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a tortured student; fanfic writer
Real Name
who wants to know
Made it through 10th grade
Anime Fan Since
I watched Slayers Try when I first moved to WA; but I had seen Sailor Moon, Tenchi, and Transformers never realizing it was anime (manga: CCS)
Favorite Anime
Full Metal Alchemist
Survive 11th grade
watching anime, reading, drawing(or try to)/writing, singing/listen to music (J-pop rocks), daydreaming
| Sailor Otaku
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Thursday, September 2, 2004
Like my new pic? I made it myself! I'm so happy! I can't believe I actually made it, too! Hip hip hooray ^_^
Hmmm... now I need new music...
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Tuesday, August 31, 2004
Today was a good day
I got to see Princess Diaries 2 today. Really great movie and I love it. I think that it's better than the first one.
And, as of today, I have one week to school starts. So, technically, that's the only downfall that will be overlooked ^_^
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Monday, August 30, 2004
Well, I haven't been on for a couple of days because my dad has been installing and updating stuff on the computer.
Kinda boring here; going to the movies tomorrow, then work on Wed, then doing something Thurs or Fri. Trying to do some things before school starts *sigh*
But I did get to see Kill Bill Vol. 2. It's sadder than the first one, I think, and less gory. And like the first, I like the music.
That's all I have to say. Told ya it's boring around here.
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Friday, August 27, 2004
Just got back from getting my schedule, student id, and getting my pic taken for the yearbook. It took forever, since the long was going so slow (like they can't make it any faster and waste our precious summer break hours). It was held at the middle school where my little sister goes, since we have no school.
Got my schedule changed. I now have math (preclac), no peer tutor, no gym (I'll have to take a full year for my senior year T_T), will take psychology second semester, US History, Wld Civ 2 (I was told I didn't need to take it; have to fix that), physics, and horticulture science. It's okay, but I have no classes with my friends. I know my physics teacher; had her math once, and I like her, so that's good.
And they messed up my id picture!
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Thursday, August 26, 2004
Anyone know a place where I can find a good pic of Yami for the profile picture? I'm going to makeover my site; school is going to start, season's are gonna change, so I thought that my site needs updating.
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My Egyptian Name is Anippe (daughter of the Nile). Take The Egyptian Name Generator today! Created with Rum and Monkey's Name Generator Generator.
Ancient Egypt is so cool; I was always watching things on the curse of Tut (which I believe is real) and things like that. Mummies, pyramids, the gods and goddesses... it fascinated me and it made me want to become an archealogist (I know I didn't spell that right).
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I got to go see YGH today! I thought it was great, I wished that Bakura was in it. I also liked the music.
The card that I got was a third Blue Eyes Shining Dragon. I gave it to a girl who was in front of me to get popcorn. It was really funny, when she first turned around, she exclaimed "Ah, Inu Yasha!"; I was wearing my IY shirt. I showed her my card, and her mouth dropped when I said it was my third Dragon; so I just gave it to her. And for some strange reason, she seemed so familiar, and I've never met her before.
I can't wait for the whole hour of YGH Saturday.
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Can't get to sleep
It's 4 in the morning, and I can't get to sleep. I went to bed at 11:45, then I wake up at 12:30, and here I am now, telling all of you. I'm never going to get to sleep when school starts; I'll be sleeping in school!
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Haven't done quizzes in a while...
Are you an InuYasha fan? brought to you by Quizilla
And I guessed on a few, but they were educated ones ^_^
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Friday, August 20, 2004
I'm slowly losing my mind...
I really am.
1 - I'm not looking forward to school which is starting in a couple of weeks. They've already created problems for me, and since we have no school, that doesn't help
2 - My family is driving me insane; I'm having some issues with them
3 - It's soooo hot here (but nothing really like TX)
I just want to get away from here; like go some place and have fun or really relax. I just want some time to think and sort things out
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