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Monday, January 8, 2007

   If there's something you can do, you do it. That's how you embrace your destiny. - Straight Cougar, s.CRY.ed

Hello everyone! I'm back again! What? I know, right, so soon? Hehe, well this is a special post to reload one of my AMVs I made a long time ago at special request by Donnie-san. It's to the song "All the Things She Said" by tATu and features Sailor Uranus and Sailor Neptune from Sailor Moon. Please check it out below if you'd like!

All the Things She Said

It's been a really long time since I've made an AMV since I work so much now, but every now and then I think I'd really like to. Some animes I'd especially like to do one of are Powerpuff Girls Z, W-Wish, Eureka Seven, Gundam Seed Destiny, and of course Naruto. Whenever the Kakashi Gaiden special is aired (soon I hope!) I've been thinking of using that to do one. I had the perfect song in mind a while ago, but unfortunately....I forgot what it was! I have too much stuff in my brain I think.....ah well, maybe I'll get lucky and it'll come back to me.

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Saturday, December 30, 2006

   The best way to know the future is to create it yourself. From up until now and from now on, create it with those who also believe so. - xxxHolic ch. 121

Well, I didn't think I'd be doing this, but here I am posting again before the New Year. Actually, this is my Happy New Year post for everyone. I'd just like to say that in the past 2 1/2 years theOtaku has been a great home for me and even if I abandon it now and then for a while I'd never leave for good. I've made so many great friends who care about me even though I'm not particularly attentive. There are a lot of people out there who don't visit anymore, but that doesn't mean we're not friends anymore. I understand, and they understand and we all do what we have to to make our lives move forward. So here's to all of us Otaku out there, we're all connected so let's do our best in 2007!

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Saturday, December 23, 2006

   The sky always gives birth to hope. - Bleach ch. 180, Something in the Aftermath

Hello? Is anybody there? Ehehe....I know I've been really lazy about posting this year so I doubt it. I have been noticing some of my 'old school' friends posting a bit lately though and it made me really happy! But, it also made me feel really guilty for not posting myself so here I am! One last time for 2006 everybody! *cheers* It was a really good year I think, but hopefully 2007 will be even better. I changed a few things on my site for the winter since it was a bit too summery looking. The new music is from Eureka 7, and if you look closely the post background is Anemone. I love how creepy and unstable she is.

I've been off work for a whole week now and it would be really great, except for two things. One, I have a terrible cold, and two, the weather is terrible. Actually, I'm starting to feel better today, but it's still gray and rainy outside and not at all cold. Ahhh...Florida....what can you do? I guess being sick was kind of a good thing in a way. It made me stay home and not overwork myself during my vacation since I tend to do that a lot. And I got to catch up on my Naruto episodes (not like any of that filler is any good anyway...) and the second season of Tsubasa. Anyway, I don't have much to say...oh! My brother gave me his PS2 for Christmas. That was pretty cool....he got himself and Xbox 360 so he didn't want it anymore. Of course I'd rather have a PS3, but....beggars can't be choosers, right? I think we convinced our dad to get us the new video iPods too, so that will be awesome. What is everyone else hoping to get? Or what did you get if you're reading this after the gift giving time? I'll leave you with some pics since I haven't posted any in a long time....

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Me, AJ, and Selena in the Swiss Family Robinson Tree House at Disney World

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Us on Halloween

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My badass makeup that Selena did

Happy holidays everyone! I hope you have a great time with your family/friends during this season and a wonderful 2007!
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Saturday, October 21, 2006

   It's funny how no obstacle seems too big...until life starts happening. - Christie, Dramacon

