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myOtaku.com: sailor crabby

Thursday, February 1, 2007

   not so bad day(sorry 4 the long post)
Today was great!not the best day in my life but it was great!, well I was kinda bummed out in English for no reason at all, but that all changed when my teacher told us the top three people who got the highest scores in the class for our final exam. In third place, this girl who�s not my friend but we get along perfectly, second place�MY CRUSH!, then last but not least, first place went to me! I was like WTF?!!! DID SHE JUST SAY MY NAME?! our reward was supposed to be a pizza party for just the three of us, but the teacher said she was broke so she gave us candy. MAN! That would have been so kool if we had the party for the three of us, it would be like a mini pretend date with my crush! Awwwwwww!! In acting we had a sub, he was funny, he showed us a tape of a comedian named Rita Rudner (I think) and one of the jokes was that she and her husband couldn�t decide whether they should have a baby or adopt a dog, they didn�t know wat was worse, ruining their carpet or ruining their lives! Lol it was funny!. In spanish, one of my teacher�s ex-students came to the class and brought her puppy and the teacher said AWWWWWWWWW!!! And she carried him around and stuff, poor thing was shaking. Then she put him on the desk chair next to me and I thought uh oh, he�s gonna pee!, next thing I know, he peed all over the desk! Then he climbed down and looked like he was gonna do #2 and my teacher screamed �AAAAA DON�T POO ON MY FLOOR!!� It was hilarious!. OH YEAH!! Today is DM�s B-day!!!i wish her a very happy B DAY!!

This is a joke the sub told us:
there was this man who loved his cat very much and one time he won a trip to Hawaii, but he couldn�t bring his cat so his brother took care of him. Once the man got to Hawaii he called his brother to check on his cat:
Bro-�ur cat�s dead�
Man-�wat!how could you do this to me?�
Bro-�im sorry but I took care of him and fed him and-�
Man-�no, I mean tell me he�s dead just like that�
Bro-�well how did you want me to break the news?�
Man-�you could have made up a story: on the first call u should say the cat�s on the roof and it�s raining, I�ll get him down ASAP. Then call me again to tell me he has a cold, but you�ll take him to the vet. Then call me again and say that he�s getting worse, that way by the fourth call I�m ready to take the news�
Bro-�oh, im sorry�
Man- �by the way, how�s mom?�
Bro- �uh, she�s on the roof�

Get it?

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