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myOtaku.com: Saiai no hito

Thursday, May 26, 2005

BoReD!!!! Been at home for the last two days and it's been soooo boring. Nothing exciting EVER goes on here! Lucky me though, I get to go up to my grandma's this weekend since we have monday and tomorrow off from school. I think I get to see my cousins....not sure if they ARE my cousins. I guess I'll find out soon enough. Man, I have WAY too many relatives. One good thing though is that so far I've found out that I've passed my Algebra, Earth Science, and World History SoL's. That's good.....I guess. OH! ANOTHER GOOD THING! I decided I'm cosplaying as Ed for the next anime convention. Wow, that character is going to be so overdone it's not even going to be funny. Oh well, doesn't matter. I think I'd make a good Ed. My lil sis kinda dragged me into it though. She's going as Al, just without the armor. It's gonna be cool though since my lil sis is taller than me (not that that's cool but still) and I'll be 15 before the con. and she'll be 14. She's rather excited about it.
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