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myOtaku.com: sailor crabby

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

   2nd BEST DAY EVER!!
OMG!!!(sorry if I sound too preppy) today was the best day ever!!!! In math we had a test (that�s not the cool part) the cool part is that the teacher assigned us partners so we can help each other. And guess who my partner is!!! MY CRUSH!!!I was scared at first cause this guy shawn wanted to be partnered up with me too and he wanted my crush to switch with him, but my crush said no so he stayed with me. I couldn�t concentrate on the test cause my heart was beating so fast and I blushed whenever he talked to me. His breath smelled so good, all minty fresh. And we worked like a team, I did half of the problems and he did the other half and then we would copy from each other. He finished his set first and let me copy b4 I was done, I started to but I told him later cause he wrote too small and he laughed idk why though. then when we needed help on a problem he raised his hand to get the teacher�s attention and I pretended to throw a calculator at her and he laughed again. Then when I copied his answers I couldn�t read one of his numbers so I asked him wat it says and he stared and it and said good question and we both laughed. I feel bad though cause I suck at math and whenever he needed help I couldn�t help him.
~that�s it
Ps: u know how my English teacher got cussed out? She filed a police report(that�s so stupid!)

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