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Shapeshifting Sage
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Art improvement, learning 3D modeling/ animation
Anime Fan Since
The 90s Megaman cartoon and Sailor Moon
Favorite Anime
Princess Tutu, Outlaw Star, Ouran, and others
To be King of the Pirates! Make a manga, work on something 3D...survive college
drawing ,playing videogames, writing (badly), doing random commentary, and sometimes just staring into space
playing videogames and drawing ! I'm also an expert at Legend of Zelda.
| Sage of Magic
Sunday, November 5, 2006
Meh, today hasn't been much better. This week's just been one huge pain. So, over a year ago I pre-ordered Twilight Princess for the Gamecube. A few weeks ago I called the store I pre-ordered from and asked if it was a problem that the sheet they gave me had the gamecube symbol on it and I wanted the wii version. They said I'd have to drive to the store and exchange it for a sheet with the wii logo. So, I drive out to this far out store and tell them I need a paper with the wii logo. They tell me that they aren't accepting any pre-orders for the wii >_> *glare* So---I had to argue with them for a good 10 minutes so I could get the money I paid for the pre-order back since I don't want the gamecube one. They said I couldn't and blah...and were very shocked when I told them the game wasn't out so they OWE me the money I paid cuz I don't have the game in my possession -_- gah, idiots.
So I go to another store that advertised that they were accepting pre-orders for the wii system and games. They tell me that they were so swamped with pre-orders they couldn't accept them any more. So now my best bet to get Twilight Princess is to camp out in front of the first store and be the first one there because its first come first serve. >:( Such bad customer service. It's not my fault the game's on wii. I didn't tell nintendo to do that. meh.
But on a better note, the otaku has this game where you look at a pic and write a witty phrase. I won third :) I also got a comment on my Boyfriend 101 comic from Adam, the o's founder guy. O_O I was in awe at that. I mean, considering how many ppl are on this site...woah. Muchos thanks for the comment Adam ^^ one positive thing in my week.
And Enzeru, I'm open to ANY suggestions for the comic. I'm clueless when it comes to flirting and stuff. I do have a lot of guy friends, but I think it's only cuz I like videogames and shonen manga :P
Oh, and on an interesting note: I was looking up voice actors again. The guy that does spongebob...look up what other cartoons he's voice acted in. He did Dog from CatDog!!! O_o
I adopted a Naruto chibi! ^.^

Name: Naruto
Likes: Ramen
Dislikes: Empty ramen bowls
Owner: Asuka
Click here to adopt your own Naruto chibi!
I adopted a Naruto chibi! ^.^

Name: Hinata
Likes: Naruto Stalking
Dislikes: Being considered weak
Owner: Asuka
Click here to adopt your own Naruto chibi!
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