Your tears are lavender. You are a dreamer. You
dream of lands with lilac skies, glimmering
stars, and rushing crystal waters. You long for
love and companionship. You feel as if your
young years are seeping away through your
brittle fingers and that you are not living
your youth to the fullest. Your beliefs are
love, passion, togetherness, and the power of
two. Although you are quite the passionate
type, your true love has not yet entered your
life, though you have before thought your
school crush as your true love. You cry when
you think yourself to be all alone in this
emmense, mysterious world, but you never stop
to take notice that you are surrounded by warm,
loving people who would be willing to embrace
you in their kindness and chase away your
shadowy thoughts. Just keep on believing and
your imagination land will someday become a
What Color Are Your Tears brought to you by Quizilla