Hello everyone! I'm posting! Is anyone reading? Doubtful at this stage, but I'm in a writing mood tonight as I said to the people who PM'd me. I just woke up from a nap so I expect I'll be up a bit late tonight. I've had a rather difficult few days though. I got sick Wednesday night and then had to stay home on Thursday. Went to work on Friday and then we had a conference all day today. I started to feel bad again this afternoon so I had to come home and sleep some more. Hopefully I can get over this by Monday. But enough about my problems! How is everyone doing? I hope you are all well. Now it's really starting to be fall in most places, isn't it? I'm glad. I like fall, even if Amanda-sempai thinks I don't! I always tell her I like winter best, but actually...it's just so we don't like the same thing!

w00t-cha! I answered all my PMs and I'm about to answer the last of my MySpace messages. Then I'm going to try and redecorate both sites just for fun. I have a lot of more important things I could be doing, but when you're sick....ah, hehe, anyway that's what I'm doing tonight. Things at school are getting really hectic. We're having a carnival of sorts on Halloween and I can't wait. We're making shirts and there will be a petting zoo and games and lots of goood food! Then that night there will be Trick-or-Treating for me, AJ, Selena and Oberi-kun and Bakura-chan. And after that there's a really big party at a friend of my brother's house. November 1st I am not looking forward to you....eh-heh...I'm gonna be really tired, but I'll make it through that day. And the two after it, and then on the weekend I'll sleep. Halloween is my very most favorite holiday of all so I have to make the most of it no matter what day of the week it's on. I mean seriously, it's all about costumes and candy! I'm gonna be a Jedi again, but I don't know what anyone else is being. Last year my lightsaber batteries died in the middle of the party and I was sooo mad! But this year, I've got a brand new one (the plastic was cracked on the old one anyway...) so no worries.

Hm....I might have something else interesting to talk about, but...I'm not really sure what it is anymore. Well, if you come by when my new layout is up, tell me what you think! Oh, also to all the people who have signed my guestbook in the past few months: I'm very sorry for not getting back to you and I'll try to do it soon, ok? Have a great day everyone! *hugs* Talk to you later!

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Sunday, September 3, 2006

   Interesting...no, the other thing....tedious. - Bender, Futurama

So...I seem to recall saying that I would try to update on Labor Day weekend. I don't really have anything exciting to talk about though. I'm just sitting here waiting to rinse out my hair dye. Things are starting to get busy around here just like I knew they would and it's only going to get worse as the fall continues, so basically this is just me apologizing because I know I won't be able to make any more posts anytime soon or visit anyone or anything like that. I just hope that everyone knows how much I really do care about them and that I'll try my best to answer PMs and emails (and MySpace messages!) from you all sometime soon, ok? *hugs* I'm starting to become Bleach obsessed recently, but I don't think it will take over from my Naruto fever or anything like that. I start to get really excited in the middle of the week now though waiting for the new chapters of both mangas! Well, I guess that's about it from me. I hope everyone is having a really good semester so far going to school or working or whatever else you may be doing. Talk to you later! Oh, one more thing, people, PLEASE! Be kind to Adam-san! He works so hard and some people are so rude about things that are totally not his fault. Pass this on to everyone if you can please! Thanks! *hugs again*

EDIT: I added a fanart! It's
Iruka when he was little! I think he looks really cute and grumpy so please check it out!

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Saturday, June 10, 2006

   My deepest concerns will stay buried and unspoken...

"No Phone" by Cake

Ah, ok, so I know I've probably use that one before, and I said I wasn't doing songs anymore, but....I've been listening to it a lot lately so I can't help it. Anyway, how does everyone like the new layout? Is anyone even looking at my new layout? *snickers* I'm guessing probably not since I suck and never come here anymore. I haven't updated in a month, or changed my site in 4 months! That's a long time compared to how I used to be, but unfortunately I've just been really busy working all year. *sigh* It's ok, I like it I guess. Oh, in case you don't know the pic behind this is Auel from Gundam Seed Destiny. Sooo cuuute! And the song is one of the Bleach closing themes (3rd or 4th I think...) called LIFE. I also added a new scroll box in the intro section (it's the second one down) with all my old AMVs in it. They're on YouTube, but I didn't want to directly embed them into this page b/c they take forever to load and there's enough on here already, but if you click the pictures each one will take you directly to a video.

