ryou contest ;P I have lots a doodles. I'm also very happy cuz my friend drew two of my oc's ^^ She is the greatest even though she denies it *pokes her* I love it when she draws my characters cuz she always does such a beautiful job with it. And I also learn a lot of my tricks from her. But neways, perhaps I should add more to my story since I have time?
But first: Cherry, you need to be more careful and not put your locker combo inside your locker! :P
And speaking of school stories: I once cursed my school (and oh yes my friends, I'm gonna write it!) Okay, so my one friend who draws very well *pokes her again* once randomly said at lunch "The cockroach will always find a way" cuz she wanted to make us laugh. I thought it was funny so when I went to my next class I told these other three girls who sat at the same table as me. They thought it was funny too. So, here's where it gets wierd. The next day, I was in that class and noticed something poking out of the girl's notebook next to me. I point it out and she opens up her notebook to find a giant cockroach inside! She screamed so loud, it was hilarious! But what's creepy is that from that point onward we always found cockroaches in that classroom....ok, enough of me! On to the story!!
~Revamped Chapter 5~
Sun streamed through the gothic windows and across the bed where Alicia lay. She wearily opened an eye and glanced around. She had half forgotten that she was no longer in her appartment but in a giant stone castle isolated somewhere in the woods.
She quietly sat up, tucking her legs close to her body, and stared out the window. She had given up on going back to sleep. The view outside the window was gorgeous; a flawless ocean of trees that stretched endlessly into the horizon. The sun was cautiously peering over, sending a holy glow across the forest, highlighting the dew that graced every leaf. Alicia could hear the calls of various birds. She quietly wondered if they were from real birds or these new creatures.
Her eyes then danced over to Lenare. He hadn't stirred at all since last night and looked extremely awkward tucked up in the chair. Curious, she strode over to his side and stroked one of his feathers. It was one of the softest things she had ever felt. He twitched a bit, before returning to a peaceful slumber.
"I wonder how deep a sleeper he is," Alicia thought playfully. She clapped her hands loudly only to recieve a moan in responce. "Apparantly very deep."
Her eyes fluttered over to the piles of things he had asked her not to touch. She had layed her clothes carefully along one of these piles.
"Now's the perfect time to investigate. If he does wake up, I can just say that I was trying to reach my clothes."
She tiptoed over to a pile and grabbed the first thing she felt on top and pulled it down. It was a penny. A very shiney penny. She glanced over at Lenare. She quickly grabbed the next thing off the pile. A shiney piece of wrapping paper.
"No...surely not...they aren't that much like birds...there's no way EVERYTHING in this pile could be shiney stuff. No way."
Alicia hurredly reached for another item. Her fingers fell upon something crinkled. She pulled it down carefully. In her hand lay an old picture, yellow from age. It's corners were burt slightly. In the picture, a man was hugging a woman. In the woman's arms was a small child with black wings and blueish hair.
A huge crash thundered from outside the door causing Alicia to jump. Her heart lept painfully into her throat.
"You idiot! You almost dropped it!"
"You're the idiot. You tripped me!"
Alicia dashed behind Lenare's chair and hid behind one of his many piles just as two people burst through the door. They were twins by the looks of it, with messy shoulder length brown hair. The tips of each strand were a dusty black. Their wings mimicked their hair and were equally ruffled. Their outfit consisted of a worn looking jacket over an equally worn out looking shirt with baggy brown pants.
"Lenare!" they chorused playfully," time to wake up!"
Lenare moaned and hid under his ratted quilt. The two bounced over joyfully, their movements mirroring one another perfectly.
They each grabbed a corner and tugged the quilt off. Lenare cringed in the sunlight and covered his head with his arms followed by another moan.
"Lenare, you can't sleep your whole day away," the one on the right said.
"And after we went through all the trouble to deliver these too. Shame, shame," the other teased, holding a stack of books and a plate of pancakes.
Lenare turned to face them. He glared at them menicingly.
"," he growled.
"Tsk, tsk, tsk. Is that how you thank us? Katoh asked us personally to give these books to you. Perhaps we should say that you're far too busy sleeping to accept these."
Lenare snatched the books and tossed them forcefully on a pile.
"What makes you think I want to read at 7 IN THE MORNING!?" he stormed.
The two seemed taken aback for a moment before finally speaking,"Then why are you sleeping on the chair?"
"I couldn't sleep last night," he replied quickly.
The one twin on the right stepped forward."You know there's been a rumor...," he whispered softly.
"...that you brought a young girl into the palace," the other one taunted.
Before they could continue, Lenare rammed their heads together.
"Where did you hear this? From one of the lovesick maids? Surely you know me better than to make accusations like that. I just couldn't sleep last night so I decided to sit down for a while and I guess I dozed off."
"Then why do you have a quilt?" they asked in unison.
"It was cold. I had my window open for a while. I shut it just before I sat down."
They stared at each other. "You know Lenare...if you're hiding something we will find out."
"Not if there's nothing to hide," he said slyly, snatching the pancakes from the one and digging in.
"You two think you could get more? I didn't have much of a dinner last night. Bring some orange juice or something while you're at it."
The two quietly left the room, eyeing every corner as though something could jump out at any minute. Lenare waited until he was sure they were gone and looked around.
"I don't know where you are milady but you can come out."
Alicia crawled slowly out from behind the chair. "Who were they?" she asked quietly.
"Ketori and Ketoru. I guess you can say...well...Katoh's appointed servents. He finds them funny and somewhat useful. They're anything but funny, but I can't deny that they don't come in handy. They do pick up some interesting information every now and again. But they're downright annoying! Always sneeking into my room and searching through my things just for the heck of it. And they're always in everyone's business," Lenare grumbled as he passed Alicia the pancakes.
"You can have these. Makes it less suspicious."
"Why don't we just tell them that I have to stay in hiding here?" Alicia questioned before cautiously taking a bite out of a pancake. She wasn't quite sure about what these things ate and wanted to be sure it really was a pancake first.
"My lord said no one must find out. If he wants the twins to know, he'll inform them," Lenare growled bitterly.
"Wow," Alicia gasped. "These pancakes are awsome!"
"I'm glad you like them, milady." Lenare turned away, a blush across his face.
"You can stop that any time you know," she said firmly.
"Hm?" Lenare looked at her clueless.
"That whole 'milady' thing. It gets old. You can call me Alicia, got it?" She locked eyes with him for a moment before he turned away, defeated.
"Fine, Miss Alicia."
She merely rolled her eyes and continued eating.
~end of Chapter 5?~
Yeah, not sure if I wanna end it there. May be more to this chapter still yet to come ^^ Only time will tell and boy have I spent a lot of time on this post! See ya!
videogame fact o the day: ElvesAteMyRamen mentioned this and I shall as well: left handed! DON DON DON! No, really he is along with a few other nintendo characters. If I remember correctly, the reasoning behind this is that Miyamoto, the guy who made Zelda, is left handed himself.

LOOK OUT! ïòð | Sage of Magic is a radioactive squirrel!! |
You know it's a good quiz when it uses the words squirrel and radioactive :P
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