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Shapeshifting Sage
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Art improvement, learning 3D modeling/ animation
Anime Fan Since
The 90s Megaman cartoon and Sailor Moon
Favorite Anime
Princess Tutu, Outlaw Star, Ouran, and others
To be King of the Pirates! Make a manga, work on something 3D...survive college
drawing ,playing videogames, writing (badly), doing random commentary, and sometimes just staring into space
playing videogames and drawing ! I'm also an expert at Legend of Zelda.
| Sage of Magic
Thursday, September 7, 2006
*rises from dirt zombie style* Meh, I'm still here. Just been really busy this week. I probably won't be able to visit you all or be on this weekend. My jobs no longer's just very time consuming -_-"
Lately I've been a little confused though. There's this one guy, I think I may have a crush on him, not sure. I've never had a crush before. Well, I've never had a boyfriend cuz most of the guys I know lack brains. People need brains---(I sound like a zombie ^^) So, yah. Not really to sure if I like him or not and if I do I don't think he likes me. I'm pretty sure he doesn't have a girlfriend, but....bleh, all my friends think he's wierd. So not sure what to do (I'm actually having feminine thoughts, wow. Usually my thoughts consist of swordfighting and shonen junk)
So yah, when I have time I'm gonna repost my last four drawings that were deleted as well as a few more. I got this great idea to post drawings I did from an improvement paper I keep. It has a drawing from 2001 up to now and man, I seriously have improved. My first drawing looked like a mutated power puff girl! And don't get me started about before 2001 *shivers* My first art was scribble ppl (that's right, scribbles with no heads, but they have arms, legs, and hats. Couldn't even draw a stick figure) So I'm gonna post that.
videogame fact o the day: nother random fact. The author of Eragon requested a part in the Eragon movie coming up. The part he requested? A guy who gets his head chopped off by an axe in that Fur---umm, the battle under the mountain at the end of the first book. Unfortunantly he didn't get it cuz he had to go to Europe or something but that wouldv'e been hilarious if he had gotten the part. Perhaps the second movie?

Nother pic I found on photobucket that I believe belongs to suta-ratio? I don't know the website of the top of my head.
My name is Chris
> >I am three,
> >My eyes are swollen
> >I cannot see,
> >I must be stupid
> >I must be bad,
> >What else could have made
> >My daddy so mad?
> >I wish I were better
> >I wish I weren't ugly,
> >Then maybe my mommy
> >Would still want to hug me.
> >I cant do a wrong
> >I cant speak at all
> >Or else im locked up
> >All day long.
> >When im awake im all alone
> >The house is dark
> >My folks arent home
> >When my mommy does come home
> >I'll try and be nice,
> >So maybe ill just get
> >One whipping tonight.
> >I just heard a car
> >My daddy is back
> >From Chariles bar.
> >I hear him curse
> >My name is called
> >I press myself
> >Against the wall
> >I try to hide
> >From his evil eyes
> >Im so afraid now
> >I'm starting to cry
> >He finds me weeping
> >Calls me ugly words,
> >He says its my fault
> >He suffers at work.
> >He slaps and hits me
> >And yells at me more,
> >I finally get free
> >And run to the door
> >Hes already locked it
> >And i start to bawl,
> >He takes me and throws me
> >Against the hard wall
> >I fall to the floor
> >With my bones nearly broken,
> >And my daddy continues
> >With more bad words spoken,
> >"Im sorry!", I scream
> >But its now much to late
> >His face has been twisted
> >Into a unimaginable shape
> >The hurt and the pain
> >Again and again
> >O please God, have mercy!
> >O please let it end!
> >And he finally stops
> >And heads for the door
> >While i lay there motionless
> >Sprawled on the floor
> >My name is Chris
> >I am three,
> >Tonight my daddy
> >Murdered me
> >And you can help
> >Sickens me to the soul,
> >And if you read this
> >and dont pass it on
> >I pray for your forgivness
> >Because you would have to be
> >One heartless person
> >To not be effected
> >By this Poem
> >And because u r effected,
> >Do something about it!
> >So all i ask you to do
> >Is pass this on!
REPOST THIS AS no kid should have to go through this......
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