So what has everyone been up to lately? We started summer school last Monday and the kids are all crazy! Nah, not really, but I was extra tired this week from going to New York with Oberi and Bakura. Their parents still keep an apartment there and we stayed for about 8 days. It's right next to Chinatown, so....you can imagine I did a lot of shopping. Hehe, it was lots of fun. We also went to Central Park, the zoo, and some museums. I wanted to go to a Yankee game but there wasn't time. We saw the musical of The Lion King, as well as a cat circus from Russia. That was....interesting....I have a lot of pics from the trip, but I don't really have time to put them up right now. Somehow I'm supposed to hang out with like 6 different people tonight....I don't know how that came about b/c I normally stay home. Alone. And I like it, but....oh well, I better get going! *hugs* I hope everyone is doing well!

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Saturday, May 13, 2006

   Happy Birthday to me!!

Hello everyone! Been a while since I've posted, huh? Eh-heh....sorry about that. I have just been soooo busy getting ready for the end of school. Luckily we only have a week and a half left so the end is in sight. Oh, and yes, it was my birthday on Wednesday (the 10th) thanks so much to Darke-oniichan for the b-day shoutout and this card!!

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I also got a ton of flowers and chocolate from the kids in my class, a blender, some money, giftcards, the Evangelion movies and a DVD burner! I have to say it was a pretty good birthday. I hate getting old though....maybe someone can relate....ok, actually not, b/c most of you are so young. Lucky! Well....27 doesn't seem that bad so far at least. I'm sorry this is so short and I haven't been able to visit like I used to most of this year, but soon school will be out and I'll be going on a week's vacation to New York before summer school starts so I'll try to come by and tell you all about it. Have a great end to the school year everyone! *hugs* Talk to you later!

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Saturday, March 25, 2006


Hi-hi!! Today I went with my dad to Walk America and ohmigod am I tired! Did you know it's 8.6 miles?? I was like, "Kyaaa! That's a long way!" Add on the fact that like a million people are there and you have to park really far away just to get to where you have to start walking and it's probably about 9 miles. Also, it starts at 8am and I am soooo not a morning person, but I did it and it was ok. Along the way there's people giving out water, soda, oranges, bananas, cookies, popsicles, candy, and a whole bunch of other stuff. Then you get this little card signed at every stop and at the end you trade it in for a free lunch from a bunch of different restaurants. So......I guess it was worth it, I got a lot of exercise anyway, and now I'm staying home the rest of the day b/c I kind of have a cold. My throat has been hurting really badly for a couple days and my sinuses too.

Anyway......I haven't made a post in a really long time b/c I just have no interest in being on the computer. Also, I feel like with the little free time I do have I'd rather actually watch anime and read manga than just talk about it. It's gonna be April soon though (Spring Break at last, yaya!!) and I should be changing my site around, but.....I don't feel like it. I want to keep it like this a while longer b/c it's one of my favorite layouts I've ever had. I went ahead and changed a few things today and I'll probably just leave it at that. Before I go I have to say much props to Adam-san and the rest of the staff for working so hard on the network and things here. I come to theOtaku briefly every day just to get news and they're all really working hard! Oh, also, I read the Kamikaze Girls novel (it's the original before the movie or the manga) and it was totally kick ass. Everyone should read it. OK, maybe not everyone but it's a really, really good book and there's even a sequel that was just published in Japan last fall. I hope to see that one in English soon too.

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Monday, February 20, 2006

   Walk the path you choose as you wish so that there will be no regrets. - Zaphikel, Angel Sanctuary

Waahhh! Hikari is so mean to me! We had a four day weekend (off Friday and today) and I haven't slept past 9am once! He really just doesn't want me to sleep I think. I take him out the first time he starts barking in my ear and then 20 minutes later he's barking again! He only stops if I actually get up. It's totally ridiculous! He doesn't want me to play with him or anything, I just can't be sleeping. Maybe he's checking to make sure I'm alive or something....I don't know *sigh* Crazy dog........

