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• Mujitsu_Koneko
• 1990-09-21
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• 2005-01-31
• High School Student
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• Since I was about 5 or so
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• Fullmetal Alchemist, D.N. Angel, Inuyasha, Fushigi Yuugi, Yu Yu Hakusho, Trigun, Hellsing, Bleach, Full Moon Wo Sagashite, Naruto, and a bunch more
• win an award for cosplay, make a manga, try out and make the tennis team at my school next year
• drawing, computer junk, video games, tennis, other junk
• ....Do I have one of those???
| Saiai no hito
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Wednesday, August 17, 2005
I just got news that there's going to be a third Fullmetal Alchemist game for the PS2 released! "Fullmetal Alchemist 3: Kami o Tsugu Shoujo" It looks....interesting! Then again I don't speak Japanese so I was left to guess on what it was about. Click HERE for a link to the official site for it. Once again, Japanese. Although if you look in the "Special" part of the site, it has some pretty cool trailers there.
I did find a summary for the story though! Click HERE to read it. It also says something about cooperative play which I'm rather excited about.
That's all I have to say today!!
Ja ne!! :3
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Tuesday, August 16, 2005
(HAHA! I'm actually posting!) I AM SOO SORRY TO EVERYONE! I haven't been here for a while because I've been too lazy to. :) Also, school starts the 24th and I'm getting ready for that too. I'll be updating more often once I get used to school again.
Other than that stuff, I HAD to go back to my old layout. I missed it.
UGH! I also got my class schedule the other day. I had the hippy class environmental issues! I switched out of it and into Business Law. The other choices were even worse than that. My sister was like "You can be like Elle on Legally Blonde!! :D" I was just said "how about no.." I also don't have french with HFB this year. That's gonna suck because we always cheated off of each other. guess we won't be doing that this time.
AAAAAH! I went shopping the other day! I bought an Edward pillow from Suncoast! I LOVE IT! *glomps the pillow* I also got this cute shirt from Hot Topic that says Otaku on it. I don't want school to start though. I think I left my house maybe twice this summer. BoRiNg. Okay, enough of my dribble.
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Thursday, July 28, 2005
BoReD!!! (again) My dad went to South Carolina on tuesday and I'm pretty positive he'll be back today. I'm so excited! My daddy rocks.
I'm soooo tired. T_T I haven't been able to sleep for a week. On Monday it was because I was wired on caffiene. Last night I had a horrible migraine and couldn't sleep. I'm not sure about the days inbetween. lol
Other than that, my sisters boyfriend brought over Dance Dance Revolution. I played it for the first time this morning. It was insane. :3
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Wednesday, July 27, 2005
Ok so I know that I haven't been here for a while. I've been busy chillin'. It's been quite boring around here but I had fun 2 days ago. HFB's birthday was great. I had so much fun. We all attempted to do cartweels. It was so hilarious! NO I AM NOT A CHEERLEADER YOU GUYS!!! AND I'M NOT SHORT EITHER!!!! >.< mean people... It was insane. They all ganged up on me and declared that I was too athletic and I was a cheerleader and then proceeded to try and tackle me to the ground. It didn't really go like they planned. :3
Anyway, I finally got around to changing my theme and stuff. I saw this background about 2 months ago and finally decided to put it up. I'll add more stuff soon.
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Saturday, July 23, 2005 wierd. >.> It's very random. I'll start with this morning at about 10. I was still in sleeping and my older sis barges into my room and launches herself onto my bed. She then proceeds to talk about meatballs and how she's going to cook dinner. I had no clue what she was talking about since I was still half asleep.
This afternoon my dad was tending to the backyard and my mom was in the kitchen taking down the wallpaper. (We're redoing it) Anyway, like my older sis said, she wanted to make dinner for us. She and her boyfriend are in there trying to figure out what a saucepan is. They also told me that when they were shopping they thought cilantro(sp?) was a type of meat. She and her boyfriend are now trying to figure out if the corn measurement is right. It's like watching Iron Chef...but with two people and no cooking experience between either of them.
I still have no clue what they're trying to make.
Other than that, I need an idea for my friends birthday present!! I have no idea what to get her and she's having her party monday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY SOON HIEIS FIREY BABE!!! :3
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Friday, July 22, 2005
I GOT MUSIC!! My favorite song EVER!! My lil sis was sitting here laughing at me because I was having issues with the HTML code. *sigh* Now I only have to find a new background and such. Other than that, I got my computer fixed...not cool. I lost all my files and I had none backed up. It runs somewhat faster now that all the files are gone. I guess that's good....(not)
AH! This morning, I woke up and went downstairs to the kitchen, and there was my favorite cereal!! I felt so good! ^-^ So, what's your favorite cereal? lol Just wondering.
I'm gonna go play some game now.
Ja ne!
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Thursday, July 21, 2005
Bad news, I spilled ramen all over myself. Other bad news, my computer felt like being really stupid today. It won't let me on!!!! >.< So I get to use my moms computer today. Other than that, I just made a massive step in my cosplay. I got patterns!!! One for my coat and one for my lil sisters shirt. MWUAHAHAHA!!! Hehe! ^-^ I'm quite excited. lol
I think I'm going to give my site an actual theme instead of just colors. I can't find any music though, sooo I might just leave it the way it is for now.
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Wednesday, July 20, 2005
The other day I was listening to Roy's Hagaren Song file. The cute one where Riza and Roy sing a duet. (I can't remember the name of it right now) But anyway, she's like "Who's the old fart singing! He sounds horrible!" O_o My expression was probably priceless! I told her it was Roy and she goes "OMG!! SOMEONE IS GOING TO KILL ME!!! SORRY MUSTANG FANS!!!" She looked very.....confused/upset. I don't think she believed it was really him singing. Then again, she's only really watched the english version. Not so much of the Japanese. But still. ROY!!!!!!
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Tuesday, July 19, 2005
I kind of feel like I've done something majorly wrong to upset my friends. I don't have any idea what it is, but I'd like to know. T_T It's cool if my buds aren't mad at me....but it sure does seem like they are. That kind of frustrates me. lol
Ah, other than being upset with myself about that, I beat Armstrong in my FMA game this morning. CRAZINESS I tell you! He was hard!!! ^-^'
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Monday, July 18, 2005
I'm officially starting to work on my cosplay. As soon as my mom will take me to buy materials and such. I was having a really hard time trying to decide whether I was actually gonna cosplay or not. My lil sis was really excited about it though. So I have to. The only thing I'm REALLY afraid of is the pleather pants *shudders* Ooooh! I get scared just thinking about it. That's one thing I'm not entirely sure where to find. (Kind of afraid to find it actually) XP
Wish me luck with this.
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