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Saturday, July 16, 2005

   Sorry guys, I don't think I'm getting to any sites today. Maybe late this evening. The reason? Yesterday my parents took me to the mall and bought me a PS2 and FMA 2:Curse of the Crimson Elixir. I was playing it until 12, then I had to carry my lil sis up to bed. She was so exhausted from camp. There's only one big thing I don't like about this game. Their mouths don't move when they talk. Other than that, the monsters. It's like fighting floppy noodles!! Too easy. Oh well, I'm addicted. I'm gonna go play now. BAI-BAI!!
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Thursday, July 14, 2005

   Yesterday my lil sisters puppy, Max, got shaved. He's nearly bald. It's funny because he's really big and when he had fur he looked twice as big. Now he just looks.......unattractive. lol. It's cute though cause when it's time for him to go to sleep he has to get under the blankets with me since he gets cold with no fur. It's really cute. I'll try to put up pics of all my dogs sometime.
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Wednesday, July 13, 2005

long post today!
I'm at my dad's work today! There's lots of nice people here!I'm sitting in dad's office right now downloading music on his laptop. His office is cool. It has a bunch of windows and if it weren't for the size of his desk (which has 4 computers on it) there'd be lots of leg room. We just got breakfast and it tastes so good! I was listening to my dad and his co-workers talking and they make no sense. There's something up with this table thing. I think it has something to do with farms and tractors or something. ^-^ I remember he told me once that they work with tractors that drive themselves. So he's busy doing stuff with his table, tractors, and fields. >.> There's this guy that keeps coming in and cussing. It's sooo funny!!!
In other news, yesterday was my parents 19th anniversary! My dad completely forgot. lol My mom ran out quickly and got him a card and a balloon.(she forgot too) she made my dad feel so guilty and when he remembered his face was priceless. Then she told him that she forgot too and he felt better then.
FMA Fans:
Yesterday FMA2: Curse of the Crimson Elixir came out on PS2. I found this fun website you guys can keep yourselves occupied with. Try and find all the bonuses. (I did)

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Tuesday, July 12, 2005

   I've been kind of bored lately. (like always) Except now I'm bored and lonely. My lil sis is off at camp for a week, my older sis is at school doing this singing thing, and my parents are working like they always do. So I'm at home occupying my time by seeing how long it takes my dog Trixie to find treats I've placed randomly around the house. It took her a matter of seconds to go all over the house and eat them. Tomorrow I get to go to work with my dad. Which is cool cause I get to be his secretary and such. It's better than sitting on my bed eating pocky all day.
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Saturday, July 9, 2005

   I noticed recently that I have an infatuation with onion rings. I don't know why but I've been craving them so much lately! *glomps the onion rings* I also noticed that ALL of my friends are getting boyfriends and girlfriends. It's crazy! At least they're happy though. I'll be getting on with my meaningless existence now.
Talk to you people later!
*runs off with onion rings*

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Wednesday, July 6, 2005

*sigh* I haven't felt like updating the past few days. I didn't see any fireworks on the 4th. HFB and I tried walking to the library that day. It took us an hour and a half and it turned out that the lib. was closed. This week is so slow. The cool thing though is that I'm finally starting on my cosplay. I'm also making this nifty hat. That's about it. BoReD!!
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Friday, July 1, 2005

   YAY!!! I SURVIVED THE 5 HOUR CAR RIDE!!! It's about 8 now and I have this cousin named Josh that I didn't know too well but he's not cool. He made me play Halo 2 and I've never played an Xbox except for at Katsucon for 5 minutes. It sucked. I was destroyed. T_T
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Ok I'm leaving soon so I decided to just post now. I won't be getting there until about 6 or 7 pm and it's kind of like a family reunion for my dad so he'll want me to hang around with everyone. They have a computer but like I just said, I don't know how many chances I'll have to use it. Anyway, I hope everyone has a happy 4th!
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Thursday, June 30, 2005

   Grandpa's house again
Yep, goin' there again. The place with the crazy dog that bit me. So I gotta pack for that now. I'm kind of putting it off though. I'll get it done eventually. Dumb 5 hour car trip. I like car rides but I'm not in the mood right now. I'm going there for the fourth of july. OH YEAH!! I FORGOT THAT WAS COMING UP!!! HAPPY FOURTH OF JULY EVERYONE!!!(GRRR! I can't get my stuff to fit in my bag!!)
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Wednesday, June 29, 2005

   Not much going on today. I helped my sister at this gun shoot thing she works at for this week. I think it's to raise money for her band trip or something. Anyway, her boyfriend and I had to sit in this thing called a trap. It's like this hole in the ground with a roof on it that these little orange disks called pigeons shoot through and the people shoot at them from behind it. We just sat there and had to reload the machine. It was hot, and you can't leave the trap until the score keeper comes and gets you so you don't get shot in the head. Ours never came. We were stuck in there for sooo long. Then my sis came and freed us! YAY! So I'm here now.
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