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High School Student
um...I can't think of any right now lol
Anime Fan Since
Since I was about 5 or so
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Fullmetal Alchemist, D.N. Angel, Inuyasha, Fushigi Yuugi, Yu Yu Hakusho, Trigun, Hellsing, Bleach, Full Moon Wo Sagashite, Naruto, and a bunch more
win an award for cosplay, make a manga, try out and make the tennis team at my school next year
drawing, computer junk, video games, tennis, other junk
....Do I have one of those???
| Saiai no hito
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Wednesday, May 18, 2005
Today was dumb! It was too long and too tiring. SoL's coming up in Algebra which I suck at. Also, my mom made me go shopping yesterday. I greatly dislike shopping. I got a cute shirt though. ^-^ I'm soooo excited!!! Hieis Babe and I are going to Busch Gardens on Saturday!!! She's never been there before so I hope she will like it. I can't wait for this week to end!!!!
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Monday, May 16, 2005
stupid stuff
I noticed stupid stuff can really get on someone's nerves. Like little sisters. They're stupid, and can definitely push the right button to anger you. Sometimes they're cool though. Most of the time, they aren't. My lil sis took my swimsuit yesterday and I yelled at her for it. I also yelled at her for taking my book, and for not helping witht he dishes, and a bunch of other annoying junk.
Other than that, Hieis Firey Babe and I are doing a french project about a telephone conversation. It's gonna be great. The teacher said it could be as eccentric as we want it to. Since we've done a project like this before (ordering at a cafe) we decided to do something similar to it. Were filming it like last time and since ours was the only group that filmed it made us feel quite unique lol. My dad even added bloopers in the end and made it a star wars theme. It went over well with the class. lol. Anyway this time we're making a conversation about anime. Hieis babe is gonna dress up in her Yoko costume and I'm dressing as a neko. Our friend is gonna be in the background on a tricycle being attacked by various items lol. We're so dumb.
Anyway sorry the post was so long, I got excited.
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Saturday, May 14, 2005

Me and Hieis firey babe were watching D.N. Angel just now. It was the one where Satoshi gives Daisuke CPR and Dark asks Risa out. Well, in it Risa says "Is it true you'd kiss anybody?" Of course Dark says "'s like a greeting to me." Well I was like "If someone was hot like him and they gave kisses for greetings then they could greet me all they want!" Apparently my overly spazztic friend thought it was hilarious and we decided to post it. Just wanted you people to know.
P.S. If you're hott then greet people with kisses! *mwuah!* Oh and Hieis Babe says "If you look like Hiei, greet me 24/7!!!" lol
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Thursday, May 12, 2005
I feel like crap right now. I got to stay home from school today and I was BORED!!! The DVD player was in the basement and I was too lazy to get it and bring it up to the living room so I couldn't watch D.N. Angel today lol. By the way, Claire, I really hope you're lying about the science SoL's. I can imagine it now and it does not look like a friendly thing.
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Wednesday, May 11, 2005
Devil's Test
I took the Test of Satan(ToS) today in school. The governement has another name for it though. The Standards of Learning(SoL's). Well, it sucked. I'm usually good at world history but studying wouldn't have helped anyone on that stupid test. Luckily this one was computerized so I didn't have to fill in those dumb bubbles.
Also, this is very random and dumb but this morning at around 1:00 AM, I finished reading and out of nowhere a thought struck. How can people just pick up sugar by the spoonful and eat it? Just thinking about it made me gag lol.
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Tuesday, May 10, 2005
Second post of the day!
I think I'll make two posts today due to the current issues I've had. Anyway I got to pummel the ground with a shovel on saturday! It was for planting grass in the backyard. It was sad though because after we finished our dogs ran through it and destroyed it. It was kind of a waste and I got blisters from it.
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Bad news
Every single one of my posts were deleted about an hour ago. It was my fault though. Don't ask how, I can be such a blonde sometimes even though I'm a brunette. Well I'll just have to start over. The good news is that Kitsune and I checked out almost every single manga at the library today lol. Just not the bad ones.
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