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myOtaku.com: sailor crabby

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Sheesh im so tired, today in PE I had to run a mile to get ready for physical fitness testing. I got 12:35 which I pretty good but not good enough, I have to run it again because I didn�t pass, u have to get 10:30 or less, I just need to shave off two minutes that�s all. Im so happy today cause in geometry I raised my c to an A! and I got 100 on the test!. I�m only upset for one reason, and that�s because this annoying girl sits in front of me in math now. I feel like beating the crap outta her. I downloaded Confessions pt 3 by Weird Al and its so funny! Theres this part where he says he hasn�t changed his underwear in 27 days! Lol that�s gross, im gonna dl some more songs by him, not sure which ones. In acad lit. we went to the library to take our monthly reading quizzes and I sat next to my friend �LH� and my crush sat next to �LH� , he would have sat next to me if �LH� hadn�t forced me to switch seats with him. �he� was eating a burrito in class and it looked yummy, I wanted a bite but I controlled myself. LOL, Ive been eating a lot of candy from valentines day and now I cant sleep cause I get so hyper. Well im off, I wanna sleep now� wat sux is that tomorrow we have a rally, I hate rallys�
~have a nice day

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