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sailor firestar
Shizuoka, Japan
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English Teacher
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stayed alive for 28+ years
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Favorite Anime
Sailor Moon, Naruto, Spirited Away, all things CLAMP, all things Gundam
to not freeze during my first Japanese winter!
Rollerblading, Writing, Drawing, Reading, Karate
Pretty much the same as those *points upwards*
| sailor firestar
Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 12/07/04:
You find yourself lost in the world today where so many are happy. You suffer every day knowing that it may be the worlds last and you want desperatly to leave your life but somehow you find that you cant. Maybe because you have some one you love or someone who needs you.
what kind of personality do you have? brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 12/07/04:
 Earth- You are solid and dependable. You have a love for sports, and can often be found working out.
What Element Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 12/06/04:
heh, I like this one...
 Blood Force. Violent one, aren't you? They've probably tried to lock you up, but you broke out. If they haven't, and if by some chance no one even thinks you're so full of rage, you're just waiting to explode and show them who the strongest is. YOU.
Which Demon Force Rules You? brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 12/05/04:
holy crap! I was hoping for anarchist but I think the closest thing is anarcho-capitalist...oh well...
You are Fascist
What: Fascism Where: At the distant bottom-right of the politcal spectrum How: Fascism supports total civil opression, particularly for minorities, who were prosecuted. However, it does open up to a free market. It has been attempted and failed in countries including Italy, and socialist version of it called Nazism was tried in Germany. What political extremity are you?
Result Posted on 12/05/04:
 Your me as a catgirl.
A bit strange, a little on the crazy side. You love mangos and all types of anime. So maybe yoru a little on the...weird side. You dont give a DAMN what those other losers think. Congrats, keep being yourself.
What Anime Cat-girl are you? brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 12/05/04:
so what if it's for boys??
 You are Water.
You're very sweet, but not so gooey that guys would think that you're gay, but still, you're nice to others. You're the easiest to get along with from the entire lot, and you'd rather spend a quiet evening with your girlfriend rather than going to some noisy night club. The sweetest of all the elements, even more so than light, you're a nice guy. ^_~
Element Test: For the Boys brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 12/05/04:
hmm...I thought she was kinda bitchy...
Result Posted on 12/04/04:
Result Posted on 12/04/04:
wow, that's incredibly accurate...and pretty too! too bad they didn't spell who right...
Result Posted on 12/04/04:
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