Anyway, other than that I have had a great time this weekend and got a lot done. I cleaned my whole apartment, rearranged my living room (not as difficult as it sounds, it's a pretty small place) gave Hikari a bath, went rollerblading with my dad....um.......what else........oh, went clothes shopping, got my brother a birthday present (he's turning 21 next Sunday!) and worked on the designs for the main characters' clothes for the children's book series my co-teacher and I want to do. She's writing, I'm drawing, and it's about ants. That's all I'm giving away for now but maybe once I have a good drawing of each of them I'll scan them in so everyone can see.

Yesterday when I was with my dad the funniest thing happened. We were talking about.......well, I don't remember what actually, but he said that there's going to be another Indiana Jones movie. Now, in our family, we love Indiana Jones. Don't ask me why, we just do. Anyway, I asked if it was going to be another actor playing the same Indy, or maybe someone who was supposed to be his son, and my dad said no, Harrison Ford was still going to do it! I was like OMG! He's way too old to keep on being the action hero! My dad said he saw some interview or something where he said that was all he wanted to do, and I kind of carelessly said, "Well, if that's your dream...." and then I just burst out laughing b/c I had this sudden mental image of a live action Naruto movie with Harrison Ford playing Jiraiya!!! It was so funny, it's still making me laugh right now. Of course my poor dad was like, um.......what the heck is wrong with you? Actually, this may not be all that funny to anyone but me, but that's ok. I like weird things. For instance, I got a fake Valentine from my co-teacher. She made it to me, from Dan Rydell. If you know who that is, congratulations go get a cookie. Have a great week everyone! *hugs*

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Sunday, February 5, 2006

   Neither will alone, nor strength alone will be enough. - Lacus Clyne

Yep........so I've changed everything. How do you like it? I don't think I need to explain what every new part of my site is from, it's pretty obvious, right? There is one thing though, the first scroll box after my welcome banner. I kind of combined two different people's ideas to make it. AJ-kun was the first to use the 3 part picture and the 'currently obsessed with' part, but the 'current anime' and 'current manga' sections I stole from Shawn-san, so if either of them ever come by here again I hope they don't mind! The pics of Naruto, Shikamaru and Gaara that are in there are from a promo page for the 2nd Naruto movie. If you went to see it in the theater in Japan you could get one of those watches! I wish I had one!! Oh, also I stole the auto-start music code from AJ, but lots of people have that. It's "Kanashimi wo Yasashisa Ni" which is one of the Naruto closings........or is it openings? I can't remember, but it's my favorite song from the anime.

Also, I guess you can see I've changed my post styles a bit. I won't be putting up pictures regularly because, well, there's already a lot of pictures on my site. I'll just put them up if I have a reason to at the time. I hope this doesn't bother anyone, but I feel like my page will probably take forever to load as it is. I'm not always going to use song quotes anymore either, sometimes I will if I think of a good one, but I have a lot of anime quotes stored up that I want to use first. I've been working hard on my Naruto fanarts lately so here's two more that I just uploaded,
Chouji, and Sakura. Please take a look! Sakura looks a bit funny colored on one side, but it's just b/c I did something wrong when I was scanning it....*sigh* oh well.

So now it is February which means my birthday is getting close.........NOT! Still 4 more months, but.......today is Hikari-kun's birthday! He's two years old today! Hehe, such a big boy. Nichole was supposed to bring Rosco-kun over to play tonight and watch the SuperBowl, but I think she went to Jacksonville with her husband. It's ok, I'm not really interested in the SuperBowl anyway. I want to go back to watching my Zeta Gundam. I keep vacillating between thinking it sucks and thinking it's awesome. Anyway, I need to give it some more time I think. Well, that's about it for me, know that I am still lurking about even if I don't leave you any comments. Have a great week everyone! *hugs*

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